3 Ways to Become a Ninja

3 Ways to Become a Ninja
3 Ways to Become a Ninja

Table of contents:


Ninjas have a pretty cool reputation, and it's not surprising that a lot of people want to be one of them. The ability to sneak undetected, tenacity, and physical and mental strength are essential parts of mastering how to become a ninja. Learn self-defense, how to walk without making a sound, and be aware of your surroundings so you're always ready no matter what mission you take.


Method 1 of 3: Practice Being a Ninja

Be a Ninja Step 1
Be a Ninja Step 1

Step 1. Join a martial arts class to master hand-to-hand combat

Ninjutsu is a traditional martial arts class that ninjas study, but these classes are hard to find where martial arts courses are. If this option isn't available at all, try looking for a taekwondo, karate, yuyitsu, or judo class.

These martial arts train the body so that it can fight without using weapons. Although sometimes ninjas use weapons, it is not recommended that you carry them around as they are not safe

Be a Ninja Step 2
Be a Ninja Step 2

Step 2. Learn parkour to be more comfortable with your surroundings

If you're a ninja, chances are you'll use skills whenever needed. Parkour lets you get from one place to another quickly by climbing or jumping. You'll feel ready for all the challenges that come your way if you can jump over walls or cars when you need to.

Watch video tutorials or take classes to learn the basics of parkour, then apply your practice on the streets and teach yourself to use the world as your playground


Parkour really requires a strong physique so if it's not strong enough, do a full body workout before moving on to more difficult parkour moves.

Be a Ninja Step 3
Be a Ninja Step 3

Step 3. Fine-tune your balance so that you can move quickly and swiftly

As a ninja, you need to be able to slither from corner to corner, move quickly, and hide in tight places. Having a good balance will help you do all of this. Try some of the following balance exercises:

  • Do 30-45 squats daily to strengthen your calves and thighs.
  • Work your core muscles so that your center of gravity is as strong as possible.
  • Practice standing on one leg at a time until you can do it without wobbling for 60 seconds.
  • Join a pilates or yoga class to improve balance and full body strength.
Be a Ninja Step 4
Be a Ninja Step 4

Step 4. Learn how to blend in with your surroundings and distract yourself

Ninjas pride themselves on being able to hide in plain sight without their enemies noticing. However, if you're caught and need to escape quickly, you'll need to know how to distract those who are after you.

  • To blend in better with your surroundings, practice keeping yourself calm. Don't be too loud or too quiet, or don't brag about your ninja skills in front of others.
  • To create a distraction, you can do things like quietly toss a pen across the room so that it makes a sound when it hits a wall. When everyone turns to look for the source of the sound, this is your chance to escape.
Be a Ninja Step 5
Be a Ninja Step 5

Step 5. Practice sneaking so others are aware when you approach

Start by placing your pinky on the floor, and roll your other four toes until they are all touching the floor. If necessary, roll out the stride so that your heels are resting on the floor. However, when moving, mainly you can walk with your fingertips.

  • It helps if you crouch slightly when walking so that the point of gravity is more concentrated. It also reduces your chances of losing your balance
  • You can even practice walking on all fours if you're in a place where you can't stand up straight.

Method 2 of 3: Sharpen the Senses

Be a Ninja Step 6
Be a Ninja Step 6

Step 1. Meditate to gain internal control and increase focus

A clear mind is an important part of the success of a ninja. It helps if you are alert in every situation so that you are always prepared for whatever may happen. Try some of the following meditations to find what works best for you:

  • Try mindful breathing. The trick is to set a timer for 3-5 minutes and focus on your breath. Inhale through your nose and count to 5 and exhale through your mouth for 4 seconds. Repeat until the timer goes off.
  • Download the meditation app and follow the daily program to make meditation a part of your everyday life. Calm, Headspace, Insight Timer, and 10% Happier are all good apps worth checking out.
  • Join yoga and meditation classes for instructor guidance.
Be a Ninja Step 7
Be a Ninja Step 7

Step 2. Always be aware of your surroundings

Observe the people around you and determine what obstacles will get in the way if you need to move fast, then adjust your five senses.

  • Being alert will also help you remember things better, which can be useful if you're in unfamiliar places.
  • Pay attention to what you see, smell, feel, touch, and hear to stay alert and ready to face any problems.
Be a Ninja Step 8
Be a Ninja Step 8

Step 3. Read the behavior of those around you to assess potential threats

Even if someone didn't seem dangerous, he was still unbelievable. Part of being a ninja is being able to tell the difference between who is and isn't worthy of being a partner. Pay attention to what the other person is saying, if he is acting nervous or agitated, and how he changes in the presence of other people.

If you're on a reconnaissance mission and don't want anyone concerned to know you're being watched, do your best to blend in with your surroundings. Pretend to be looking at your phone or reading a book so you can keep an eye on the person involved without risking being caught

Signs Someone is Lying:

Avoid eye contact


Reduced blinking or puckering of the eyes.

Including too many details in the story or forgetting these details later

Avoid using words like “I”, “I”, and “mine”

Be a Ninja Step 9
Be a Ninja Step 9

Step 4. Become a master of Shugendo, the Japanese disciplinary practice

Shugendo emphasizes physical and mental endurance as part of enlightenment. Read as much as you can about this practice, and try to find an accessible group in your city. Otherwise, many parts of Buddhism are similar to Shugendo. This step can be a great spiritual practice to further become a ninja.

There are some great articles and sites to read to learn more about Shugendo. You can also visit the library to look for books related to this topic


Hitoshi Miyake's Shugendo, Martin Faulks' Shugendo: The Way of the Mountain Monks, and The Mandala of the Mountain: Shugendo and Folk Religion, also by Hitoshi Miyake, are books that will provide a wealth of information regarding the history and practice of Shugendo.

Method 3 of 3: Dress like a Ninja

Be a Ninja Step 10
Be a Ninja Step 10

Step 1. Wear regular clothes if you want to blend in around you

A big part of a ninja's life is being able to camouflage yourself with your surroundings, and if you're going to be around other people a lot, it's best to blend in rather than stand out. We recommend that all black clothes are only worn for sneaking at night.

  • One of the reasons why ninjas are so powerful is that they can approach their targets without being noticed.
  • However, if you want to show yourself as a ninja, feel free to wear clothes that show your personality.
Be a Ninja Step 11
Be a Ninja Step 11

Step 2. Choose clothes that don't rustle or make noise so they can move around quietly

Even if you try to blend in with your surroundings, you should still be able to move quickly and quietly when needed. Choose clothes made of cotton, cotton blends, and worn denim. For shoes, choose one that doesn't squeak or make a sound when you walk. Don't wear jewelry that jingles.

Avoid clothes made of synthetic materials, such as polyester, acrylic, and rayon

Be a Ninja Step 12
Be a Ninja Step 12

Step 3. Wear traditional ninja clothes when doing missions at night

This outfit is called “foku shinobi”. Choose pants and tops that are dark and loose fitting so that they can move easily. Layer your t-shirt, wear a dark kimono or shorts and secure it with a belt.

Purchase a pair of tabi bots to complete the look. This footwear helps you move more quietly


Choose navy blue instead of black to blend in better at night. Black is easier to see at night because it reflects more light.

Be a Ninja Step 13
Be a Ninja Step 13

Step 4. Wear a black mask to cover your eyes while stealth missions

You can wear a simple mask like a ski mask, or wear a bottle neck shirt and a black beanie to cover your face. Do your best to cover the face so that only the eyes are visible.

If you feel like you need a mask or clothing at some point and don't have time to go home and change, carry them all in your backpack. That way, you'll always be on hand


  • Read books related to Ninjutsu to get to know the history of ninja better. Mansen Shukai, Shoninki, and Shinobi Hiden are the 3 legitimate ninja "books".
  • Some people want to be ninjas for fun because they like the way they look, while others want to be able to do the things ninjas do. Do as much ninja training as feels right for you!
  • Don't use your ninja skills to hit other people just for fun!
