5 Ways to Make Lips Look Bigger

5 Ways to Make Lips Look Bigger
5 Ways to Make Lips Look Bigger

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Fuller and fuller lips are considered a sign of health and beauty in most societies. Therefore, do not be surprised if traits like this are highly coveted! Although the actual size of the lips is determined by genetics, there are many ways to go if women try to make their lips shinier. While surgery is the only proven way to increase their size, there are several ways you can take to naturally improve the appearance and texture of your lips. In the not too distant future, you're on the right track to getting prettier lips.


Method 1 of 5: Exfoliating Lips

Make Lips Look Bigger Step 1
Make Lips Look Bigger Step 1

Step 1. Exfoliate your lips with a toothbrush

Often, the first thing you should look to when looking for an answer is a homemade solution; When it comes to skin and lip care, there's no better way to start than exfoliating. Like your body and face, your lips produce dead skin particles; these particles don't reflect light like the rest of your lips, and may have the effect of making your lips appear smaller. Using a toothbrush and lightly scrubbing in circular motions for about two minutes will remove excess dry skin, leaving your lips looking brighter, and feeling softer.

Avoid using harsher materials or other exfoliating agents. Lips are not very resistant to dishwashing coir

Make Lips Look Bigger Step 2
Make Lips Look Bigger Step 2

Step 2. Apply a homemade exfoliating mixture. If you want to use a simple homemade exfoliant for your lips, a basic mixture of brown sugar and honey is just right for added shine and moisture

First, pour in a tablespoon of brown sugar, then slowly add the honey until it becomes a thick paste. Once this easy mixture is ready, dip it in a washcloth and scrub your lips in gentle circular motions. The grainy texture of the sugar will rub off the dead skin flakes, and the chemical properties of the ingredient will make your lips shinier.

  • Replace honey with coconut and olive oil in this mixture, if you have one or prefer this ingredient.
  • Apply an unscented lip balm after you wash off the paste. This will help soften the lips immediately after exfoliating.
Make Lips Look Bigger Step 3
Make Lips Look Bigger Step 3

Step 3. Try a baking soda mix

If you want another homemade exfoliant, try adding a little water to a teaspoon of baking soda. Baking soda is one of the most versatile household ingredients out there, and its benefits can be used for lip care, too. Making and using a baking soda mixture is similar to the coconut oil method:

  • First, add enough water to make the baking soda a thick paste, much like the exfoliating agent for brown sugar.
  • When you're done, dip the solution with a washcloth or finger, and apply it to your lips. This will soften the lips and remove any dead skin that may have built up.
Make Lips Look Bigger Step 4
Make Lips Look Bigger Step 4

Step 4. Apply cinnamon powder to your lips

In addition to its grainy texture (which helps exfoliate like brown sugar) cinnamon contains chemicals that stimulate blood flow, making your lips appear fuller naturally. However, keep in mind that the spicy nature of cinnamon will sting open wounds, so it's not recommended if you have healing wounds around your lips and mouth. Follow these steps:

  • First, apply Vaseline to your lips until it covers the lips evenly.
  • Next, apply cinnamon powder to the lips; The vaseline will make the cinnamon stick.
  • Rub the cinnamon so that it covers the entire surface of your lips, and leave it on for a few minutes.
  • Next, clean with a damp cloth. After following these steps, your lips will surely become fuller, and look more rosy than before.
Make Lips Look Bigger Step 5
Make Lips Look Bigger Step 5

Step 5. Buy a specific product for lips at the store

While homemade solutions are a better place to start, it doesn't hurt to find out how many products are specifically designed to exfoliate and moisturize lips. Fortunately, many of them tend to be cheaper than other cosmetic products. Scrubs, moisturizers, and various exfoliating agents are available for this purpose; check the cosmetic brand of your choice.

Method 2 of 5: Moisturizing and Cleansing Lips

Make Lips Look Bigger Step 6
Make Lips Look Bigger Step 6

Step 1. Wash your face regularly

Without frequent wiping with a washcloth and treating it with a facial cleanser, unwanted dirt and excess oil will accumulate on the skin; including your lips. Keeping your face clear of sebum is a great way to promote a healthy appearance, as well as prevent many factors that may come into play in weakening the freshness of your lips.

Make Lips Look Bigger Step 7
Make Lips Look Bigger Step 7

Step 2. Use a mixture of rose water and glycerol

As with exfoliating, there are many homemade solutions you can make to moisturize your lips. Among the more popular recipes is the combination of glycerol and rose water. Add the two ingredients in equal proportions to a small bowl, and apply the solution to your lips. Leave it overnight; that way, your lips have plenty of time to absorb the substance. Rose water is favored by makeup artists because it can shrink pores; rose water is perfect for cleaning lips from blemishes like dust and makeup marks. As you might imagine, this creates the effect of fuller lips.

If you're not the kind of person who likes to make your own ingredients, you can find a homemade mix of rose water and glycerol you can find at your local pharmacy or health department

Make Lips Look Bigger Step 8
Make Lips Look Bigger Step 8

Step 3. Apply coconut oil to your lips

While coconut oil can be used in tandem with brown sugar as a good exfoliant, unmixed coconut oil makes a great lip moisturizer. Coconut oil contains many nutrients, such as vitamin E, which is good for moisture. Coconut oil is antimicrobial, antibacterial, and contains lots of antioxidants; With so many benefits, coconut oil is gaining popularity as a beauty tool as well as a cooking ingredient. Applying a teaspoon of coconut oil to your lips will help moisturize and soften them. Since coconut oil is solid at room temperature, you'll first need to heat it for a while so that it melts and becomes soft.

Make Lips Look Bigger Step 9
Make Lips Look Bigger Step 9

Step 4. Try using real honey

Like coconut oil, honey contains many good nutrients and antioxidants, which help prevent premature aging and UV damage. In other words - a good choice when it comes to skin care! Dab a little and apply gently to your lips like using coconut oil or conventional lip balm. Look for real honey, as unpasteurized honey contains more active nutrients and enzymes that will help keep your skin moisturized and bright. Put it on before bed, and leave it on while you sleep; that way, the spread has time to work its magic.

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Make Lips Look Bigger Step 10

Step 5. Pinch the green tea bag close to your lips

In addition to getting the natural health benefits of tea, by placing an old tea bag between your lips and holding it for three minutes, your lips absorb the nutrients directly. The next time you drink green tea, take the tea bag after dipping. Pinch the tea bag to your lips while you wait for the drink to warm up. Done in a semi-casual manner, this little trick can rejuvenate the appearance and condition of your lips!

Make Lips Look Bigger Step 11
Make Lips Look Bigger Step 11

Step 6. Massage lips with ice cubes

Massaging your lips regularly is a good way to increase blood flow and make your lips fuller. Massaging it gently for a few minutes every day is a good way to have fuller lips naturally. One of the best ways to do this is to rub your lips with an ice cube. This will relax the lip muscles and make the pigment redder and brighter.

If it's too cold to apply directly to the skin, wrap the ice cubes in a clean washcloth

Method 3 of 5: Applying Cosmetics

Make Lips Look Bigger Step 12
Make Lips Look Bigger Step 12

Step 1. Choose the right type of makeup

While makeup is one of the best (and certainly most popular) ways to enhance the appearance of your lips, you need to choose the right type of makeup for this; otherwise, the makeup might actually have the opposite effect than you want! Remember, you want to avoid darker lipsticks if you want fuller lips. Skin-tone or light lipsticks are more suitable in this case. Also, choosing a concealer and lip liner that matches your skin tone can make or break a cosmetic approach. Knowing what is and isn't great for your lips is an important first step. In general, you want to choose a color that doesn't conflict with your natural skin tone.

If you're not sure what's right for you, ask the sales clerk at the cosmetics store for help; often, they know specifically what shades are best suited for each skin type

Make Lips Look Bigger Step 13
Make Lips Look Bigger Step 13

Step 2. Apply concealer all over the lips

Before applying lipstick and lip liner, you should make sure to start with a good "canvas". A good concealer will remove natural lip lines, allowing you to draw your own lip lines. Carefully blend the concealer, making sure you apply it evenly on your lips and around them.

Make Lips Look Bigger Step 14
Make Lips Look Bigger Step 14

Step 3. Draw bigger lips with lip liner

Lip liner is used to sharpen the boundary between your lips and your face. If you want to make your lips appear bigger, line the lip liner slightly beyond the edges of your lips. After applying lipstick, this larger "canvas" will give the impression of fuller lips. After redrawing the lips, lipstick and lip gloss should be applied evenly to the newly created area.

  • A blunt pencil will not apply the color evenly as you would like while a sharp pencil will produce a sharp line.
  • Don't try too much! Redrawing lips can be great if done in moderation; too much will make the effect seem unnatural.
Make Lips Look Bigger Step 15
Make Lips Look Bigger Step 15

Step 4. Apply lipstick, following the newly drawn lip line

With the lip liner as a guide, apply lipstick to the expanded area evenly. With the presence of concealer, lipstick that has been applied will create the illusion of fuller and fuller lips. Again, using the same skin tone as peach and pale pink works best for this purpose.

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Make Lips Look Bigger Step 16

Step 5. Line under your lower lip with eyeliner

Creating a false 'shadow' under the lips is a useful trick to give a deeper impression. Line the bottom of the lower lip with brown or white eyeliner. Make sure the line is very smooth; this technique should be made as an accent. If you're using white eyeliner, one more fine line at the top of your upper lip will make the impression even more.

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Make Lips Look Bigger Step 17

Step 6. Give extra shine to your lips, with lip gloss

After the lipstick is applied evenly, with a little lip gloss your lips will look shiny naturally. Lip gloss is available in a variety of textures, including translucent, lacquer, milky, transparent, and tinted. In this case, neutral colors are best recommended. That way, you will get soft lips without losing their natural appeal.

Method 4 of 5: Train Your Lips

Make Lips Look Bigger Step 18
Make Lips Look Bigger Step 18

Step 1. Whistle

Like the rest of your body, you can train your lips to make them stronger. One of the best ways is to whistle. Whistling puts pressure on the lips, and stimulates blood flow. Try to whistle every chance you get. Aside from creating melodious notes, a relaxed whistle will help you achieve fuller lips in the long run.

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Make Lips Look Bigger Step 19

Step 2. Exercise your lips by pursing them

Pursing your lips is an easy exercise to build strength and plumpness of your lips. Purse your lips as if to kiss someone, then press your hand to your lips to welcome the kiss. Keep your hands away after a few seconds, then loosen the cone while exhaling. These steps count as one "rep" of the exercise. Repeat as many times as you want in one session; for starters should do between 10-20 times.

While pursing your lips this much may feel awkward at first, you will feel stronger lips after a few sessions of this exercise

Make Lips Look Bigger Step 20
Make Lips Look Bigger Step 20

Step 3. Try breathing exercises to work your lips

Breathing exercises can also help plump your lips, as long as your lips are held in place. Purse your lips, inhale through your nose, and exhale while keeping your lips pursed. This will stimulate the lips and help make them appear fuller. Doing reps between 5-10 times is a good exercise session for your lips. Repeat this session daily, or twice a day for a fuller appearance of your lips.

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Make Lips Look Bigger Step 21

Step 4. Use a lip pump

To make lips bigger quickly, many pumps and simple lip "cups" make lips fuller by sucking on them. Placing the lip cup in your mouth and sucking on it creates pressure and blood flow, making your lips instantly larger in size. These reasonably priced lip cups are readily available and ready to use, and are perfect for taking to social events, for use when you need to freshen up your look.

Method 5 of 5: Reviewing Operation Options

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Make Lips Look Bigger Step 22

Step 1. Consult a doctor

While it is not recommended with so many potentially effective alternatives, surgery is still an option for someone who wants fuller lips. Most surgeries involve injecting a substance into the lips, and they usually work on a semi-permanent basis, repeated every few months. Since each person's lips are unique, consulting a trusted doctor about surgery is very important if you consider the possibility. Your doctor will be able to offer specific advice that relates to your situation, as well as details regarding the surgical procedure chosen.

Make sure the doctor is trustworthy and has a good reputation. Operations like collagen injections have had many bad consequences in the past, and it's important to find a doctor who knows what they're doing

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Make Lips Look Bigger Step 23

Step 2. Do your research

Look for hyaluronic acid filler (HAF) injections. Compared to some of the older methods used for lip augmentation, hyaluronic acid is the safest and most recommended type of filler for your lips. The fillers in these injections are similar to naturally occurring compounds found in the body, and unlike fat transfer, do not require liposuction. HAF injections are used to improve the shape, structure and volume of your lips. Although quite expensive (between 500-2000 dollars) and not covered by most health insurance, acceptance of these injections is generally very positive.

  • Today, collagen is a less common lip filler than it used to be, but it still plays a pretty important role in the world of lip augmentation. Take the time to study collagen if you are considering surgical options.
  • Another widely used method for lip augmentation is fat transfer. This procedure transplants fat from another part of the body (removed via liposuction) and injects it into your lips. While this means you won't have any foreign substances in your body, the process is longer, less comfortable, and carries more risks than the HAF injection.
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Make Lips Look Bigger Step 24

Step 3. Schedule and attend your surgery

While the world may seem very strange, most lip augmentation surgeries take place fairly quickly. While you may feel anxious, lip augmentation is relatively painless. Topical agents are often applied to the lips to reduce discomfort from the injection. Although the operation is short and relatively simple, you will need to arrange another appointment in half a year if you want to maintain the appearance of your lips.

Don't worry if there are uneven lumps postoperatively; This concentration of filler dissolves quickly, leaving your lips looking full and consistent


  • The biggest trick to getting bigger looking lips is to keep these techniques subtle. Ultimately, you want to draw attention to the look you already have, and if you go overboard, be it exfoliating, cosmetic or surgery, the results are bound to fall short. Trust in your Natural look, and use the following steps as a way to highlight it.
  • Eating foods rich in Vitamin C can help naturally rejuvenate the skin, and have a positive effect on the appearance and texture of your lips.


  • Don't let yourself be too dependent on the appearance of your lips. Physical beauty cannot be defined by a single trait; giving access to a certain part of the face may help, but the surest way to be beautiful is to treat the body evenly.
  • Try to avoid licking the injured lip. This will dry out the lips, making them appear thinner.
  • Never use lipstick and other makeup in excess; You want to accent the natural face, not cover it up!
  • While you may envy the perfect-looking lips of a certain celebrity, it's worth remembering that many professional images are illusions; perfect lips on screen or stage may not be that perfect in person. It's a good idea to stay realistic when looking for ways of self-improvement of any kind.
