If you're dealing with a bad teacher, you have to work harder than just to pass. You've got to protect yourself while you're still getting an education-and maybe, if you're lucky, learn a little bit about how to deal with a tough relationship. Maybe the teacher just has a complicated teaching style or personality, or maybe he's ready to retire. In some other cases, a teacher may cross the line and become inappropriate or even violent. Seeking help will make things better.
Method 1 of 4: Interacting with Difficult Teachers

Step 1. Think clearly why you think the teacher is bad
After getting a bad impression of a teacher, it's easy for you to hate everything about him. What aspect of the teacher's behavior hinders your learning the most? What aspects are classified as just mildly annoying? Recognizing these core problems is the first step to developing a plan for dealing with bad teachers.
- For example, you may have a teacher who likes to make cheap jokes and doesn't give clear homework. You may be able to ignore the joke, but you can ask the teacher to put information about homework on the blackboard before class ends.
- A very strict teacher can be annoying, especially if you find it easier to learn in a more relaxed environment. But if the teacher intentionally scares or embarrass the students, you need to talk to parents or other adults at school about the situation.

Step 2. Evaluate your own behavior
Did any of your behavior contribute to the bad relationship between you and the teacher? You have to take responsibility for your own behavior. For example, even if the teacher is boring, you have no reason to sleep in his class.
If you realize that you have caused a bad situation, change your behavior and apologize. For example, you could say: "I'm sorry for not paying attention in class yesterday. I know math is important and I want to get better." Don't turn your apology into an opportunity to criticize: for example, don't say: "I'm sorry I overslept, because you're really boring."

Step 3. Talk to your teacher
Ask him politely and respectfully how you can do better in class. Listen to the advice and criticism he gives you. Don't respond defensively. Instead, try to meditate on what you hear to make sure you understand correctly.
Teachers often value students who take initiative. Instead of asking, "How can I get good grades?" try to approach a difficult teacher with a specific plan and seek input from him. For example, you could say: "I plan to study for this exam by rereading the assigned chapters and making flashcards containing the vocabulary. Do you think my study plan is good? Do you have any other suggestions?"

Step 4. Appreciate and encourage good teaching
Just as the teacher tries to encourage you, you can also encourage the teacher to give interesting and relevant lectures and assignments. This step is a long-term approach, but it can be beneficial in your learning and also in making the class easier to live. However, always be sincere: pretending to be enthusiastic will only worsen the relationship between the student and the teacher.
- Ask a variety of questions that show that you have read and studied the subject matter. A bored teacher can become more engaged and excited when he sees that his students are genuinely interested.
- Don't just talk to the teacher when you want to ask for a deadline extension or other help.
- Thank you for a very clear explanation or an assignment that really helped you in your studies.

Step 5. Focus on your own success, not the teacher
It's easy to get busy judging and developing theories about people you don't like. However, people who are difficult to understand usually have some hidden reasons for their irrational behavior. Remember that you don't have to be friends with your teacher. Stay focused on how to do your best in class.
Method 2 of 4: Engaging Parents with Difficult Teachers

Step 1. Identify whether the issue should involve parents
If the teacher's behavior scares you or makes it difficult for you to learn, consider involving your parents. Examples of behaviors that may merit parental intervention include:
- Often shouts, belittles, or intentionally embarrass students.
- Behaving very disorganized. This can be in the form of eliminating assignments that have been submitted or not filling in grades.
- If the teacher can't teach in a way that allows you to learn.
- Give assignments without subject matter.

Step 2. Discuss the problem with the parents
Come up with specific examples. For example, instead of saying "My teacher is scary," say: "Last Thursday, my teacher was so angry that he hit all of our tables with a ruler and shouted at us for ten minutes. I was really scared that time."

Step 3. Ask parents to contact your teacher
It's a good idea for a parent to contact the teacher by letter or email. That way, your parents can have documentation of the interactions between the two parties if you have to go to the principal or other authorities later. The email can be an invitation to chat in person or over the phone, and must include a phone number.
If possible, read the content of the email before your parents send it to make sure they understand the issue

Step 4. Continue with the phone call if you don't get a reply
Your parents should note when they call the teacher.

Step 5. Know when to ask your parents to contact the principal or other authority
If the teacher does not respond, the problem is not resolved, or the situation worsens, it is time to speak to someone who is above the teacher.
Method 3 of 4: Getting Help If You Have a Rude Teacher

Step 1. Identify inappropriate or abusive behavior
In many places, teachers are not allowed to physically punish students. Teachers must not approach their students romantically or sexually, or make sexually suggestive comments or jokes. It is not permissible for teachers to embarrass or oppress students.
- For example, teachers shouldn't make comments like, "If only you were older, I'd date you." or other words that seem to suggest or invite a love relationship. Sometimes these comments can seem flattering. However, comments like this are a violation of the teacher-student relationship.
- Teachers should not isolate students to be humiliated or invite other students to mock their students. Reprimanding a disciple in this way is inappropriate bullying behavior.
- Although giving reasonable consequences or speaking sternly to a student is normal for a teacher, he should not shout, rant at a student, or threaten a student with unfair punishment.

Step 2. Watch your own reaction
It's a normal reaction to be afraid of a class being taught by a grumpy teacher, but feeling horrified or sad when you enter the classroom can be a signal that there is a more serious problem. Realize if your feelings about entering that class have affected your life or prevented you from enjoying your usual activities. Disliking math class might still be natural, but not if you've been feeling down all week because of it.

Step 3. Record and document inappropriate behavior
Record the exact date and, if possible, the words or deeds that occurred, or record them with your phone. Information like this can be much more helpful than general statements like "That mom always bullied one of the kids" or "That dad always talks about girls and dates in weird ways." Find out if any other students or teachers witnessed the incident.

Step 4. Take the matter with your parents to a higher authority
Inappropriate or violent behavior must be reported. Start discussing it with your parents. You can ask them to meet with the principal, head teacher, head of department, or other competent authority. Be prepared to report your concerns in writing. If these conversations don't work, talk to a higher-level official: the school superintendent, the school board, or the authority from the local education department.
Physical or sexual abuse should be reported to the police if you feel it is safe to do so. You can also seek help from a therapist or counselor and tell what happened. If you feel you can't report it to anyone, call the hotline that specializes in violence against children

Step 5. Ask to change classes
While the school authorities deal with this teacher, you should not remain in the class taught by him. Ask to change to another class if possible, or ask that you be allowed to stop the lesson and go back to taking it with another teacher.
Method 4 of 4: Take Responsibility for Your Own Learning

Step 1. Don't ignore an assignment in a class just because you don't like the teacher teaching
Make an effort to do all assigned work and stay current with the material. Sometimes, you may find that you prefer a demanding teacher once you begin to understand the subject.

Step 2. Set your own target
If a teacher doesn't actually teach the class, you may have to set your own learning and work goals to achieve them. Use external sources or information to gauge what you should learn in this course. Setting realistic personal targets is an important part of the self-learning system.
- For example, if you are taking a preparatory class for the national exam, look up questions from the previous year in the school library. Read any of them thoroughly and identify what you still have to learn.
- Take advantage of your textbook. Most textbooks have sample questions and answers at the end of each chapter. Make it a goal to be able to correctly answer 80% of the relevant questions.

Step 3. Rely on other teachers whenever possible
Make good use of other resources, such as extra study time led by other teachers, to study subjects taught by annoying teachers. Just because you can't learn a topic from the teacher doesn't mean you don't have to study it at all!
For example, if your foreign language teacher is very bad, you can seek advice from other language teachers on how to learn and practice the language. Don't criticize your teacher, but simply ask this other teacher to help you study outside of class

Step 4. Form study groups with other students in your class
Studying with friends can provide the morale support you need to succeed in the class even if your teacher sucks. Also, you can understand certain concepts better if you hear other people explain them.
- Each week, take turns teaching each other about the key concepts from the lesson. Use a white board or chart paper to illustrate and demonstrate ideas.
- Do question and answer with each other using flashcards to help remember various information.

Step 5. Find out if you have a learning disability
If your difficulties are not limited to just one teacher, you may need to have an evaluation to see if you have a learning disability. Do you generally find it difficult to read, memorize, follow directions or stay organized? Some common learning disabilities include dyslexia, which affects the ability to read and process language, and dysgraphia, which affects the ability to write. Getting the right accommodation and support will help you succeed in all classes.