University is a time like no other time in life. You will gain independence, you will be in a new place, and your adult life will begin to come your way. You have a choice to make, and you know it. There is no specific recipe for success at university; everyone does it differently, in their own way. Most students, who are successful, have similar characteristics. Read on to discover it.
Method 1 of 3: Study

Step 1. Avoid procrastination
Academic grades, especially in semesters one and two, are not too difficult. Unlike high school, university asks you to build your own knowledge from the ground up, not spill everything the teacher gives you. This means a little extra work than usual.
- Give you a reward if you study early. Celebrate with friends after your exam. Treat yourself to something you crave once you reach your study goals.
- Plan. It's possible to do all the social, academic, and logistical responsibilities but still have time for yourself. But you need to make a plan. Before each week, be realistic with how much time you can set aside for social activities and how much time you need to study.

Step 2. Become passionate about something
Take a moment to reflect on what you enjoy and learn. What is your goal? What's your plan? University is one of the steps to achieve success. What do you want to do after that, and how can the university prepare you for it?

Step 3. Take a variety of classes at the beginning
Even if you've already decided on your major and what you want to study, it's also a good idea to introduce yourself to other subjects and areas. Nearly half of all university students change their majors before graduating, with some changing more than once before deciding.
Another reason for this is that you may change your career midway, even a class or two can have an impact on your understanding. Usually, you will work in a different area than your major at school

Step 4. Listen to other students, but make up your own mind
As soon as you enter university, you will hear students say which professors are “easy” and which are not, which careers are doing well, which are not. Listen to their opinions, they may be right, but don't let them confuse you with what you want to do. You are yourself, and you must determine your own life.

Step 5. Connect with the teacher
The big mistake of many students is that they don't build a good relationship with the teacher. Building good relationships with professors will help with your education, network, and even introduce you to important people.
- Show yourself during working hours. This is very important. Talk about lessons or methodologies that you don't understand, and let the lecturer know who you are. You may get better grades if your professor knows you take the time to visit them.
- Find a mentor. Mentors can be professors or other people who like you, with whom you bond. Mentors can give you advice, help you choose a class, and can even help you find a job after graduation. Don't underestimate the importance of mentors.

Step 6. Form good study habits
Everyone learns in a different way. Some people need while turning on the TV or music, others need quiet. Some people like to study together, while others like to study alone. Find a habit that suits you. Ask yourself and answer these questions:
- How long did it take you to remember the idea? a week? Or even a day?
- What type of student are you? Do you:
- Student auditory? Do you learn by hearing things? You'd rather have an idea explained to you than read it.
- Student visual? Do you learn by looking at things? You prefer to look at charts, read, or see demonstrations.
- Student kinesthetic? Do you learn by touching something? You prefer to build on what you see and see it live.
- What time can you study maximally? Is the morning better? Or at night?

Step 7. Set academic goals for yourself
If you don't, you can leave college wondering if you did your best. Your goals don't have to be the same as other people's goals. Try to be realistic about it, balance it with other personal goals. Graduating is not just a matter of getting a 4.0 grade or with a magna cum laude predicate. It is a matter of doing the best you can, within the given resources.
Method 2 of 3: Socialize

Step 1. Make as many friends as possible
If you are in a larger school, you will find the large number of new people intimidating. It's okay, everyone feels the same way. Get past that bullying and you'll make lots of friends. Many people look back on college as fond memories, because of the friendships they made.

Step 2. Get involved in clubs, traditions and events
University events are very different from the mandatory events you did in high school. Since no one was forced, everyone enjoyed being there. Maybe you will meet people with similar interests, very interesting people, and some people you don't get along with. C'est la vie: this is the crossroads of life.
Take time to join a club or event outside your social circle. It's okay to invite your best friends to be together there. But you usually won't meet new friends like that. Try to find lots of interesting people in your college days. Don't be too exclusive with your own social circle

Step 3. Go to the party
Even though the parties may not be as big or flashy as you see on TV, you'll still enjoy going there. Be yourself, smile, and make new friends. Who says that "success" is only about academic grades?
- Be a polite party boy. Don't pollute or mess up other people's rooms, don't use other people's beds without permission. Bring a soda, or beer and wine if you're old enough. There's nothing wrong with being the person your host likes because you are generous and well-behaved.
- Be careful with drugs. Know which drugs will hurt you and which are harder (Alcohol and marijuana can put you in the hospital but cocaine, hallucinogens, and painkillers can be fatal.) Some students feel that university is a time to try drugs, but follow your conscience. Don't do things that are uncomfortable for you. In addition, you often don't know what ingredients are in the drug.

Step 4. If you decide to have sex, do it safely
Many college freshmen are still indifferent to sex. At university, people like to show off about sex. In fact they don't have that much sex. One study found that the majority of participants had 1 or less sexual partners during the school year. Another survey found that 59% of students had no sex partner in the last 30 days.
- Always use protection. Whether you are a man or a woman, always keep a condom if you are sexually active. If used correctly, condoms are 90% effective in preventing pregnancy. Do not consent to sex unless your partner is wearing protection. Getting HIV, herpes, or other infectious diseases is as young as having unprotected sex once. And unlike your momentary pleasures, this disease will not go away.
- Know that alcohol interferes with your decision-making abilities. Alcohol will reduce your consciousness, which means you are more likely to agree to have sex with someone you probably wouldn't have had sex with when you were sober. Know this before you start drinking.
- Continue to myths about sex. Some of the myths are:
- "The birth control pill protects me from infectious diseases." Myth. These pills will not protect you from diseases like HIV/AIDS.
- "I won't get pregnant during my period." Myth. You can still get pregnant then.
- "I wouldn't have gotten pregnant if I was a virgin and this is still my first." Myth. Unfortunately, this is wrong. You still have a 5% chance of getting pregnant.
- "The birth control pill goes into action the day you take it." Myth. It can take up to a month for the pill to become effective.

Step 5. Don't eat alone
(Actually, if you enjoy it, it's not too bad.) Taken from the title of the book by Keith Ferrazzi, the point is that being social, and making connections as stepping stones in your later career, can be easy to make and not a bad thing. Make the most of your opportunities while studying. Turn this moment into a moment for valuable lessons for your personal development.
Method 3 of 3: Health, safety and finances

Step 1. Eat healthy, exercise, and get enough rest
These three things are rarely done by students. If you want to be successful in college, however, you have to learn to balance work, play and things in between, you have to start getting serious about your health.
- The optimal diet for college students is the same as for anyone else: eat lean meats or protein, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and avoid soda, sweets, simple carbohydrates, and saturated fats. Not only will you feel better, but you will also have a better body.
- Exercise is the best medicine. Exercise helps burn fat, build muscle, reduce cholesterol, relieve stress, and sleep better. Join a sports club, go swimming, or take the stairs instead of the elevator. If you're not doing anything else, try to walk for at least 30 minutes a day.
- Get enough sleep. One of the best ways to maximize academic performance is to get enough sleep. In fact, students who stay up late, sleep irregularly, usually score worse than those who don't.

Step 2. Visit the campus health center
This place will have a lot of information on how to stay healthy on campus, as well as the best doctors they have available. Take advantage of free services such as free vaccines, condoms, and counselling.

Step 3. If your university has a health department, use it
Many universities have this department to keep the university population safe. These public security officers will usually:
- Drop you off at your house or hostel if you feel unsafe.
- Gave you valuable tips about living in the area.
- Investigate crimes that occur on campus. If you are the victim of a crime such as robbery or rape, notify campus security and local police.

Step 4. Manage your expenses
University is a time where children begin to act like adults. Part of being an adult is managing your expenses. To make a budget, make an inventory of the money you get a month. View past expenses, and set how much you can spend the following month. This expense should not exceed the money you get. An example could look like this:
- Total monthly income: $1300.
- House: $600
- Meal: $250
- Books and school supplies: $100
- Gasoline: $200
- Unexpected expenses: $150

Step 5. Register for financial aid
Apply for financial aid or FAFSA before entering college, and check regularly for other financial aid opportunities. Also check with your school if there are other types of aid or scholarships. There are so many scholarships like this that you know where to look.

Step 6. Try to find work while studying opportunities
Your university may need employees to help with simple things, and they may prioritize students to do that. Check with your school about this opportunity. Often, you'll be asked to keep things as simple as looking after a library. It can also give you the opportunity to learn while earning money.
Alternatively, the university will pay you to do research with a professor or department. This is why having a mentor is important. Mentors can help you convince the department that you are a good candidate for the research position

Step 7. If you can, save money
If you get a scholarship or financial aid, and your parents are still helping you with living expenses, try to save some money. If you've left college, and started living independently, the bills will start coming your way. This bill will be easier to pay if you already have savings. Other reasons to save while in college:
- Studying abroad is expensive. If you want to study in Italy, China, or any other place. It sure is. Scholarships may help, but you can't keep relying on them.
- Student loans must eventually be repaid as well. If you're like most students, you have loans to pay off after leaving college. And paying this can really affect your budget in the future.
- Remember who you are, what you do, and why you do it.
- Try to sit where you are comfortable during class. It's usually easier to stay focused if you're sitting in the front row.
- Stay healthy by doing these 5 things: 1.) Eat healthy, 2.) Exercise, 3.) Relax, 4.) Optimistic: laugh and smile, and 5.) Get enough sleep
- Use old exams for study guides. Make sure that you can answer the questions that you were wrong before correctly. You may encounter the question again in another exam.
- If you have trouble understanding, ask for help! Ask your teacher or tutor for help.
- Make your target to learn the material, not just finishing homework.
- Read first. If you know your professor will teach a certain section, try reading it first. This way, you will have a better understanding in class and be able to prepare questions.
- Don't rely on an overnight study system, unless you believe you will benefit from it.
- Do the questions at the end of each chapter, see the answer key if you have trouble
- Buy used books from your friends who have taken the class. You can save a lot from here.
- Procrastination and studying at the last minute are only suitable for some people, who can cope with the pressure of finishing tasks at the end. If you can't, don't risk trying it.
- If you are easily distracted, look for ways to minimize distractions to optimize your learning abilities.
- Do as much as you can at university! This whole experience is about balancing academic responsibilities with other social activities.
- The best way, but perhaps not the safest, is to learn for yourself what you want to know about your strengths and weaknesses.
- Don't be afraid to make some mistakes or take risks, just remember to learn from them.
- Everyone is different, and no specific strategy will work for everyone.
- These tips and steps to make your first year of college a success are basic and general principles that are built for easy application. This is based on direct observation and experience, don't make these tips look like ideals which means limiting your actions and choices.