3 Ways to Be a "Fearless" Person

3 Ways to Be a "Fearless" Person
3 Ways to Be a "Fearless" Person

Table of contents:


Successful people are often credited with being "fearless" in achieving their goals. However, they are not people who are never afraid. They are people who dare to take risks and dream big, even if they have to face scary things. In order to be successful, try to overcome fear, change paradigms, and make changes through concrete actions.


Method 1 of 3: Overcoming Fear

Be Fearless Step 1
Be Fearless Step 1

Step 1. Recognize the symptoms of fear

The first step in overcoming fear is knowing its symptoms. Subconsciously, sometimes you do certain actions out of fear. Observe the physical reaction you experience when fear or doubt arises. You can calm down and overcome your fear faster by recognizing these symptoms:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Mind raging
  • Faster heart rate
  • Dizziness (even fainting)
  • Sweating
  • Feeling anxious or panicky
  • Feeling helpless even though you know it's irrational
Be Fearless Step 2
Be Fearless Step 2

Step 2. Determine the trigger for the fear

Get paper and a pen and write down all the things that scare you. Make sure the list is always close to you to note down all the specific and detailed fear triggers. For example, if you are afraid of being promoted at work, what are you really afraid of? Are you afraid of a coworker's reaction or are you unprepared for new responsibilities?

Usually, fear will haunt when a person is in a dark place, but will subside by itself when he is in a bright place

Be Fearless Step 3
Be Fearless Step 3

Step 3. Think of various solutions

Prepare practical solutions to each of the fear triggers listed on the list. Do this when you feel calm and can think clearly, rather than when you are feeling scared. Ask for opinions and suggestions from friends by inviting them to discuss.

  • If you fear physical injury, think about ways to protect yourself. Put on a life jacket before riding a motorboat or put on a helmet before cycling.
  • If you're afraid to interact with someone, practice having a conversation with a friend. Prepare yourself as best you can by thinking up some great tips to keep the conversation flowing.
  • If you are afraid to face major changes in your daily life, visualize each aspect of your life that will change and the impact it will have on you. Determine if your condition is getting better or worse after experiencing the change?
Be Fearless Step 4
Be Fearless Step 4

Step 4. Overcome the fear

Being "fearless" doesn't mean never being afraid. To be free from fear, face the fear and work on overcoming it. When fear overwhelms you, do the following ways to overcome it. For example:

  • Take advantage of the notes you made in the steps above and apply the solutions to overcome the fears that have been determined
  • Ask a friend to give an opinion about whether or not your fear is logical
  • Breathe deeply calmly and regularly
Be Fearless Step 5
Be Fearless Step 5

Step 5. Have the courage to face your fears

Now that you know how to deal with anxiety and fear, challenge yourself with less scary things to make sure you can handle it well. Gradually increase the exposure until you are no longer afraid of certain things.

  • If you are afraid of heights, take a friend to accompany you on a rollercoaster that is not too high.
  • If you don't have the courage to speak in front of an audience, take a training seminar to tell stories in front of children.
Be Fearless Step 6
Be Fearless Step 6

Step 6. Recognize that fear can be beneficial

Fear is an adaptive function of the human body that is formed through an evolutionary process to protect oneself. For example, if you feel afraid when you are on the edge of a cliff, this is a warning that there is danger so you should be careful. Fear comes with a purpose even if it makes you uncomfortable. Realize that a certain amount of fear is beneficial in dealing with the current conditions of life.

Be Fearless Step 7
Be Fearless Step 7

Step 7. Determine if fear is making you feel depressed

A certain amount of fear is natural and natural, especially if you want to do something new. However, if your fear is negatively affecting your daily life, try to overcome and eliminate it. If you feel very frightened, consult a doctor or therapist. Fear can cause problems if:

  • Makes you very anxious or panicked.
  • Irrational.
  • Makes you avoid certain places, people, or situations.
  • Inhibits daily activities.
  • Experienced for 6 months or more.

Method 2 of 3: Changing Your Mindset

Be Fearless Step 8
Be Fearless Step 8

Step 1. Determine someone who deserves to be a role model

To overcome your fear, choose someone you inspire, such as a friend, celebrity, even a character in a movie or book. Imagine that you are the person you want to be and then find someone to emulate.

  • Choose people who can be role models.
  • Write down his character and personality.
  • Think about how to adopt the positive side of the character.
Be Fearless Step 9
Be Fearless Step 9

Step 2. Believe in your abilities

In order to get rid of your fear, begin to know yourself and develop self-confidence. Even if there are things that need to be improved, realize that you are a strong, dependable, and worthy person who deserves respect.

  • Prepare a notebook, stationery, and a timer.
  • Set a timer to go off after 5 minutes and then start writing things about yourself starting with "I am."
  • After that, reset the timer and write down all your strengths and abilities starting with "I can afford".
Be Fearless Step 10
Be Fearless Step 10

Step 3. Do things differently than usual

Being brave and "fearless" means being ready to go against the grain. If you hesitate to make decisions when faced with certain situations, do things that are contrary to your daily habits. In order to become a "fearless" figure, apply the following method starting from small things without feeling shy. For example:

  • Style your hair with the latest style or wear clothes that make you seem bold.
  • Make unexpected changes in your career.
  • Make friends with "fearless" people.
Be Fearless Step 11
Be Fearless Step 11

Step 4. Form a positive mindset

An important aspect of eliminating fear is establishing a consistent positive mindset. Remember that challenges, obstacles, problems, and scary things are always there. Living without being afraid depends entirely on how you respond to it. A positive mindset can be formed by:

  • Challenging negative thoughts
  • Write a journal of gratitude
  • Say positive affirmations every day
  • Interact only with positive people

Method 3 of 3: Making Real Changes

Be Fearless Step 12
Be Fearless Step 12

Step 1. Set a primary goal that is realistic, but keeps you moving

Don't be afraid to achieve everything you aspire to. Remember that everything you dream of can come true by setting some achievable intermediate goals. Start by setting a major goal and then think about 5-10 steps to reach it.

  • To make the final goal easier to achieve, define intermediate goals that can support the realization of the final goal.
  • If you haven't set a goal yet, ask yourself, "What activity do I want to do all the time?"
  • For example, if you want to write a book, set intermediate goals that support the completion of the book, such as writing 500 words per day or completing 1 chapter per week.
Be Fearless Step 13
Be Fearless Step 13

Step 2. Make a plan

After setting goals, make a work plan. Break down the final goal into several intermediate goals by drawing up a step-by-step plan and their respective deadlines. Think about possible obstacles and how to overcome them.

  • For example, you have to save so you can enjoy the trip to fill a long vacation. Determine what you need to do to increase your income and how much money you need to save to achieve your goals.
  • To lose weight, determine the right diet and exercise program and realistic deadlines.
Be Fearless Step 14
Be Fearless Step 14

Step 3. Take concrete action

Courage is the opposite of doubt. Once you have a plan, start taking action to make it happen. Join a community whose members want to achieve the same goal so that you stay motivated and able to realize plans with full responsibility.

  • Maintain motivation by celebrating the achievement of intermediate goals.
  • Instead of delaying the execution of a plan, encourage yourself to act now. Now is the best moment to start moving.
Be Fearless Step 15
Be Fearless Step 15

Step 4. Learn to accept mistakes

Many people choose to remain silent for fear of failure. In reality, everyone can make mistakes. People who are "fearless" are prepared to face the possibility of failure. Learn to anticipate failure and accept it as a valuable experience.

  • For example, if you are a writer, prepare to receive 20 rejection letters each year.
  • If you are an athlete, enter a match you are not sure you will win.
  • You haven't done your best if you've never failed.
  • Be persistent in whatever you do. Don't give up just because you made a mistake, faced rejection, or failed.


  • Don't mistake stupidity for courage. Driving a car in the wrong lane drunk and into a ravine is an example of stupidity, not courage.
  • Intense fear is called a "phobia". Talk to your doctor or therapist if you have a phobia.
