Dating in school can be tricky and confusing, especially when you like someone. While you can't force someone to like you, there are many ways you can try to impress a girl and get them to notice you.
Method 1 of 3: Talking to Girls

Step 1. Make eye contact
Talk to the girl you like.
- Say "hello" when you see him at school and during extracurricular activities.
- If you never talk to the girl, at least you can give her a smile. After that, you can greet him so he understands exactly what you're doing.
- If you never know the girl you like, then she will never know that you like her.
- Don't be shy about trying to talk to him. Self-confidence is a sign of good characteristics.
- Don't stare at him for too long. This can make many women feel uncomfortable and think that something is wrong with them.
- You should have dynamic and firm body language when you introduce yourself. Don't stoop, look away or mumble.
- Have a casual chat. Ask him how he is, what he is doing etc.

Step 2. Use social media or text messages to interact with them
It's possible he was spending time playing Facebook or Twitter. Start your online conversation by saying:
- "Hi, how are you?"
- "What are you up to?"
- Comment on photos on the page. Ask about her pet if she has one. Have a conversation about exercise if you see him doing sports.

Step 3. Give compliments at the beginning of the conversation
Women like to hear good things about themselves.
- Give him a friendly compliment. Don't always comment on her appearance.
- Women don't want to look attractive just because of their appearance. Tell him if he has a skill!
- To compliment her, you can say "You are a good dancer." or "I like what you said in history class today. It never occurred to me."
- If he's an athlete, compliment his game: "Hi, you played really well last football game".

Step 4. Talk to her during lunch break or after school activities
Feel free to share things about yourself so he will know you.
- Ask about his family, interests or classes he took at school.
- Make eye contact when you talk to him and make it clear that you are listening. You can say "I think that's a great idea" or "I think that's really cool. I'm curious about that."

Step 5. Understand what he likes
That is by engaging in some of the same activities.
- Show that you are interested in what he likes. This will allow you to spend more time with the girl you like.
- Liking the school activities he likes can make you understand him better. It can show him that you like what he likes.
- For example, help out a charity-based school organization that he joins or you can get involved in the same theater group.
- To start such a conversation, you might start with "I noticed you were involved in _. I happen to be good at _ and I want to help you."

Step 6. Avoid talking about yourself
Girls won't be impressed if they think you're bragging.
- Ask him about the things he likes, about family, pets and school.
- You can also insert your own ideas as well as information about yourself.
- Always lead the conversation about him.
Method 2 of 3: Impress Girls in School

Step 1. Do nice things for the girl you like
Find out what he likes and surprise him with it.
- If she has a favorite flower, buy one for her and surprise her with it.
- Offer to help bring her backpack or books to class.
- Bring his favorite food or snacks during school activities and other activities.
- Help him when doing school activities that he participates in.

Step 2. Be a good friend
Don't spread or listen to gossip about the girl you like.
- Gossip is a serious matter especially for girls in high school.
- If someone says something bad about a girl you like, defend her.
- Don't let your friends spread rumors or gossip about their social group.

Step 3. Ask her out
Invite him to watch a movie he likes or invite him to do an activity he likes.
- Once you're close enough to him, you can try asking him out.
- Say "Do you have anything to do on Saturday? I want to take you to see a movie" or something else that is still the same.
- If you know he's on his way to a certain activity or place, ask him to go there. Say "I heard you want to go dancing on Friday. If you still want to go there, I'd like to take you there."
- Invite him to go on a date as he wants.
- Don't push her or be rude if she refuses.
- Actually you don't have to do expensive activities or dates. Because basically, you just need to spend time with him.
- If you or the girl you like feel shy at first, offer two-part or group dates to ease the pressure.

Step 4. Avoid feeling too obsessed with the girl you like
This is a big loss.
- Make room for him. Don't be with him all the time.
- Do not follow him constantly at school or during extracurricular activities. Let your interactions flow naturally and don't be pushy.
- Don't pay too much attention. If he's not interested, don't bother him.

Step 5. Dress well
Whenever you meet someone you like, you have to look cool.
- Whatever style you're used to, make sure your clothes are clean and unwrinkled.
- Make sure your appearance must always look neat.
- Make sure you clean yourself every day-showering, using deodorant, brushing your teeth etc.
- Wearing good clothes can make you more confident.
Method 3 of 3: Using Personality to Get Attention

Step 1. Be yourself
Don't be afraid to have your own personality and confidence.
- Don't change yourself too drastically to get attention.
- Girls like people they are comfortable with and have high self-esteem.
- If you are a creative person, involve yourself in a music, arts or theater group. You will meet and may attract the attention of women who have the same interests and talents.

Step 2. Develop your interests
Stay involved in sports, arts or school activities even if you're after girls.
- Don't spend all your time thinking about the girl you like or trying to impress her.
- You have to balance your life. Do activities related to your hobbies.
- It could be that the girl you like has the same interests. By developing this, you can spend more time with him.

Step 3. Nurture your own friendships
Boys who have lots of friends can attract girls.
- It can be a way to meet women through your own group of friends.
- Invite the girl you like to be involved in the activities you do with your friends.
- Friendship is very important. Make sure when you date a girl you like, you don't forget about your friends.

Step 4. Stay focused on your schoolwork
You don't want your performance to go down because you're bothered by the girl you like.
- Boys who have good grades can be more attractive to girls than boys who fail in every subject.
- Take part in class activities. Girls will notice that you are confident in class.
- If you are not doing well in class, you can ask if he can help you, if he understands the lesson.
- Not all women are the same, they have different tastes.
- Make sure that he doesn't have a girlfriend yet.
- Prepare yourself for rejection because he may be able to refuse you to go on a date.