How to Use Ear Therapy Candles (with Pictures)

How to Use Ear Therapy Candles (with Pictures)
How to Use Ear Therapy Candles (with Pictures)

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Everyone has cerumen, also known as earwax. If your ears feel full, have fluid coming out of them, or if you have occasional difficulty hearing sounds, your ears may need to be cleaned of cerumen. There are many different ways to clean cerumen, and the use of ear candles is one of the oldest and most widely used methods of cleaning cerumen worldwide. Although their efficacy is debated, some alternative health practitioners believe that the use of therapeutic ear candles is safe and effective for treating ears and general health.


Method 1 of 2: Using Ear Therapy Wax to Clean Cerumen

Use Ear Candles Step 1
Use Ear Candles Step 1

Step 1. Understand the risks of using therapeutic ear candles

Alternative health practitioners are the main proponents of the benefits of this therapy. However, many doctors believe that this therapy is ineffective and dangerous. Understanding the risks and the things to watch out for can help you make an informed decision as to whether this option is indeed the best way to clean ear wax.

  • Research conducted by ENT (ear, nose and throat) specialists has shown that ear wax can cause burns, blockage of the ear canal, infection, and perforation of the eardrum even when used according to the instructions in the package.
  • Most doctors believe that the use of ear wax therapy is not effective for cleaning cerumen.
Use Ear Candles Step 2
Use Ear Candles Step 2

Step 2. Ask friends or family for help

Ear therapy candles are difficult to use alone. So, enlist the help of your friends or family members. This can help minimize the risk of burns or injury to the ear.

Use Ear Candles Step 3
Use Ear Candles Step 3

Step 3. Adjust the size of the pointed/small tip of the candle to the ear hole

In order to use the process safely and effectively, the size of the candle must match the diameter of the hole and the contour of the ear.

  • Use scissors to cut the end of the wax, making sure it is slightly larger so that it fits through the ear canal.
  • Make sure there are no blockages in the wax cavity. The entire cavity of the candle must be open from one end to the other. If necessary, use a sharp, pointed object to unblock the pointed end of the candle.
Use Ear Candles Step 4
Use Ear Candles Step 4

Step 4. Clean your ears and hands

Before starting to use ear wax, wash your hands and wipe your ears clean. This step aims to reduce the risk of spreading infection-causing bacteria. Use antibacterial and antimicrobial soap.

  • You can wash your hands with plain soap.
  • You may need to use a mild soap that has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties.
  • Wipe the ear with a damp cloth until clean.
Use Ear Candles Step 5
Use Ear Candles Step 5

Step 5. Cover your head with a damp towel

Moisten a large towel with a little water, then use it to cover your head and upper body. This is to prevent fire or ashes from hitting your body while using the candle.

Be sure to protect your head, shoulders, and upper body

Use Ear Candles Step 6
Use Ear Candles Step 6

Step 6. Sit up straight during wax therapy

Undergoing candle therapy in an upright sitting position will be easier and safer for you. Thus, the wax ashes will not touch or burn your body.

Be careful. If this step is not done properly, your body can burn. Doctors often discourage the use of therapeutic ear candles because of this risk

Use Ear Candles Step 7
Use Ear Candles Step 7

Step 7. Massage the area behind the ear

Before starting to use therapeutic candles, massage the area around and behind the ears. This step can help relax and improve blood circulation in the ear area.

  • Massage the area behind the jawbone, around the forehead and scalp.
  • Massage for at least 30 seconds to relax the area around the ear.
Use Ear Candles Step 8
Use Ear Candles Step 8

Step 8. Place a paper plate or pie mold over the ear

Punch a hole in a paper plate or pie mold, and place it over the ear. Paper plates or pie molds can help prevent burning or stinging your skin from the ashes that fall from the wax.

  • Use any type of paper plate or pie mold. You can buy both at most convenience stores.
  • Make sure the size of the hole in the paper plate/pie mold matches the diameter of the candle. Insert the wax through the hole, and place it over the cleaned ear.
Use Ear Candles Step 9
Use Ear Candles Step 9

Step 9. Insert the pointed end of the wax into the ear canal

Insert the small end of the candle through the hole in the paper plate or pie mold, then position the tip inside the ear canal. This kind of installation is intended so that wax therapy can be carried out safely and effectively.

Hold the candle in an upright position vertically. If you are sitting upright, the candle should be tilted at an angle of about 30 degrees

Use Ear Candles Step 10
Use Ear Candles Step 10

Step 10. Light the wide end of the candle

Have the person helping you light the wide end of the candle with a match. This way, the therapeutic process can be started and the candles can be lit safely without risking burns.

  • If the candle is installed correctly, smoke will not be able to escape from the gap between the ear and the small end of the candle.
  • If the wax is not seated properly, you can readjust its position in the ear. The candle should be firmly attached to the ear canal. If you have trouble doing this after a while, try using a new candle.
Use Ear Candles Step 11
Use Ear Candles Step 11

Step 11. Light the candle for about 15 minutes

The candle takes about 15 minutes to burn to the limit. This limit serves to minimize the risk of your skin getting burned while maximizing the cleansing of the cerumen.

Use Ear Candles Step 12
Use Ear Candles Step 12

Step 12. Cut the wax every 5 cm

While the candle is burning, cut off a few inches of the stem and put it in a bowl of water. This is to prevent the ashes from falling or the candle flame getting too close to your skin.

You can remove the wax to cut the stems in a bowl of water. You only need to reattach it properly in the ear canal when you're done cutting

Use Ear Candles Step 13
Use Ear Candles Step 13

Step 13. Let the candle burn until 7-10 cm remains

After the candle has burned down to only about 7 cm remaining, ask the person who helped you to extinguish the candle flame by putting it in a bowl of water. This step aims to minimize the risk of your skin getting burned by wax.

If burning the candle takes a long time, have the person helping you check the small end of the candle after a few minutes to make sure the hole isn't clogged. If necessary, use a toothpick to open the end of the candle, then slide the wax back into the ear

Use Ear Candles Step 14
Use Ear Candles Step 14

Step 14. Observe the dirt on the inside of the candle

After removing the wax residue from inside the ear canal, you can see a mixture of cerumen, dirt, and bacteria inside. From there, you can conclude whether the cerumen was successfully removed, or you should repeat the therapy process again.

If you put the wax directly into the water, you probably won't see the cerumen in it

Use Ear Candles Step 15
Use Ear Candles Step 15

Step 15. Clean the ears

After completing the therapy process, clean the outside of your ear and ear canal. Be careful not to push the cerumen or residue back into the ear.

You can use a cloth or cotton swab to clean your ears. Just don't insert the earplug into the ear canal, as this can push the cerumen further in or puncture the eardrum

Use Ear Candles Step 16
Use Ear Candles Step 16

Step 16. Repeat the therapy process on the other ear

If the cerumen clogs both sides of the ear, repeat the treatment process on the other ear. Make sure to follow the steps above carefully according to the instructions for use in the packaging. Thus, burns or other injuries to the ear can be avoided.

Method 2 of 2: Cleaning Ear Cerumen in Other Ways

Use Ear Candles Step 17
Use Ear Candles Step 17

Step 1. Wipe the outside of the ear

You can clean the outside of the ear canal with a cloth or tissue. This method can help clear any fluid or cerumen that has drained from the inner ear.

  • Use a soft cloth to wipe the outside of the ear and the external ear canal. If you want, you can slightly dampen the cloth with warm water.
  • Wrap a tissue around your finger and gently rub it over your outer ear and outer ear canal.
Use Ear Candles Step 18
Use Ear Candles Step 18

Step 2. Use over-the-counter ear drops to clean the cerumen

If the cerumen that has accumulated in the ear is not too much, try using an over-the-counter ear cleaning preparation. This preparation can help overcome impacted cerumen.

  • Most over-the-counter ear drops are solutions of mineral oil and peroxide.
  • Hydrogen peroxide won't dissolve the wax, but it can help make it flow through the ear canal. When using hydrogen peroxide, lie on your side in bed and have a towel under your head. Pour (or drip) a small amount of hydrogen peroxide into the ear. Your ears will feel warm and you will hear the sound of bubbles. This is normal. Point the ear canal at the towel to remove the peroxide. Repeat this step on the other side. If there is fluid coming out of the ear, immediately consult a doctor.
  • To avoid other problems, be sure to follow the instructions for use on the product packaging.
  • If you have a perforated eardrum, or suspect one, do not use over-the-counter ear drops. Symptoms of an eardrum perforation include discharge in the form of blood or pus from the ear, hearing loss, or a ringing sound in the ear.
  • You can buy ear cleaning products at most pharmacies and major convenience stores.
  • Cerumenolytics (peroxide and mineral oil) can cause complications such as allergic reactions, otitis externa, temporary hearing loss, and dizziness.
Use Ear Candles Step 19
Use Ear Candles Step 19

Step 3. Try using oil or glycerin to soften the cerumen

In addition to over-the-counter cerumen cleaning products, you can also use homemade oils or a glycerin solution to treat clogging cerumen. This treatment will soften the cerumen so that it is easier to remove it from the ear canal.

  • You can also use baby oil or mineral oil to clean ear wax. Pour a drop of baby oil or mineral oil into each ear and let it sit for a few minutes before removing it.
  • You can also try using olive oil. However, one study found that water was actually more effective at cleaning cerumen than olive oil.
  • There are no studies that determine how often you should use oil or glycerin drops, but they should be used no more than a few times a week.
Use Ear Candles Step 20
Use Ear Candles Step 20

Step 4. Perform ear irrigation

Irrigation, which is sometimes referred to as syringing, is one of the most commonly used methods of removing cerumen plugs from the ear. Try cleaning your ears with this irrigation action if the cerumen blockage is quite heavy or stubborn.

  • In this treatment, you will need a medical syringe which can be purchased at most pharmacies.
  • Fill the syringe with body temperature water. Using water that is less or more than body temperature can cause dizziness or vertigo.
  • Keep your head straight and gently pull the outer ear up to straighten the ear canal.
  • Inject a small amount of water into the ear canal that is clogged with cerumen.
  • Tilt your head to release the water.
  • You may need to perform this procedure several times to clear the impacted cerumen.
  • One study showed that injecting a small amount of water or oil into the ear before irrigation can help speed up the clearance of cerumen.
  • Never use a dental cleaning tube to irrigate the ear.
Use Ear Candles Step 21
Use Ear Candles Step 21

Step 5. Suction the ear canal

You can buy a vacuum or a vacuum to clean ear wax. Research shows that these treatments are not effective, but they may help you.

You can buy ear wax suction kits at most pharmacies or large department stores

Use Ear Candles Step 22
Use Ear Candles Step 22

Step 6. Dry the ears

After clearing the cerumen blockage, you should clean your ears thoroughly. This is useful for preventing infections or other problems in the ear.

  • You can use a few drops of medical alcohol to dry the ear.
  • A hairdryer that is turned on at a low temperature can also help dry the ears.
Use Ear Candles Step 23
Use Ear Candles Step 23

Step 7. Avoid cleaning your ears too often or using tools

Understand that cerumen is needed in certain amounts to prevent ear infections. So, avoid cleaning your ears too often or using tools such as earplugs to keep a small amount of cerumen in the ear.

  • Only clean your ears when you feel you need them. If you think you need to clean your ears every day, or if you have too much fluid coming out of your ears, see a doctor.
  • Using tools such as earplugs or bobby pins can actually push the cerumen into the ear instead of cleaning it, and can lead to infections and other problems.
  • Use of the appliance can also cause perforation of the eardrum and lead to infection, or hearing loss.
Use Ear Candles Step 24
Use Ear Candles Step 24

Step 8. Talk about professional treatment options with your doctor

If you are unable to clean ear wax at home, or are experiencing other problems such as severe hearing loss, consult your doctor to find out how to treat other ear cerumen blockages. That way, you can get the most effective, mild, and painless treatment to treat impacted cerumen.

Your doctor may recommend professional treatments that you can use at home, such as eye drops and ear irrigation


Perform ear wax treatment with the help of another person to reduce the risk of burns or fires
