Page rank is one of the main indicators that determine whether your page is performing so well that it deserves to be on the first page of Google. Page rank is based on a combination of content quality, search engine optimization, links and visitors. Improving all these aspects will increase your page rank.
Part 1 of 4: Providing Quality Content
Step 1. Focus on the content
The most important factor for page rank is content. Original and useful page content will attract more visitors than pages with poor content. Creating good content is not a simple task, and involves many different factors.
Step 2. Update your website regularly with new content
Websites that are stagnant and not up-to-date will rank down. If you write a blog, update it at least once a week.
Step 3. Make sure that your content matches the site description and keywords
If a reader who clicks on your site sees that the content doesn't match their search keywords and leaves quickly, you could be penalized.
Part 2 of 4: Optimization
Step 1. Optimize your page
Your content should be optimized for communicative keywords and searches. The best way to do this is to make the title of the article as close as possible to a popular search query for the topic. Make sure that your content answers readers' questions, or provides unique insights.
Step 2. Avoid overloading the site with keywords
Google will notice this and lower your ranking.
Make sure that your site's meta description is accurate. Meta descriptions are shown to users when your site appears in searches. An accurate description will invite more clicks to your site, and less 'bounce' after landing on your site.
Hummingbird's update to Google's search engine algorithm has made keywords much less important than communicative searches. This reflects a change in the way people search for things. For example, instead of searching for the keyword “iPhone”, Google will look for pages that answer questions like “Which iPhone is best for me?”
Step 3. Take advantage of backlinks
When search engines see that visitors are coming to your site from other sites, your page rank will increase. The more reputable the home site is, the bigger the impact it will have on rankings. You can add backlinks by commenting on other blogs and then adding a link to your site, or providing content to other sites and then linking back to your site through your identity.
Part 3 of 4: Other Important Promotions
Step 1. Create and submit a sitemap
A sitemap is a text file that describes the pages of your site. Google bots will find it easier to find and determine the importance of each link and content on your website. There are various free websites that can generate sitemaps, or you can create your own. Look up the WikiHow guide for more details.
Step 2. Translate your website
If you can afford to hire translators or have a community willing to translate, you can significantly increase your audience by providing another language for your page. The increase in traffic will help in increasing the page rank.
Step 3. Create an RSS feed
An RSS feed will help bring new readers to your site, as well as retain existing readers. This will lead to consistent traffic, which in turn will have a positive effect on your rankings. You can use an automated program, or create your own feed.
Part 4 of 4: Sharing
Step 1. Take advantage of social networks
Social networks are a great way to spread backlinks to a large audience. Viewers will link to your site if your content is valuable. This in turn will increase traffic which will increase your rankings.
Social networks are very important to create attractive links to your site. Readers must be interested enough to follow the link, and the link must stand out among the rest of the news set.
Step 2. Create an easier way of sharing with visitors by providing multiple conveniences for sharing content
Keep your tweets under 120 characters so that they are easy for others to retweet. Also write a link to Facebook by adding your own comment. The content you share on multiple social media sites should be of good quality and worth reading.