A fashionista is someone who views fashion as an art form. If you want to learn to keep up with fashion and look stunning, you can learn how to keep an eye on fashion trends, as well as how to build a stylish wardrobe that will make people turn to you.
Part 1 of 3: Stay Up-to-date

Step 1. Look for fashion inspiration everywhere
Fashion is all around us, and by reading, watching and learning new things about the world and fashion, you will be inspired and in time become a fashionista. Start looking at the world as your canvas and create, either by mixing and matching clothes or sketching, an idea for an outfit you want to make or find in a store.
Keep an eye on fashion. Fashionistas are as heavily influenced by Gucci as people are influenced by music, art or poetry. Think of fashion as an art form, if you want to be a true fashionista

Step 2. Look for trends in the industry
Pay attention to what celebrities and fashion designers wear, and try to recreate that look with everyday wear as a fashionista. Don't copy looks exactly the same, but try to come up with your own style.
- Knowing what trends are coming will help you get your hands on the items before the stores realize they can cost twice as much as they really are.
- Look for things you've never seen, and don't have to buy them right away. When you see an item that you think is weird is coming into the store, it probably means it's going to be the next trend.

Step 3. Do some fashion research on social media
On your personal Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages, follow as many style and fashion icons as you can. This way, you can get instant updates at your fingertips. Look for popular fashion hashtags and regularly search for new and surprising style inspiration online.
- Pinterest and Wanelo are fashion social networking pages that can help connect you to the fashion world. Create a profile and start saving the things you love until you develop a style you like and are your own. Check for "recommended" clothes that are close to the things you keep.
- In Wanelo, you can go to the "Magic" section which provides everything you think you'll like based on the posts you've saved.

Step 4. Buy a fashion magazine
Fashion magazines are one of the classic touches that characterize people who are stylish. Look for magazines like Vogue or Marie Claire whose ad photos are as informative as the articles themselves. Magazines can give you basic information about the fashion world.
- Observe the details in the photos carefully. What's trending right now and what's not? Discover the latest fashion trends. Pay attention to the way you dress and let it inspire the way you dress yourself.
- Can't afford to subscribe to that many fashion magazines? Read in a bookstore, or walk to the library and check what's subscribed.
Part 2 of 3: Collecting Clothes

Step 1. Fight the trend
If you want to be a fashionista, you don't have to like what everyone is wearing. By the time you find out what's trendy and start dressing up like everyone else, it's outdated. You don't have to look like the trendsetters out there, and you don't have to. Find your own style.

Step 2. Get useful essential items
Don't buy several cool outfits that only match one outfit in your closet. Soon you'll feel out of clothes when in fact you've just bought a bunch of quirky clothes like pretty floral skirts without a matching plain top.
Buy items like camisole, plain sweaters and cardigans, plain skirts, and some neutral-colored dresses, so you'll have as many options as possible to mix and match. If you're not ready to go for flashy colors, opt for black to have more options

Step 3. Have a large selection of shoes
The right pair of shoes can make or break a stylish outfit. Even a simple pair of tight jeans with a cute top can suddenly look great with a pair of pumps. Shoes should be nice and comfortable, and you should have several pairs to accent your different looks.
- Boots are very important. These shoes always make your legs look longer and make you look really stylish. Boots can also be worn almost all year round. This type of shoe is classic and will never go out of style.
- Sweet but casual flat heels are essential for any outfit. What is meant, of course, is not sports shoes.
- Invest in a durable pair of high heels. After that, you can have as many high heels as you like for some special occasions.

Step 4. Shop smart
Fashion is a great hobby, as long as you can afford it. If your funds are limited, it is important to determine the amount of money you are allowed to spend per month and keep it within that limit. You don't have to sacrifice style for money, and you can learn to find quality items at affordable prices.
- Prices vary by store, so always come back to check. Don't just go to one fashion store and buy what you find. Make sure you shop around and keep track of the items you want to buy.
- Looking for the right shop. You can splurge once in a while to buy unique clothes you know you'll never find anywhere but try to stick to a budget. There is a difference between a Fashionista and a shopping junkie.

Step 5. Learn how to wear accessories properly
Jewelry, cute hats, earrings, necklaces and bracelets do help you create a different look with the same clothes from your wardrobe. Find what looks right for you and view the outfit as a whole with the accessories in the mirror so you don't go wrong.
Buy affordable scarves, jewelry and shoes to adorn your outfit. They make a big difference to a simple outfit, and you can have a variety of inexpensive items that accent other accessories

Step 6. Learn how to sew and make your own clothes
After developing your own style, sometimes you imagine a certain ideal outfit and then go after it blindly. And you won't find it. So as not to be disappointed, just learn how to make it yourself! You can learn how to repair your favorite clothes and keep them in good and new condition, as well as how to make new clothes while learning, by taking advantage of the cost of materials. This can be cost effective, and is a great way to create unique outfits.

Step 7. Weed your clothing collection regularly
Every few months, you need to get rid of the clothes you no longer want to wear. Give old clothes to charity, or throw a party by inviting some fashionista friends to swap things you no longer want.
You can keep an eye-catching t-shirt, or an old pair of jeans that are no longer popular if you can combine them with other outfits to create a unique look, but it's usually easier to weed out by focusing on items that match what you like here and at the moment
Part 3 of 3: Dress Up

Step 1. Learn to mix and match the clothes you already have
Many people assume they need the latest trends to be stylish, but this is not always true. If you mix a plain white t-shirt with denim jeans one day and a black pencil skirt the next, you have two outfits that are made up of very few shirts.
Practice arranging your clothes into different looks when you have free time. Spend some quality time in the mirror trying on different outfits and experimenting to see what looks right

Step 2. Find out what looks good on you and what doesn't
There are clothes that are generally stylish, but don't suit you and your body shape. No problem. Don't just know what's in style and what's "in" but also know what's right for you.
It's great to spend time in the mirror to figure out the perfect outfit combination for you. Find clothes that best accentuate your body shape and help accentuate your best traits

Step 3. Wear clothes that make you feel confident
To be a fashionista, you need to be confident. The number one rule of fashion is to wear what you want to wear, so always wear what you want and choose clothes that help you feel comfortable and shine.
- Keep your head straight and improve that posture. People will notice you are dressed appropriately once you walk with your head held high. Be proud and grab attention.
- Don't wear something just because it's "in style," or because someone recommended it. The mode is fickle. If a year ago you liked to wear a blazer, but now want to try a leather jacket, go for it. Life is short and a fashionista should always wear what she wants.

Step 4. Don't overdo it
While fashion shows are incredibly beautiful and glamorous, sometimes a little is better. You don't have to wear a fancy dress to college to be a fashionista. Be yourself and find clothes that you think represent you, and make you feel beautiful and confident.
Try to separate fashion show fashion from everyday fashion. Most fashion designers wear normal everyday clothes, just like you. Keep that in mind

Step 5. Be positive
Fashionistas should emulate the beauty that your fashion exudes on the outside by being beautiful on the inside. There is no point in being a fashionista if your attitude is not positive. Be happy, and enjoy life. Fashion is great, but brand name and style aren't everything. Learn how to be yourself and love you, and pretty soon the fashionista in you will be sparkling.
- Pay attention to accessories. Accessories are very important. Sometimes you can achieve the perfect look by wearing a classic black or white t-shirt with jeans if you have the right accessories.
- Always make sure you do a fashion check before leaving the house. If you see someone wearing jeans and a white t-shirt like you, it's not unique.
- Your make-up must also be right.
- Don't wear too much jewelry. Always remember the main rule: Less is better.
- Do not forget to buy a quality perfume.
- Using only one branded item in your daily combination is sufficient. You don't have to wear all the branded clothes you have in one day.
- Do a manicure. Your nails should always be perfect.
- Use a bright and bold colored lip gloss.
- Don't feel sorry for buying expensive shoes.
- Wear something that is comfortable but looks good.
- Don't wear something that doesn't suit you. Don't wear branded clothes that make you look disgusting. Find a balance between modern and appealing to you.
- Don't mix lots of colors. You don't want someone to have a headache because of you.
- You also don't have to buy really expensive stuff unless you're a millionaire.
- Don't wear your friend's clothes. Collect your own collection.
- Don't buy cheap clothes. Quality is very important.