If you ask what it means to “be out of the ordinary” to different people, you will likely get a variety of answers. For some people "being unusual" means going about the day without attracting any attention at all. For some, "to be unusual" means having a strange and unusual taste in art, music, and other things. But whatever your definition of the word “unusual”, by doing a few things, you should be able to become a mysterious and obscure person.
Method 1 of 3: Blending in with People

Step 1. Match your behavior with others
The best way to avoid the attention of many people is to do something that other people do. If your behavior is difficult for those around you to notice, then you will not attract anyone's attention, especially if you are in a crowd. If you want to blend in with people, try observing the people around you. Ask yourself: what are these people doing? Do they they talk? How friendly are they? How do they behave? The answers to all these questions should be your guide to imitate what they do.
This step of course depends on the context. Sitting in a corner and reading a magazine doesn't always make you stand out on some occasions like a bustling party where everyone in it interacts. So, again, pay attention to what people around you are doing and imitate those actions so you don't stand out and attract attention

Step 2. Put on a very ordinary look
While you can adapt your behavior to most of the people around you, you can still attract attention if you look out of place. Some permanent or long-term accessories such as tattoos are difficult to remove or just hide, but the clothes you wear and your hairstyle can still be under control. So make sure that everything you can control looks as casual and unobtrusive as possible.
Here are some casual attire that won't attract attention in a non-formal space. Fear not, all of the clothes below can be worn by both men and women:
- Jeans
- T shirts
- Plain hoodies
- Sports shoes or sneakers
- Regular haircuts for men, straight hair or buns for women
- Thin makeup and accessories to taste for women
- You should be able to find unobtrusive clothes easily on the internet or online stores.

Step 3. Save your opinion
One surefire way to stand out is to speak up when you don't have to. So if you want to blend in, you may need to keep quiet when your opinion isn't needed. If you do have to interact with other people, make sure each of your responses is polite and friendly, but brief and to-the-point. The more you voice your personal opinion, the more you will stand out in the crowd.
Again, this point is very context based. While staying silent will make you less conspicuous on the bus, you may attract attention if you stay silent when you are asked to answer questions in class. “Saving your opinion” also means knowing when it's time to keep quiet will only make you stand out

Step 4. Don't look other people in the eye
Eye contact is a very powerful method of interaction and can make your connection with another person happen in an instant without uttering a single word. Some recent studies do deny this and say that eye contact is not a sign that someone agrees or likes you. However, if you really want to blend in and not attract attention, you should avoid eye contact with other people unless you really have to. This means when you are walking or outside, you should avoid eye contact with anyone who is looking at you and when people are about to talk to you.
Some people who are naturally shy or clumsy usually have a hard time maintaining eye contact when socializing and instead make it stand out. If you have the same problem, try improving your eye contact by practicing with a friend who is willing to help you or with a TV or mirror. Research has shown that exercise can improve your eye contact with other people

Step 5. Don't approach other people
This is advice that goes without asking. If you want to be an unattractive person, don't approach and invite people to interact or chat. If you're in a crowd and someone approaches you to talk to you, you should definitely respond honestly and politely. But don't be the one to start conversations with strangers if you don't have to. Shut up and talk to a friend you know or talk to yourself about everything around you.

Step 6. Enjoy solitude or do-it-yourself activities
As you've read so far, you won't attract the attention of the crowd if you don't have contact or interaction with them. So try spending your free time doing things you can do yourself (or just need your best friend). There are lots of interesting and fun things you can do yourself but still be rewarding. Here are some fun hobbies you can do on your own:
- Learn to play a musical instrument or compose your own songs
- Read
- Sport
- Learn new skills
- Exploring the outdoors (but make sure someone knows where you're going just in case you get lost or get lost in the wilderness)
- Write

Step 7. Don't do anything different
This is the most important thing you have to keep in mind when you want to avoid the attention of the crowd. Don't act if the people around you are not doing anything. Do not dress, behave, or speak in a way that is considered unusual. Don't question society and your role in it. If you do have an opinion that differs from the majority, save your opinion so that it doesn't attract attention.
Living life without attracting people's attention does make you lack the opportunity and space to express yourself. Remember, the attention you get from going against the majority opinion can be scary, and trying to take risks is sometimes better than continuing to be afraid of consequences you know nothing about
Method 2 of 3: Being Unrecognizable

Step 1. Be mysterious
If you want to be difficult to identify and approach, having a mysterious persona is definitely a great way to go. Be a person who doesn't talk often, but when you do speak, you're about to say something important. Be flat and cool even when joking. Discuss everything on the surface, but avoid going into details and letting other people guess. This will make people confused, but attracted to you.
- For example, someone suddenly comes up to you and asks "hey, you often come to the bookstore near here, don't you?" The usual answer would be “Yes, I go there every week. The shop has lots of good books. What's your name?" The answer is not wrong because it is friendly. But you can be a little more mysterious by answering “Mmm. Dostoevsky's books are good, aren't they?” This answer is certainly a little vague and leaves your interlocutor not having so many follow-up questions
- There are lots of guides on the internet that can help you become mysterious. Most of these guides are made for men, but some are aimed at women.

Step 2. Be unpredictable
If no one is sure what you're going to do in the next few minutes, then they certainly can't recognize you. Let people be curious and surprised by doing whatever you like at any time. Are you stuck at the airport terminal? Get out your guitar and sing along with the people around you. Follow your heart to make yourself difficult for others to guess.
Being unpredictable has its risks. Maybe the person you want to sing with is ignoring you and getting scared. Because as you've read before, adapting your actions to other people's will keep you from or can face failure in interacting

Step 3. Don't care what other people think
When someone starts to care about what other people think of him, he will become predictable right away. When a person is predictable, he will not be mysterious anymore. Ignoring other people's opinions can be the key to achieving the mysterious, unrecognizable persona you desire. Don't follow other people's words. Follow your own words.
Learning how to not care what other people think of you is one of the most common points in topics that talk about self-improvement. Many sources offer polite and introspective advice (like this one). But there are also those who take a practical, down-to-earth approach (like this one). Choose an approach that you think fits your personality

Step 4. Explore a variety of interests
Having a variety of hobbies and interests can not only make your life more colorful and interesting, but also make people wonder about you. Diversifying your interests and hobbies can keep people from always having something to ask you which will make you attractive in front of them. Do a different hobby in your spare time. For example, on Saturdays you often read and study classical literature, while on Sundays you play futsal. Then in the evening on a weekday you usually write on your blog.
But keep in mind that there are some skills or hobbies that require you to spend more time mastering them (such as playing a musical instrument). So while your activities may vary, there may be some activities that take up more of your time than others

Step 5. Hide your personal details
If you want to be hard to spot, don't reveal too much about yourself. When you are asked something about yourself, answer in moderation. Make sure you don't give too much information about yourself. If you answer a question about yourself with a simple answer, they will certainly be more interested in knowing more.

Step 6. Stay calm
Keeping yourself calm is an important skill when you want to be hard to spot. Being mysterious, unpredictable, and staying cool is usually easy if you stay calm in any situation. If, for example, you feel nervous, frustrated, or shy when people ask you about your personality, people may still find you difficult to identify, but there may be some people who don't really like you and end up not being interested in interacting with you anymore. So, stay calm when you interact with other people. Here are some techniques you can use to calm yourself down when interacting.
- Meditation
- Enough sleep
- Calming breathing technique
- Calm down after doing something
- Sport
- Spend time alone
Method 3 of 3: Having Unusual Tastes

Step 1. Listen to unusual music
The most common sign of a person whose taste is unusual is the music he listens to. Listening to songs by singers and/or people you don't know or hear is a must if you want to earn a reputation as someone with odd tastes. Listen to bands or singers that are foreign to most people's ears. The less known the band or singer, the better.
You can of course keep your taste buds high quality and worth listening to. There is a lot of non-mainstream music out there that is actually good and worth listening to. Just go to the internet and search for indie music or music from other countries that people in your area rarely listen to

Step 2. Watch an unusual movie
Another way to show that you have unusual tastes is to like movies that are rarely seen and recognized. Holding a show to watch the latest film from an indie director that you like or introducing an underrated film will certainly make your film taste considered unusual. Having a weird taste in movies can give you an interesting topic of conversation, because everyone likes or at least doesn't watch movies.
- Unfortunately, because indie films don't usually have a huge marketing budget, you'll have a hard time finding them and will have to put in a lot more effort and research to find them. Look for portals that provide updates on indie films you love so you don't miss the latest news.
- Film festivals also often show indie films that are rarely covered but have high quality. Also, some films made by lesser-known directors may even be screened at festivals which means the only place to see certain indie films is at the festival the filmmaker attended. So, don't be lazy to look for film festivals held near you.

Step 3. Read an unusual literary work or book
Books usually don't satisfy everyone. But, for many people, books can make a lasting impression that is irreplaceable. Reading books that people rarely read can give you a unique impression that you can't get in books in general, as well as music and movies. If you don't really like reading (as most people do nowadays), try reading at least one unusual book per year. Slowly you will develop the habit of reading your books and impress others with your unusual taste.
To read an unusual book, look for a website that provides such a book. On websites like these you'll find lots of reviews, recommendations, and often the latest releases that might catch your eye

Step 4. Enjoy unusual food
Cooking is an art that someone once did. By appreciating rare and unusual foods and then learning how to make them, you will not only amaze others with your unusual tastes, but also with your ability to cook delicious dishes and make other people happy. If you're not sure where to start, try looking for interesting and unusual recipes based on the type of cuisine (for example, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Middle Eastern, and so on). Then, slowly try to find more unusual foods, at least those from that country.
You don't have to pay a fortune to make good food. Today, there are many websites that can teach you how to make unique dishes that are practical but still nutritious and healthy

Step 5. Have an unusual clothing style
Most people will immediately judge you by your appearance. To show that you have unusual tastes, try dressing in an unconventional style. For example, with a vintage or old school style or any style that most people rarely use. Decide with your own creativity. Your style is your own decision, so be proud of your unique style.
You also don't have to spend a lot of money to have a unique and unusual style. If you're looking for something new at a low price, you can always visit a thrift store or local brand. These shops usually provide clothes in unusual styles at much lower prices

Step 6. Have an unusual friend
Everyone is influenced by other people close to him. Everyone can provide opinions and points of view that may influence others, including you. You are also sometimes judged by who your close friends are. If you really want to be seen as having unusual tastes, hang out with unique people. People who see you with an “unusual” friend will assume that you are also unusual.
Some of the places where you can find friends with unique tastes are places you can find movies, music, books, and all the unusual things mentioned above. So, frequent indie concerts, local film festivals, independent bookstores, restaurants serving exotic food, and some other unusual places
- Don't worry too much about being considered good or bad. Being unusual is not trying to be good or bad.
- If someone asks you what music you like, don't mention your favorite singer. Just say that the music you listen to is mediocre.
- Don't be too weird and unusual and make you feel rejected by society and end up being too aloof.
- Being unconventional may make your life a little more difficult, especially in the world of work. So if you want to be unusual, decide wisely.