There are many people who want to have physical attractiveness. Confidence in your appearance can support your physical and mental health, and make you happier throughout the day. While there are various opinions and the fact that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, there are steps you can take in your daily life to make yourself more attractive to the public. By being aware of how other people perceive you and working to improve your physical appearance, you will be able to have a physical attraction that attracts other people out there.
Method 1 of 3: Adding Facial Attractiveness

Step 1. Get enough sleep
If your sleep is lacking or disturbed, wrinkles will appear on the forehead. In addition, the eyes and cheeks will also be red if your skin is pale. Try to go to bed early if you usually don't get enough sleep at night. If your sleep is disturbed due to a medical condition such as sleep apnea or insomnia, talk to your doctor to find a treatment that will help you get a good night's sleep.
Adults between the ages of 18–64 need seven to nine hours of sleep per night, while teens need eight to ten hours

Step 2. Cut the hair in a new style
If you feel like you can't change your appearance, consider a new hairstyle. If your hairstyle has always been the same as before, you might be surprised at the changes that the new cut makes. Hair helps frame your face so you have to think about facial features and how to best highlight them.
- For example, if you have a strong jaw, consider growing your hair on the sides to balance your face.
- Try a few different haircuts and ask your friends which one is the best.
- Ask your hair stylist for advice. You might ask, "I want a clean, modern style. Any ideas?"
- If you like the haircut of one of the actors or musicians, bring a photo and ask if the hairdresser can copy it.

Step 3. Consider growing a beard
A beard can make you more attractive. However, it depends on the symmetry and construction of the face, and whether you can grow a beard. The most attractive beards are "short beards," or looking like they haven't been shaved in ten days.
- If your beard grows in a patchwork, consider a neat shave or try a goatee (goatee).
- A beard can make the chin appear wider.

Step 4. Keep skin clean
Clean skin indicates health and happiness, while acne prone skin is sometimes considered by people to be unattractive. Wash your face daily and find a moisturizer and facial scrub that suits your skin. If you have skin problems, consider changing your diet and eating more fruits and vegetables, and seeing a dermatologist who can diagnose and treat acne or skin rashes.
- Olive oil, tomato and dark chocolate have been shown to help keep skin clean.
- Consumption of unhealthy and sugary foods in excess can worsen skin conditions.
Method 2 of 3: Dress Attractive

Step 1. Choose clothes that help you to be confident
When you wear nice clothes, you will feel good. Feeling comfortable and confident will make you more physically attractive in the eyes of others. Make sure your clothes fit your body and are not too loose or tight. If you don't have a fashion sense or aren't sure what to wear, ask a friend or a store clerk for advice.
Make sure your clothes are always clean, tidy and ironed. This will make you look more attractive

Step 2. Wear red and black clothes
Red and black are the most attractive colors for men. This color has a biological influence that makes you look more attractive in the eyes of others. Red and black show dominance, attractiveness, and aggressiveness in a man, and make you look cool.
The style of dress is still important no matter the color. If you seem unpleasant or antisocial, other people may not find you attractive

Step 3. Be yourself
While these steps will help you appear more attractive in the eyes of the general public, being yourself plays an important role in how others perceive you. Wearing clothes that feel forced or unnatural will only reduce your confidence. By being yourself, your attractiveness will increase.
- Just because other people don't like a certain style, doesn't mean you shouldn't wear it.
- Try to include personality in clothes. For example, if you are known to be energetic, try wearing bright colors to show your cheerful personality.
Method 3 of 3: Cultivating Physical

Step 1. Have good posture
Maintain posture by pulling your shoulders back and lifting your head. A slouching or bad posture indicates a lack of confidence and makes you appear unattractive. Practice your posture daily by being aware of the position of your back when sitting or standing. When you notice that you are slouching, correct your posture immediately.
If you tend to slouch, it may take time to change the habit

Step 2. Exercise regularly
Lean muscle is considered the most attractive body type for men. Try to maintain a fat-to-muscle ratio at 16% fat and 80% muscle to achieve a more attractive appearance. The fat to muscle ratio can be calculated by a personal trainer or doctor. Do moderate reps, or 10–12 reps, with challenging weights. Work out at the gym or at home to have a leaner and more muscular body.
- Do cardio exercises, such as running, and lift weights with bench presses, leg presses, squats, and curls.
- You can also join a sports team or pursue an active hobby to cultivate your body
- Exercises that help build lean muscle include rock climbing and swimming.
- Everyone's tastes are different, and some people don't like lean muscle.
- Exercise to feel more confident in your own body and become healthier.
- There are some men who will not be able to get a lean or muscular body, but it doesn't matter. As long as you put in the effort, your chances of being considered attractive by others will increase.

Step 3. Darken the skin if you are pale
Dark skin is considered more attractive by some contemporary standards. To get dark skin, go to a tanning salon or use a tanner. The sun is not the only way to darken the skin. Eating certain vegetables will also give you the dark appearance of carotenoids, which when combined with melanin dark or natural dark, will make you look more attractive. To get carotenoid dark skin, make sure you eat fruits and vegetables like sweet potatoes, tomato juice, carrots, red peppers, cantaloupe, and melons regularly.
- Darkening of the skin with UV light has been linked to cancer risk.
- The dark skin that comes from the carotenoids is sometimes called the "shine".
- Apart from making you look more attractive, most of the carotenoids are also healthy for you.

Step 4. Keep the body clean
Keeping the body clean is an important factor in physical attractiveness. If the body smells bad or looks dirty, others will view it negatively. Body odor or untidy clothes often make people lose interest. Use deodorant and shower every day. Brush your teeth so that your breath smells fresh.
A clean body can also prevent dangerous health problems such as head lice, foot fungus, and infections
- Body Dysmorphic Disorder (Body Dysmorphic Disorder) is a mental disorder that makes sufferers obsessed with physical appearance. If you're always thinking about your appearance and it's interfering with important aspects of your life like work, family, or school, seek help from a mental health professional.
- Don't let other people define you. Physical appearances come in different forms, and just because one person doesn't find you attractive doesn't mean you aren't attractive to others.
- Health, happiness, and self-confidence are the most important means of increasing physical attractiveness.