It might sound really weird to use beer for hair instead of drinking it. However, beer does have benefits for skin and hair. The malt and hops in beer are rich in proteins that help repair hair and restore volume. In addition, sucrose and maltose will make hair shine. If your hair looks dull or limp, a bottle of beer might do the trick.
Method 1 of 2: Applying Beer to Your Hair

Step 1. Remove beer carbonation
Pour a bottle or can of beer into a bowl and leave it overnight or all day. The more the surface of the beer is exposed to the air, the faster the beer oxidizes and loses carbon.
It is very important to remove the carbon dioxide in the beer because the combination of carbon dioxide and water will produce hard water or water with a high mineral content. The carbon dioxide will also block the effects of the shampoo, making it harder to wash your hair effectively. Hard water will also make the scales on the hair stand up making it look stiff and tangled

Step 2. Wash hair with shampoo
Use any shampoo but skip the conditioner. The beer will replace your conditioner.
You can transfer the aerated beer to a sealed container or bottle and take it to the bathroom or shower

Step 3. Massage hair for 1 minute
Pour the beer from the bottle into your hair and massage it into your scalp.
- Beer is also beneficial for the skin because beer sediment or blended wheat helps reduce sebum production and control oily skin on the face or scalp.
- You can also try dipping the ends of your hair in beer first and letting it sit for 5 minutes before rinsing your entire head with beer.

Step 4. Rinse the beer from the hair
It is recommended not to rinse the beer completely and leave a little in the hair for best benefits. After that, dry your hair with a towel.
- It may take several washes before you can see and feel the benefits.
- We recommend that this method only be done a few times a week because the hair will be dry if you do it every day
Method 2 of 2: Increase the Benefits of Hair Wash with Beer

Step 1. Add a few drops of essential oil to the beer
The alcohol in beer can damage and dry out your hair, but this effect can be countered by dripping essential oils. This oil not only adds nutrition to the hair, but also provides a calming effect when you massage the beer into your hair. In addition, it smells good too. Consider adding the following ingredients to your beer:
Lemon oil.
Efficacious strengthens and adds shine to hair, and eradicates dandruff.
Almond oil.
Moisturizing and cooling the scalp.
Chamomile oil.
Efficacious add shine and soften hair.
Jojoba oil.
Efficacious increase hair nutrition and moisturize the scalp.
Lavender oil.
Efficacious as a deep conditioning that moisturizes and adds nutrients and antioxidants to the hair.
Sandalwood oil.
Helps overcome dry and split ends.

Step 2. Mix a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into the beer
Vinegar has the effect of softening the scales or cuticles on each strand of hair so it doesn't feel harsh from using shampoo.
- Consider using raw apple cider vinegar instead of commercial vinegar. Raw vinegar is not diluted, heated or clarified. Raw vinegar has lots of good bacteria, nutrients, and enzymes needed to improve hair texture.
- You can mix 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to 250 mL of water instead of beer and treat your hair like washing it with beer.
- It's best to only use vinegar to rinse your hair a few times a week. Hair will be dry if done every day.
Leave the beer in your hair for 5 minutes and comb your hair evenly
- Do not drink beer after use and especially after adding essential oils
- If your skin is under medication or treatment, such as acne or rosacea, do not use beer as it can cause skin inflation which can lead to rashes and irritation.