Connecting hair is a popular choice to get long, shiny hair instantly. Connective hair can be made of synthetic materials, or even natural hair. Attaching extensions to natural hair may be fairly easy, but don't underestimate the cleanliness of extensions. Actually, extension hair requires more care than normal hair because it does not get natural oil intake from the scalp. If you use extension hair and want to maintain its beauty, you should clean it patiently and painstakingly. Once you get used to it, you'll find it a natural part of your other cleaning routine.
Method 1 of 2: Washing Permanent Connected Hair

Step 1. Clean connecting hair and natural hair separately
Usually, it is recommended that you wash your hair several times a week. However, the length of time it takes to wash your hair with permanent extensions makes it impractical so you don't have to do it more than once a week. In addition, extension hair can be damaged if washed excessively. Generally, washing natural hair once a week and hair extensions twice a month is sufficient. Try to apply different approaches to these two hair types.
In most cases, washing natural hair once a week, and hair extensions twice a month is considered sufficient

Step 2. Handle the tangles that occur in the hair
You can use a brush, comb or fingers to untangle the tangles. Connected hair is known to tangle easily. So, make sure you handle the tangles with care so that the extensions can be cleaned properly. Start at the roots of the hair at the top of your head, and carefully comb the hair downwards. You should also make sure to comb your hair in relatively smooth motions to minimize the risk of tangles.
It is recommended that you use a type of comb called a looper brush or smooth comb to handle extended hair. The looper brush has no bristles so it won't get caught in the hair. You have to be very careful and careful when handling extensions because they are easier to untangle natural hair than extensions. If you pull it forcefully, you run the risk of damaging the extension hair permanently

Step 3. Rinse hair with warm water
Pouring warm water over your head while dividing your hair in the middle will make it easier to identify the weft between the hairs. This will make it easier for you to find the part of your head that will be the center of attention.

Step 4. Wash your hair with shampoo
Connective hair usually requires more careful care and attention than natural hair because it does not get natural oil intake from the scalp on a regular basis. Scrub your scalp with your favorite shampoo, then gradually massage the hairs into your hair using the shampoo in a downward motion.
Don't use the circular motions you normally use when you shampoo your hair, as this will cause frizz. You have to handle the hair from top to bottom. Do it patiently and carefully

Step 5. Apply conditioner to your hair after shampooing
You may use conditioner after shampooing as part of your hair wash routine. Because extensions don't get their natural oil intake, it's important to use conditioner. Apply conditioner as usual to the extensions, starting at the top and working your way down.
Using too much conditioner can cause creases. So, you should choose a leave-in conditioner

Step 6. Spray the hair extensions lightly with antibacterial spray as they begin to dry
Many people complain about the smell that comes from their hair after being left wet for too long. This odor is usually caused by an accumulation of mold. Purchase an inexpensive antibacterial hair spray and spray a small amount on your hair while waiting for it to dry.

Step 7. Dry hair in a safe way
It's very important to make sure the extensions are completely dry when you use them. Otherwise, extensions that are left wet run the risk of mildew, which will smell worse than before. On the other hand, you should dry your hair in a safe way to avoid heat damage. There are several ways to do this:
- Sitting in front of a fan that swings left and right and letting the wind dry your hair may take some time, but it's considered the safest method.
- Using a hairdryer carries the risk of heat damage to your hair, but you can attach a spout cap to reduce the detrimental effects. Begin to dry your hair from the tips towards the roots.
Method 2 of 2: Washing Removable Hair

Step 1. Comb the hair using a brush thoroughly
If you want to remove the extensions, you must first make sure the hair is not tangled. If you don't, when you remove it there's a chance that the natural hair will pull on it and cause pain. Use a brush or comb to carefully comb the hair and untangle any tangles. Start at the top, and carefully comb the hair downwards in a smooth motion.

Step 2. Wet hair with warm water
Flush your hair with warm water or stand in the shower and wash your hair. Let the water run down the center of your hair. This way, it will be easier for you to identify the weft between the hairs.

Step 3. Carefully remove each weft
Once your hair is no longer tangled, you can carefully remove the extensions from your scalp. Remove the extensions one at a time, checking for damage before setting them aside.

Step 4. Mark and label each weft before washing
Knowing in advance where each weft is on your head will make it easier when you have to put it back in because you don't have to guess. Create a simple system by assigning a number (1, 2, 3, etc.) to the part of the head where the hair should be attached (leftmost weft, center-left weft, and so on). This way, once all the extensions have been washed and dried, you can put them back in their original position.

Step 5. Wash the hair extensions with a small amount of shampoo
You can wash your hair in the sink or in a metal basin. Use warm water and a small amount of shampoo (about the size of a finger). Then, wash your hair carefully while moving your fingers from the roots to the hair shaft. As with permanent loose hair, try not to rub your hair in circular motions, as this will increase the risk of tangles.

Step 6. Put the conditioner in a plastic bag and heat it in the microwave for 30 seconds
After you've washed your hair clean and fresh, it's time to add some oil and make it shiny. Put your hair in a plastic bag after you've applied the conditioner as you would with shampoo. Then, place the wet extensions in the microwave and heat for 30 seconds. This method will speed up the drying process compared to letting your hair dry naturally.
If you don't like the idea of putting your hair in the microwave, you can dry it manually with a hairdryer with a spout cap. Do not towel-dry your hair as this will make your hair limp

Step 7. Reattach the hair extension on the head
Once you've marked each hair according to its original location on your head, you can put it back on without any hassle. If not, you'll have to guess for yourself. Try to remember the location of each weft. You may have to experiment a few times, but in the end you'll find a placement that works best for you.
- If you feel challenged, you can try new combinations and placements to just see how the changes affect the appearance of your face and hair!
- Spray hair with antibacterial spray as a complement. The drying process should keep the extensions dry enough and safe from possible odors, but it's not a bad idea to spray your hair with an antibacterial liquid. That way, you'll avoid the awful smell of mold, and have to repeat the washing process one more time!

Step 8. Replace the hair extensions with new ones regularly
After some time, the extensions will lose their shine. For this reason, it is recommended to replace it every three months. Connecting hair made from natural hair is also not too expensive. So buying new extensions on a regular basis will be a great way to maximize your look!
- Many people who use extensions tend to overlook how important it is to take the time to care for their natural hair. You don't need to wash it as often as you normally would (once or twice a week will suffice), but cleaning the area around the extensions may take some time. You should make sure to spend a few hours undisturbed, several times a month, to keep your hair looking fresh and healthy.
- If you have a hairdryer, use a spout cover when trying to dry your hair. This step prevents hair damage from direct heat.
- Connecting hair made from human hair is generally preferred over synthetic hair because it tends to last longer.
- You should make washing your hair a part of your routine, just like washing your natural hair. For most people, washing your hair once every two weeks is enough, but there's nothing wrong with considering adjusting it to your natural hair washing schedule and determining the best one.
- Washing natural hair with extensions is a lot more difficult, but don't make that an excuse for not paying attention to the cleanliness of your natural hair! Over time, those who neglect their natural hair care will end up with brittle and unhealthy hair once they stop using extensions. Therefore, you should also be diligent in washing natural hair.
- Never sleep with wet hair! This will cause the hair to smell (due to mildew) and have a limp appearance. Protecting hair with a soft satin scarf can prevent frizz.