How to touch a woman you like? It can be difficult knowing when to start, and realizing that you've gone too far. If you find a woman you like and she's attracted to you, start by overcoming touch barriers, and then you can work out ways to touch her physically more often. So how to touch a woman without causing misunderstandings? Read on to find out more.
Part 1 of 5: Overcoming Touch Restrictions

Step 1. Make sure the woman is receptive to your touch
Before you plan how to touch a woman, you have to make sure she's willing to accept it. If a woman likes you, she will stand by you, stay away from you when you touch her, and generally show signs that she likes your company. Does he look you in the eye? Is he smiling, laughing, and happy? If so, then you are on the right track. Here are a few ways to tell if he's receptive to your touch:
- If he likes you, he will stare into your eyes for a long time or just turn away immediately. Both of these signs could mean that he likes you. If you make eye contact with a woman and see her looking at you too, this means that she likes you, although she may soon turn her gaze elsewhere. If he looks away quickly, this could mean he's nervous but likes you.
- Pay attention to his personality. If he's friendly and sociable, he's less likely to get angry or startled when you try to touch him. But if he's shy or quiet, you may want to make sure he likes you before you touch him.

Step 2. Give it a soft and relaxing touch
Run your arm around his arm, place your hand on his small back, or give him a pen or book by touching your finger with his. Was he as shocked as if his hand caught fire? Or does he let your body close for a few seconds and smile? If he reciprocates your feelings, then he will accept your touch.
Give it a friendly, relaxed touch at first to see how it responds. You don't need to give a romantic touch just yet

Step 3. Touch a little longer
If this relaxed approach works, then try touching it a little longer next time. Place your hands on his back for a few seconds, not just to invite him out of the room. Place your hand on top of his for a few seconds longer as you feed him. If your knees or feet touch under the table, let it sit for a while before sliding it.
This will make him ready for a more intimate and long touch, and let you know how much he likes your touch
Part 2 of 5: Act Like a Real Man

Step 1. Look for opportunities to touch her in a polite way when you're together
This will make you look like a real man protecting her. Make sure she's a woman who values this kind of behavior and doesn't think you're old fashioned. Be his protector. Once you're on a date, go to a romantic place where it's just the two of you and you like each other, you can look for opportunities to be a real man so you can touch him.

Step 2. Hold the jacket
If you're both going out and he needs to put on a jacket or coat, hold it for him like a real gentleman would, so he can tuck his arms into the jacket. Your knuckles may be in gentle contact with him as you hold onto his jacket. If he responds positively and you notice that his hair is still covered in his jacket, help him carefully remove it.
You can also help take off his jacket when he gets to his destination, whether you're inviting him over to your house or eating out

Step 3. Extend your hand
This is especially helpful when he needs to maintain his balance, such as when he gets out of the car, or when he steps on an uneven road. A woman will really like this because your outstretched hand shows that you are thinking about her and not just thinking about yourself. This touch is more suitable to be given when she is wearing a dress or wearing high heels.
Again, make sure that she's not a woman who takes your helping hand as a condescending thing

Step 4. Bend your arms
This gesture is a subtle invitation for him to hook your arm around your arm, especially if you're walking together. This touch is a romantic way to walk as a couple without feeling overwhelming. You'd better do it "after" spending a nice date together. After dinner or a movie, or whatever you were doing on a date, going out together is a great way to show each other how you feel.
If this is your first time trying to touch or make physical contact, don't go to crowded places, where you might run into people you know. Find a more romantic place

Step 5. Offer him to walk first
Open the door for him, and let him walk first when he passes through a door, aisle, or a small crowd. A polite gesture is to place your hand directly above his waist (you can place your hand anywhere on his back to guide him through the door, but never below his waist. Or you may be abandoned by him), when passing through a door or hallway, while saying "you first." Another part you can hold is the back of the arm, just above the elbow (highly recommended especially if she's wearing short sleeves), or on the shoulder very gently and carefully.
While it's a good idea to let a woman walk in first, don't always touch her then, or she'll start to think you're acting like a real man just to touch her, which you shouldn't

Step 6. Walk ahead
If you're about to enter a crowded place, hold out your hand so you can guide them through the crowd without being separated from each other. This will not only show that you care about him, but also that you can lead. Once you're out of the crowd, you can continue holding hands if he wants.
Hand in hand is a big step for many women. If he doesn't want to do it right away, don't be disappointed. He may wait to be your girlfriend before joining hands, especially in public
Part 3 of 5: Finding Reasons to Touch It

Step 1. Remove anything from the face or hair
Seeing eyelashes falling on someone's face is not uncommon, especially on the cheeks. If you see him, say "Calm down for a second. An eyelash is falling on your face." Gently remove the eyelashes. Don't use too much power, especially if she's wearing makeup. Do the same if you notice something like threads or dust grains in her hair.
- Of course, don't stare at her face all night until you find a falling eyelash. But if you manage to find one, great!
- You can lie too. Say there's something in her hair, even if there's nothing there, and touch her.
- Don't wipe food residue off of his face. Saying "Wait, you have some flesh on your chin" isn't romantic.

Step 2. Compliment the jewelry or nail polish
Is she wearing a new ring, a new haircut, or a different color of nail polish? Give her words of praise ("Beautiful ring" or "Did you just dye your nails a different color") Hold out your hand asking to see it. Notice anything different, and ask something, or give it a compliment. If she's wearing pretty earrings, hold them in your hands and tell her how pretty they are. However, you can only try this touch if you've already touched it -- because trying to touch your face can feel very intimate.
While you're doing it all, try to feel his response to your hand that you're holding. After he answers your comment or question, briefly brush his hand with your thumb and let go. Smile and change the subject, but be careful not to seem intimidating

Step 3. Keep him warm
If it's cold outside and you notice he's cold or shivering, offer to put your coat on. Put it around his body. Depending on his comfort level, you may be able to touch your hand and rub it lightly on his upper arm to provide some warmth. If you notice that his hands are cold, ask him to put his hands together and reach out to you. Hold her hand and rub gently and quickly to warm her up.
If you're brave, put your hand in front of your mouth and blow some warm air into it. Just make sure that your breath doesn't stink

Step 4. Flirt with each other
If you're flirting with each other, you can give each other a pat, a gentle touch on the arm or shoulder. If you flirt with each other, then you will naturally touch each other. He may touch you more often than you touch him. If you're both in a cheerful and loving mood, then it's fine to touch her in this way.
Playing around is perfect if you both do it. But if you notice that you're the only one touching him and he's not responding, then stop

Step 5. Touch boldly
If he responds positively to everything you do in the bag, take the next step (or you risk getting into the friend zone forever). This is for example placing your arm on his shoulder or waist. The back of the neck and waist are two sensitive parts.

Step 6. Notice if he's not interested
If he doesn't respond positively to your touch, back off. This doesn't necessarily mean he isn't interested. Maybe he's just tired or in a bad mood. It's just that if you've tried to touch him several times and get the same response, chances are he's not interested in your touch.
Part 4 of 5: Touching During Physical Activity

Step 1. Dance
Any form of dance in pairs, such as salsa, tango, or swing, can be a way to overcome touch barriers. Remember, even though he seems happy dancing with you, that doesn't mean he likes you afterward. But this could be the start of course.

Step 2. Go ice surfing
Ice skating is an activity that is perfect for casual contact. You can hold her hand to keep her from falling if she's not very good at it, or to help her surf backwards together. In a cold environment, you may also have the opportunity to warm him up by giving him a hug or shrouding your jacket.

Step 3. Play tennis
Ask him to be your double partner. There will be plenty of opportunities to celebrate your scoring success and touch each other. In the end, you can also touch his back or shoulder and say he played well. Keep in mind he may feel uncomfortable from sweating so he won't really want to be touched during or after the game.

Step 4. Try any activity so you can hug him from behind
For example, riding a motorbike, sitting on snowboarding, flying with a parachute together, and so on. Go mini golf together if you know how to hold a golf club. There are many opportunities to get close to him during the game.
Part 5 of 5: Knowing the Don'ts

Step 1. Do not give unwanted massage
Don't approach a woman and give her a shoulder massage for no reason. If he says his shoulder hurts, rub his shoulder, or ask you to give him a massage, that's okay. But if you show up out of the blue and try to massage her when she's alone, it will misunderstand her.
If he's tense and doesn't relax when you massage him, then you've gone too far

Step 2. Don't pull it
Avoid pulling his arm with your hand to go somewhere with you. At best, he'll just find you annoying. But worst of all, he'll think you're trying to kidnap him. In general, any kind of pulling or pushing would be considered immature or coercive.
There's a difference between pulling each other casually, and pulling a woman forcibly so that it feels rude and disrespectful
- Be brave. Higher self-confidence = better reaction.
- Always try to keep your hands clean and dry. If he smells onion from your hand, this is not good. If your hands sweat easily, carry a dry tissue in your pocket and use it to dry your hands before touching them. Keep your hands cool, as this will startle him. If this happens, deal with it by telling jokes to lighten the mood.
- Treat him gently and attentively whenever you touch him. The most subtle thing is to invite him to hug when parting or to touch your hand with his, if he doesn't like this touch, you will likely know.
- Some people don't like to be touched, especially on a first date. Approach him slowly or your relationship could end before it starts.
- Some women feel uncomfortable being touched until they start dating. If you are interested in seeing him again, approach him slowly or he will get scared.
- Tell a weird joke that will make him lightly smack your arm, but also make him laugh and at the same time touch you. However, these jokes are high risk and can make him angry if he is sensitive. Try it by paying attention to the risks.
- If you're not dating, you can touch him on the arm or hand when he says something funny, if he responds well, you might touch him on the leg or even hold his hand after a while.
- Even the most friendly touch won't work if he's bored or disinterested. Make your conversation fun and make sure you both enjoy it.
- Tickling a woman on the side of her body is quite a polite touch. However, this touch should only be done with women who are already friends with you, not those you don't know.
- If you're not sure he's ready to be touched or you don't know how he'll behave when he's ready, try to see how his friends around him behave, and how they respond. Hanging out with his friends (he's there too, of course) will help you better understand how he'll respond once he's "ready" and/or used to you. If he starts behaving the same way his friends do, then this is a sign that he may be ready (or maybe you're getting into his friend zone; do it at the risk).
- When you meet a woman for the first time, try shaking her hand. This will get you both used to being in touch with each other.
- Notice that some people are very close to their friends. A woman may hug you and think she's just being friendly, while you think she's interested.
- The degree of openness to touch varies in different cultures. In Korea, holding hands/hugs is usually only for people who are dating and kissing in public will usually make women and others feel uncomfortable. But doing the same in Latin America is commonplace. In Bulgaria, giving a woman a farewell hug is as normal as shaking hands anywhere else. Understand the culture around you and act accordingly. *Do not approach his private area, as this will frighten him.
- If he's cleaning the area you just touched, this could be a sign that he thinks you're dirty or too rough. For example, if you lightly touch his hand and he immediately rubs, rubs, or "cleans" the area, be careful. He may find you dirty or disinterested. You might try again another time if you think it's just a coincidence, but if the woman does the same thing over and over again, then step back for a while.
- After physical contact, if he says he needs to go or go to the bathroom, then he may not like your touch and feel uncomfortable. In some cases, she may feel shy about physical contact, so you should check this before touching her further.
- Do not exaggerate! Some women will find excessive touching as annoying or even rude!
- Try not to try too hard and be persistent if he gives a refusing response.
- While you might think you're being careful and polite not to touch him unless he touches first, you may still be in the friend zone, where it's hard for you to escape. For many people, one big difference between "friendship" and "dating" lies in the way you touch each other. There are more platonic ways to touch someone. Study his guide on how to read body language, and if you see a sign in his body language or expression that pushes you away, then respect his boundaries and feelings by refraining from touching him again.
- Don't touch him affectionately if you're in his friend zone. He will feel very uncomfortable. And he will not likely like you for example, you can just hold his hand.