How To Make People Want To Be Your Best Friend: 13 Steps

How To Make People Want To Be Your Best Friend: 13 Steps
How To Make People Want To Be Your Best Friend: 13 Steps

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The desire to be liked is a natural instinct. The desire to have friends is also the desire of most people. The problem is, not everyone knows how. You can increase your chances of making people want to be friends by showing the best version of yourself, working on developing friendships, and knowing the signs of pushing yourself.


Part 1 of 3: Showing the Best Version of Yourself

Make People Want to Be Your Best Friend Step 1
Make People Want to Be Your Best Friend Step 1

Step 1. Show confidence

We tend to enjoy making friends with confident people. We usually admire and want to be with such people. Show confidence even if you don't have much, and you're more likely to attract a lot of friends.

  • The key to effective and attractive self-confidence is not to come across as arrogant or selfish. You just need to walk with your back straight, shoulders pulled back, and head held high. Look the other person in the eye and smile when you talk to them.
  • Don't act like you're better off not talking or ignoring people. Make everyone you meet feel valuable.
Make People Want to Be Your Best Friend Step 2
Make People Want to Be Your Best Friend Step 2

Step 2. Don't talk negatively about yourself

While it may sound funny to mock yourself, don't be too condescending no matter what your circumstances are. People don't want to be around anyone who talks too much about themselves in a positive or negative way.

  • For example, don't let your social group hear you say “I'm fat” or I'm ugly.” They want to be around people who are grateful for what they have because that kind of confidence is contagious.
  • Condescending yourself gives the impression that you are secretly insecure. So, avoid such language.
Make People Want to Be Your Best Friend Step 3
Make People Want to Be Your Best Friend Step 3

Step 3. Start a chat

You can't expect people to want to be friends if you don't act first. Invite others to chat whenever and wherever possible. Who knows, you might find a new best friend in the shop line.

Practice what you are going to say. You can talk about the weather, local sports teams, foreign celebrity news, or whatever else you enjoy talking about. If you have a topic prepared, you will be more confident when talking to new people

Make People Want to Be Your Best Friend Step 4
Make People Want to Be Your Best Friend Step 4

Step 4. Join a social group to meet new people

If you want to meet new people and make new potential friends, you have to try new experiences. You won't meet anyone if you don't want to try new things. Finding people who are attracted to you is a great start to finding true friends.

Join groups or take courses that interest you. This is a great opportunity to meet people who share the same interests. You can also ask friends and family if you can meet their friends, or meet people who share your religion. Some meaningful relationships start with a common interest

Make People Want to Be Your Best Friend Step 5
Make People Want to Be Your Best Friend Step 5

Step 5. Be the person you want to be friends with

Is there a personality or trait that you find attractive when making friends? If so, emulate those qualities. This doesn't mean you have to pretend, but try to incorporate some attributes into the way you behave.

For example, if you like people who care about others, do so too. If you admire people who like to take risks, start taking a few risks. Cultivate spontaneity and get out of your comfort zone. Not only will you be happier, but you will naturally find new friends more attracted to you

Part 2 of 3: Making Friendship

Make People Want to Be Your Best Friend Step 6
Make People Want to Be Your Best Friend Step 6

Step 1. Make sure you are always there

People don't just become friends if you don't seem willing to make friendships. Good friends are always there when needed. Make sure you're always there for him and spend time together when you can. By showing that you care about her happiness and well-being, she will see that you are a true friend.

For example, asking how she's doing via text message, bringing her soup when she's not feeling well, giving her time when she needs help, and opening up to her. You may feel uneasy about opening up to that extent, but it can actually increase your chances of making friends

Make People Want to Be Your Best Friend Step 7
Make People Want to Be Your Best Friend Step 7

Step 2. Show that you are interested

People usually like to talk about themselves. This has nothing to do with arrogance, just to show the similarities through the stories he experienced himself. Find out what you can know from a potential friend. Show interest with questions that will get him talking.

Ask questions like, “What is your favorite activity?” or “Why did you choose this career?” or “Who is the biggest influence in your life?” Questions like these allow you to get to know him personally and start off good friendships

Make People Want to Be Your Best Friend Step 8
Make People Want to Be Your Best Friend Step 8

Step 3. Enjoy time together

A relationship between two people who don't see each other often can be difficult to maintain. You may also feel that you don't need to make time for him if you don't see him often. Do everything you can to enjoy your time with him so he knows that you think he's worth it.

While it's fun to go outside and attend events, you don't have to always be looking for something to do. Sitting and just chatting about life is often more enjoyable

Make People Want to Be Your Best Friend Step 9
Make People Want to Be Your Best Friend Step 9

Step 4. Make the other person happy with himself

Part of being a good friend is acting like a cheerleader. You have the ability to make people happy, and you should give this to your friends. When you can lift her spirits and support her, she will be grateful to have you, and therefore a stronger friendship.

Make People Want to Be Your Best Friend Step 10
Make People Want to Be Your Best Friend Step 10

Step 5. Show that you can be trusted

The difference between friends and friends is that you can share anything with friends. Friends have secrets that only they know. You can show your capacity as a friend by being honest and keeping secrets.

  • If he tells you something, don't pass it on to other people. You have to keep your mouth shut unless he's in danger.
  • People who can be trusted are also honest. If he asks something serious, answer honestly even if it hurts. For example, if your best friend asks, "Do you think I should choose Jos?" Show your concern by saying, "I think you should wait to see if he really loves you."

Part 3 of 3: Avoiding Overdoing Approach

Make People Want to Be Your Best Friend Step 11
Make People Want to Be Your Best Friend Step 11

Step 1. Don't call too often

In the early stages of building a friendship, don't scare him because you call him too often. Texting and calling several times a day can damage the foundation of the relationship and squelch his desire to be friends with you.

  • In the early stages, ideally contact is made every few days or when you want to ask him to do something. Over time, you'll be able to contact more often, but only after being friends for a while.
  • The benchmark is to observe the response. Reply to text messages or calls when he texts or calls you. If you don't hear from him after a few days, you can call first, but only once. Sending him hundreds of text messages and calling him multiple times will only scare him off.
Make People Want to Be Your Best Friend Step 12
Make People Want to Be Your Best Friend Step 12

Step 2. Recognize the signs of needing to retreat

If you make a mistake that you think is redundant, the friendship can still be saved by taking a step back. If you give him space, he may still want to continue the friendship.

If your messages and calls go unanswered, your invitations to spend time together are often turned down, or you feel like something is wrong, he may be drifting away. You can ask him what's going on, or give him space and see if a friendship can be developed

Make People Want to Be Your Best Friend Step 13
Make People Want to Be Your Best Friend Step 13

Step 3. Let the friendship develop on its own

Like any other type of relationship, friendships also take time to bloom. Don't expect a lot of things in a short time. If you've found the perfect person to be your best friend, maybe you've always wanted to be with him or her. However, this will drive him away from you.
