Seducing the guy you love doesn't have to stop just because you're wearing his leather jacket. If you keep on flirting, your relationship will be more fulfilling, no matter if it's only been a month or a few decades! Some people are naturally seductive by nature, while others may need inspiration to do so. Fortunately, there are ways that you can always make your partner happy.
Method 1 of 4: Creating Mysteries

Step 1. Close the door when you get ready to go on a date
Putting a (temporary) barrier between the two of you will surprise and delight him when he opens the door and sees you looking absolutely gorgeous and smiling.

Step 2. Surprise him
Do it in a simple way like buying him a ticket to a movie he wants to see or giving him his favorite ice cream. Little surprises along the way brighten his life and break the usual routine.
Make sure he knows there is a surprise that will be given. Give some hints like, "Just wanted to make sure you're free tonight because I've got a little thing prepared for you."

Step 3. Send an enigmatic message
Generating a little code that he may not be able to crack keeps you on his mind all day as he tries to figure out what “pet roll day in bed” means. (“Let's play doctor!”)
Anagrams (scramble letters in words or sentences) are perfect for this message

Step 4. Whisper to him
It doesn't need to be like giving a speech, leaning in and talking to her ear can make the situation intimate and break out of routine conversation. This could be something as simple as “I love you,” or a question you might actually ask him, like, “Would you like to go for a walk with me?”
You can also do it when no one is around – even better
Method 2 of 4: Show Him You Love Him

Step 1. Listen to him
When your boyfriend is talking, stop doing anything else and give him your full attention. The world is full of distractions, from preoccupation with ourselves to the vibrations of our phones, but try to put all that aside and really listen. Chances are your boyfriend will feel closer to you if he knows he can talk to you.

Step 2. Write a letter to your lover
Expressing your feelings too often may bore him. Leave a message on the fridge (“Happy eating! I love you!”), tuck your handwritten card into his backpack or suitcase, or, if you tend to be online, write an e-card on his Facebook wall.
Remember, restraint is a key element in flirting: instead of pouring out all the time, try to express your feelings in just a few words or sentences

Step 3. Go to where he practices soccer (or band)
Being present when he's doing something else can be a nice surprise and give you a little new side of yourself. He may get excited by your presence, and if no one knows you guys are together, he has the advantage of having beautiful women stare at him in the presence of his friends.
Use your judgment, however: sometimes it's not nice to be there as a bystander, which makes you an unwanted intruder. Secretly find out if it's okay before you show up there
Method 3 of 4: Use Body Language

Step 1. Direct yourself to it
When you sit next to your boyfriend, turn your body towards him: let him know you're not afraid to approach him, and you want to talk to him.

Step 2. Maintain eye contact a little longer
You may look at each other a lot every day or every date. The next time you're in a relaxed situation (dinner, casual talk) try to hold his gaze for a while longer than usual. Eye contact is the most basic way for humans to communicate and connect.

Step 3. Use your magical touch
Touch triggers chemical reactions that increase desire. It's just one of the reasons why you should hold his hand, touch his shoulder when you laugh, kiss him goodbye and goodbye, and hug him while you're watching TV.
Method 4 of 4: Be Yourself

Step 1. Believe in yourself
Confidence in the mind is a very attractive trait, which is why it is the first and only law of temptation. But let's be clear: "confident" does not mean arrogant. Confidence means that you are aware of yourself and comfortable with yourself, bringing out your positive qualities without showing them off.
If you are a person who is not very confident, think about building your confidence. Feeling good about yourself will help you in every aspect of your life, not just your relationship

Step 2. Add some fun jokes
Crunchy jokes or short jokes can be a stickler, especially if they compliment his manhood. For example, you accidentally tripped and fell on your boyfriend, saying “Your chest is so strong I thought I fell on the wall!”

Step 3. When all else fails, laugh together
Your attempt to show something new might make you laugh, but don't worry: this is a natural reaction to getting out of your predicament. Laughing with him keeps things fun and strengthens the bond you have together.