Body composition is determined by diet and exercise routines. For those of you who want to get rid of wavy arms or tighten arm muscles, practice according to the instructions in this article. Remember that exercising to tone or lose weight is an unrealistic desire. Losing weight will reduce fat throughout the body so that the arm muscles become tighter and smaller. This can be achieved by doing some muscle-strengthening movements, practicing aerobics, and adopting a healthy diet.
Part 1 of 1: Train Your Arm Muscles

Step 1. Work your biceps
The biceps muscle consists of 2 parts and is located on the front side of the upper arm. The biceps connects the shoulder and elbow joints so you can bring your forearm closer to your body and move your arm up. Biceps building exercises make the forearm look denser, for example by:
- Do bicep curls. Stand straight while holding 2 dumbbells, 1 with your right hand, 1 with your left. Bring your elbows to your waist and bring your palms forward. Without moving your upper arms, bend your elbows to lift the dumbbells while contracting your biceps. Continue to raise the dumbbells to shoulder height and then slowly lower them again until your arms are back straight at your sides.
- Doing hammer curls. Stand straight while holding 2 dumbbells, 1 with your right hand, 1 with your left. Straighten your arms at your sides while directing your palms to your thighs. Lift the dumbbells up to shoulder height and then slowly lower them again until your arms are back straight at your sides.

Step 2. Practice strengthening the triceps
The triceps muscle consists of 3 parts and is located on the back side of the upper arm. The triceps connects the back of the shoulder and the elbow joint so you can stretch your arm up or move your arm back. So that the upper arm does not sag, train the triceps muscle by doing the following movements.
- Tricep push ups. This movement is the same as a regular push-up, except for the elbow position. Start the exercise by doing a plank posture while placing your palms on the floor just below your shoulders. Bend your elbows while lowering your body until it almost touches the floor. Make sure your upper arms are in line with your sides. Straighten your arms to raise your body back to the starting position in a quick motion. Don't forget to activate your abdominal and back muscles during practice.
- Push ups. Perform plank posture while extending both arms under the shoulders. Bend your elbows while lowering your body until it almost touches the floor. This time, point your elbows to the side (away from your body). Straighten your arms to raise your body back to the starting position in a quick motion. Don't forget to activate your abdominal and back muscles during practice.
- Tricep dips. Sit on a bench for weight training or a sturdy chair while placing your palms on the edge of the seat/bench. Point your fingers forward and straighten your arms. Lower yourself to the floor slowly until your elbows are bent 90°. When lowering your body, make sure your forearms are perpendicular to the floor and bring your elbows as close to your body as possible. Use your triceps to straighten your elbows to bring your body back to its original position.
- Triceps extension. Lie on a bench or on the floor holding 2 dumbbells, 1 with your right hand, 1 with your left. Straighten both arms up and make sure they are perpendicular to the floor. With your palms facing each other, bend your elbows to lower the dumbbells as close to your ears as possible without widening your elbows. Lift the dumbbells again until both arms are straight up again.

Step 3. Practice toning the deltoid muscles
The deltoid muscle attaches to the top of the shoulder blade and the center of the upper arm bone (humerus) so that you can lift your arms sideways, forwards, and backwards. To make your upper arms look more attractive, do the following exercise to tone the deltoid muscles.
- Lift dumbbells to the side. Hold 2 dumbbells, 1 with your right hand, 1 with your left. Let your arms hang relaxed at your sides while slightly bending your elbows. Lift the dumbbells until both arms are parallel to the floor and forming a horizontal line. Slowly lower the dumbbells to your sides again.
- Bring the dumbbells closer to the chin. Hold 2 dumbbells, 1 with your right hand, 1 with your left. Bring your palms back and lift the dumbbells up to your chin level while keeping the dumbbells close to your body. At this time, both elbows will point to the side away from the body. Slowly lower the dumbbells to the starting position.
- Do push ups.

Step 4. Work your chest muscles
Doing push ups and plank postures as often as possible is very beneficial to tighten the forearm muscles to the chest. You can work your muscles thoroughly and have a very attractive posture by tightening the muscles in the arm area. For that, do the following movements:
- Chest press. Lie on your back holding 2 dumbbells, 1 with your right hand, 1 with your left. Raise your arms up and straighten your elbows so that your palms are directly above your shoulders. Bend your elbows to the side to slowly lower the dumbbells to your chest. Then, lift the dumbbells again while straightening your arms.
- Chest fly. Lie on your back holding 2 dumbbells, 1 with your right hand, 1 with your left. Extend your arms out to the sides with your palms facing up. While still extending your arms (and slightly bending your elbows), bring your palms together over your chest and then slowly lower them back to their original position.
- Push ups.
Develop an Exercise Program
Perform repetitive movements using light weights. If your goal is to lose fat without making your arms look muscular, start with light weights. Make sure you are able to perform a certain movement 15-20 times without gasping for breath or feeling excessive heat in the muscles being trained. This step is useful for increasing muscle strength so that you stay in shape, but not increasing muscle.
Lose Upper Arm Fat Step 11 -
Rest for 30-60 seconds before moving on to the next set. Do not train beyond your ability because the goal to be achieved is to have slender arms, but strong. If 1 minute of rest is not enough, you should use lighter weights.
Accelerate Muscle Growth Step 4 -
Work each muscle group 2-3 sets. If you just want to strengthen your muscles, do 2 sets of bicep curls of 20 each and then 2 sets of tricep dips of 20 each. If you want your arms to look a little more muscular, do 2 sets of 15 times or 3 sets of 12 each using heavier weights.
Work out With Dumbbells Step 2 -
Set up an exercise schedule to work specific muscle groups. For best results, train each muscle group 2 times a week. For example, work your biceps and triceps every Monday; triceps and deltoids every Wednesday; deltoids and biceps every Friday.
Maximize Workout Benefits Step 20 Doing Other Sports
Join a beginner's weightlifting class or train in private under the guidance of a professional fitness trainer. Knowing the correct technique and posture when practicing lifting weights is very important. Learn from an experienced person if you don't know the correct posture or practice to enlarge and tone muscles.
Get Skinny Arms Step 5 - Many gyms offer free workouts. Take advantage of this opportunity by taking an introduction to weight training class. These exercises are usually aimed at beginners and they will be accompanied by a professional fitness trainer who is ready to help.
- Sometimes, fitness centers offer private training sessions under the guidance of a professional trainer. When you register as a member, you may be able to attend some private practice sessions for free. In addition, many fitness trainers work as consultants and offer private training services at the fitness center, at home, or elsewhere.
Do aerobic exercise every week. It is impossible to train or lose weight only in certain body parts. However, you can lose weight, reduce body fat, and have slimmer or smaller arms by practicing aerobics regularly.
Get Skinny Arms Step 6 - Get in the habit of practicing aerobics for at least 150 minutes or 2.5 hours every week.
- If you want to increase body fat burning or weight loss, train more often or increase the intensity.
- Do the following exercises regularly: walk, jog/run, use the elliptical machine, swim, or do aerobics in the studio.
- Instead of lifting weights a whole week, set aside 1 day for aerobic exercise because this plays an important role in the muscle recovery process.
Practice losing weight which is also beneficial for toning muscles and burning body fat. Exercising the whole body by practicing dynamic intervals can reduce the arms, waist, hips, legs, and other body parts by a few centimeters. In addition, interval training can burn calories so that body fat is reduced and reduces arms. Get in the habit of practicing intervals for 1-2 minutes, interspersed with 15-30 seconds of rest, for example by:
Get Skinny Arms Step 7 - Jump rope. High impact sports, such as jumping and using your arms to twist a rope, are exercises that burn a lot of calories. Start practicing for 20 seconds and then extend the duration to 1 minute or more. Take a break and then repeat 3 times.
- Do burpees (crouch down and then jump into plank posture). Place both hands beside the soles of the feet while squatting and then do a plank posture by jumping back. Then, jump forward again into a squat position and then stand up straight while extending both arms up. Do this movement for 30 seconds, rest for a moment, then repeat 3 times. To be more useful, do push ups while in plank posture.
Implementing a Healthy Diet
Count calories or food portions. If you decide that weight loss is the best way to tone and tone your arms, start counting your calorie intake or food portion sizes to make your wish come true.
Get Skinny Arms Step 8 - In order to lose weight, you must reduce the portion of food or calculate your daily calorie intake.
- Safe weight loss is 0.5-1 kg per week. For that, you have to reduce or burn 500 calories per day.
- To reduce food portions, use smaller plates, bowls, or utensils. In addition, use a measuring cup or food scale to ensure the accuracy of the portion of the food you want to consume.
Adopt a balanced diet. Healthy weight loss depends on eating nutritious foods and a balanced diet. The right way to implement a healthy and balanced diet is to consume 5 kinds of food in the weekly menu.
Get Skinny Arms Step 9 - Consume lean protein with every meal and as a snack. A serving of lean protein (poultry, pork, seafood, dairy products, or tofu) ranges from 90-110 grams or cup.
- Consume 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables. A serving of fruit equals cup or a small piece of fruit. A serving of vegetables equals 1-2 cups of leafy greens.
- In addition, choose whole grains as a food ingredient if you want to choose whole grains as a way of dieting. All grains are beneficial, but whole grains are a higher source of nutrients than refined grains. Consume 2-3 servings a day of 30 grams or cup each.
Choose healthy snacks. Snacks can be one of the menus to maintain health, but the amount must be monitored, especially if you want to lose weight.
Get Skinny Arms Step 10 - For those who want to lose weight, consume 100-150 calories with each snack.
- Eat snacks only when needed, for example before exercising or you are hungry but still have to wait more than 3 hours.
- Examples of healthy snacks: cup nuts, 30 grams of whole-grain crackers and peanut butter, or cup of cottage cheese and fruit.
Drink water as needed. Fluids are needed to maintain health, lose weight, and during exercise. Dehydration can lead to weight gain and decreased performance during exercise.
Get Skinny Arms Step 11 Everyone needs fluids in different amounts. The generally accepted standard is 2 liters or 8 glasses of water a day. If your body's fluid needs are met, you won't feel thirsty throughout the day and your urine will be clear during the day or at night
- Consult with your doctor before starting any new exercise program to make sure it is safe and healthy for you.
- If you experience pain or discomfort during exercise, stop exercising immediately and consult a doctor.