How to Be More Enthusiastic (with Pictures)

How to Be More Enthusiastic (with Pictures)
How to Be More Enthusiastic (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Having very low energy can make the individual lazy, a slacker at home, a slacker at work, a slacker in your mind. A passionate person is not only liked by others, but also enjoys himself being passionate, inspired, and energized. What is the key to keeping us feeling happy even in the little things? Let's see.


Part 1 of 4: Have the Right Mindset

Be More Enthusiastic Step 1
Be More Enthusiastic Step 1

Step 1. Find your personal

It's quite difficult to enjoy life to the fullest when you are living as someone else. Not being yourself is very draining; So it's no wonder it's so hard to get excited. To channel that passion, you have to be yourself first and foremost. Pretending to be something that doesn't suit you drains all the energy you "could" use to do things you really enjoy and feel good about.

Most of us try very hard to fit into a mold that society considers right. Boo. We will not enjoy what friends enjoy, we will not get fulfillment from things that meet the needs of others. So don't waste your time! It is only when you are yourself that you can find your desire and grasp it tightly. Then you can work with passion

Be More Enthusiastic Step 2
Be More Enthusiastic Step 2

Step 2. Find the cause of your lack of enthusiasm

You are in this world for one reason. Most of the people around you like to ridicule you about your lack of energy. Few people look at him objectively and say, “Hmmm. I wondered why I wasn't more excited. However, whatever your reason, you probably know the cause. What is your job? What is your love life? Or more universally, 24/7 time you're not excited about?

It's natural when you get stuck in a rut. It happened. They can also end it at one time. However, then there was some severe and creeping depression. If this is a thought you never thought about, think about it now. Is this a lack of enthusiasm or a bigger problem? What should you know?

Be More Enthusiastic Step 3
Be More Enthusiastic Step 3

Step 3. Start thinking positively

If someone gives you a math test and says, “This is a test. These are things you never dreamed of when you were in college. Good luck,” how are you feeling? Maybe quite scary. On the other hand, if they say, “This is a test -- it can be difficult, but it can be done,” what do you think then? You will be more motivated and feel better about taking the exam! This also happens with passion; You won't feel good about something if it's terrible!

Think about it. How easy is it to be excited about something that can be done and that you know you can do it? It may be harder to get excited about things we never think about. And what's different? "Our way of thinking." Sometimes, it's just an obstacle

Be More Enthusiastic Step 4
Be More Enthusiastic Step 4

Step 4. Define your goals and how you will achieve them

Right now, at least you try to think positively, what goals do you want to achieve? How did you achieve it? What do you want that you are passionate about achieving? It's hard to be excited when we face life without a purpose.

Knowing "clearly" what you want to do and how you're going to do it will inspire you. If you want to be thinner, it's hard to be excited to fulfill the desire to be thinner. However, if you train for 30 minutes each week and eat 1 ton of vegetables, this is an immediate behavior that can get you excited

Be More Enthusiastic Step 5
Be More Enthusiastic Step 5

Step 5. Convince yourself

It is good to have goals, but you should be absolutely sure that you can achieve them. If your goal is too high, you can make it smaller. Take the goal in a smaller form until you are sure that it is something you can achieve. If it's unrealistic, the one thing that can stop you is yourself.

Having the goal of becoming the King or Queen of England is quite difficult to achieve. Make sure your goals are achievable -- if you're still in doubt, start small. Want to start your own business but don't know anything about business? Make it a goal to take business classes and network. Smaller things are easier to do “and” are very useful

Be More Enthusiastic Step 6
Be More Enthusiastic Step 6

Step 6. Get rid of your fear of disappointment/making the wrong decision/looking embarrassing

Often when we're not excited, it's because we make excuses to answer the question why it doesn't work. We don't want to be excited because we don't want to hope, we don't want to be excited because we're too unsure of how to get excited, or we don't want to be excited because we're worried that other people will judge us. Those are all absurd excuses! Your spirit should not be defeated and influenced by other things or discomfort. What can stop you?

Realizing that you have a desire to be excited -- it's only masked by anxiety and fear. When we are trying to grow, adults often refer to it as an “excuse.” There are many things to learn. We have it when we are children; it's time to get it back

Part 2 of 4: Finding Motivation

Be More Enthusiastic Step 7
Be More Enthusiastic Step 7

Step 1. Find what you want to enjoy and do it every time

This is not the way to live life feeling unhappy. Doing pointless work, going out for drinks on the weekends, getting involved in meaningless relationships can all make your life bleak. No wonder getting excited is a struggle when we are behind the scenes for 8 hours every day, eating fast food and bemoaning our current state. After all, you can find something you enjoy and “do it anyway”. Do as much as you can. Give your life a trigger that can lift your spirits.

Not a problem whatsoever. Whether you're building airplane frames, cooking, karate, or doing karaoke, do it. Give it time. Reset all your schedules. Sacrifice other obligations. Make it a part of your routine. If it pushes and burns a fire in you, keep doing it and keep doing it. The spirit will flow from the activity

Be More Enthusiastic Step 8
Be More Enthusiastic Step 8

Step 2. Maintain good interactions

Ever been in a room full of naysayers, fuss over government, current trends, all their co-workers and acquaintances? It's so annoying and contagious. Before you know it, you hate it all, too. Do not do it! Those people have little passion that can be gathered and crushed into oblivion. If you want to work more positively and passionately, these people need to play a little role in your life.

The first step is to end unhealthy friendships. If you think about it for 5 seconds, you might have a pretty good idea of who that means. Once the negative thoughts have been eliminated, think of three people who can really make you feel "good." When you have free time, they should be your go-to. They can be your role models to get excited about

Be More Enthusiastic Step 9
Be More Enthusiastic Step 9

Step 3. Live a healthy life

You know what people say if you eat fast food you will feel angry all day long? Yes that's right. And it's going to be a lot harder to feel mentally in the area when you're not there physically. So have a healthy diet! Your passion is precious, isn't it?

  • Here's another example: have you ever been in bed all day, wondering why you feel tired? And then you realize this because you've been doing pointless things all day long. Getting up and practicing will give you more energy. So, start practicing! The boost of endorphins will be the first step to feeling your inspiration flowing.
  • Get quality sleep! It's hard to be excited when you feel tired. In fact, we are quite dispirited when we are tired. If you do not sleep well, this is one of the causes of your energy loss. So get some rest!
Be More Enthusiastic Step 10
Be More Enthusiastic Step 10

Step 4. Make a list of things you are grateful for

You know that positive thinking can be uplifting, but finding the motivation to think positive can be difficult. To relieve the burden, make a list of things you are grateful for. Looking at a concrete list of things will make it hard for you to deny why you should be excited.

Don't give up after 5 minutes. Sometimes it's hard to think about the things we are grateful for because we have them. We have them all the time, so the interest fades. your feet. You remember? It's worth it. Are you not happy to have it?

Be More Enthusiastic Step 11
Be More Enthusiastic Step 11

Step 5. Behave with passion

You know that everyone says "practice makes perfect?" That's bullshit. But practice "will" form a habit. Behave with enthusiasm for quite a long time and this will indirectly become your emotion. This may take some time, but it can be done. So don't let your spirits die and start as if you were!

Yes, this is going to be a bit of a pain. It's like you're in a fake. Smiling and laughing and saying things like, “Oooh, yeah!” it will feel weird. If nothing else, start saying cynical things. Be happy to ridicule your unhappy personality. Find reasons to pretend until you don't

Part 3 of 4: Building Spirit

Be More Enthusiastic Step 12
Be More Enthusiastic Step 12

Step 1. Call for something

Well, maybe you're not really in the mood to try. But you're “in the middle” of practicing making a list of habits in your mind, so how can you trick it? Start by calling for something. Is it "Hell!" or “cheerful,” or “Okay I'll sit down and call me Sally!” up to you. The more you react and with interesting combinations, the more people will be fooled.

Imagine your friend Ted walking into your room. You make eye contact with Ted, nod at each other, and you say, "Hi." Not even in the form of a question. Just "soup". He responded with, "Yo." Try changing greetings. Right now imagine Ted walking into your room and you saying, "HEY, TED! OH MY GOD, I'M GLAD TO SEE YOU!" and then you run around the room, arms flailing like the T-Rex you've always wanted to do. Who's excited right now, huh?

Be More Enthusiastic Step 13
Be More Enthusiastic Step 13

Step 2. Get moving

Be a part of "HEY, TED! OH MY GOD, I'M GLAD TO SEE YOU!" is running. You can't just sit in your chair, without moving your eyebrows, glued to the discovery channel and shouting words to the same effect (well, you can…). So the next time you find yourself thinking, “This is right to be happy from now on,” do something with yourself. Jump in. Swing your arms like crazy (don't do this in public). High-five with your grandma (especially if he's one of those people who wants you to be more energized.) Make a choice and commit.

You can do a fun dance. You can make your hands shoot and act like you're Fonz. You can point your thumb at yourself and talk about how valuable you are. Why don't you give it a try and see what reaction you get?

Be More Enthusiastic Step 14
Be More Enthusiastic Step 14

Step 3. Play theatre

When you think "spirit… passion," instead of trying to think, "bigger." How can you make everything you do bigger? Try to remember this: you are not in a movie. No camera. You're in a place where you have to show 1500 people on a 4-story balcony practically half a mile what you're feeling, thinking, and doing. How could your behavior get attention?

The next time your roommate comes in and says, "Hey, roommate. I just made cupcakes!" You won't respond with, "Oh, awesome, thank you. I love cupcakes." No, no, no. You'll punch like the John Bender Breakfast Group style, grab your knees and exclaim, "I'm the cupcake queen, how can I pay you?" and then ran into the kitchen and pushed the cupcakes in front of you. You're actually taking one. Do it

Be More Enthusiastic Step 15
Be More Enthusiastic Step 15

Step 4. Use your face

All of this advice won't work with those around you if your face doesn't match your words, tone or body. When Ted walks into the room, smile. Open your eyes wide. When roommate #2 informs you that she made a cupcake for you, lower your jaw and be grateful. When you give off inappropriate emotions (you can get excited negatively), make sure you cover up all your feelings.

You know exactly how you do it. You have seen people before and facial expressions with their emotions. The thing you need to change is to make it bigger, make sure it gets noticed by others. You have to make sure that your passion is heard "and" seen

Be More Enthusiastic Step 16
Be More Enthusiastic Step 16

Step 5. Pay attention to the volume

It's about the "listen" part. It's not always a loud voice that indicates enthusiasm, it's only appropriate when silence usually indicates a lack of enthusiasm. So when you tell Ted you're happy to see him, don't do it in a whisper. When you're happy to receive a cupcake, scream. There's no need to scream, but your spirits shouldn't be forced, if you so desire. Do whatever suits you and use tactics.

Think about what teenage girls do when they see Robert Pattinson or Justin Bieber. He screamed and seemed to fly flying. Do not do it. However, take notes. When passion needs to be shown, channel your Team Edward mind (but this is free to keep it boring). If nothing else, do it in sarcasm. Only you know that you are joking by mocking your surroundings. Why do they demand passion?

Part 4 of 4: Keep Feeling Enthusiastic

Be More Enthusiastic Step 17
Be More Enthusiastic Step 17

Step 1. Ask a question

The easiest way to look excited is to ask questions. It shows that you are interested and engaged. And then what happens when you ask a question? People respond and they may say that it “really” interests you, if it wasn't done before. So make the first move! Ask questions, let the ball roll, and see how it grows.

It's easy to write topics/things/people that don't seem interesting, judging a book by its cover, if you want. Avoid! If you are tempted to do so, make the decision to pray first. You may find that uncovering hidden things can increase your curiosity. And curiosity can lead you to determine something of value to get you excited

Be More Enthusiastic Step 18
Be More Enthusiastic Step 18

Step 2. Laugh

One of the easiest ways to find happiness is to start laughing. Start laughing and be happy and excitement will follow. This can lead you to have a naturally better mood and creativity, and positive thoughts will flow.

Be More Enthusiastic Step 19
Be More Enthusiastic Step 19

Step 3. Be amazed

After some time in the environment, the novelty of the environment will fade. You stop noticing what makes you stop on the path of beauty. You stop asking and daydreaming. You stop being amazed. When all that happens, the spirit disappears like a handful of sand falling through your fingers. Life suddenly becomes boring and unpleasant. Don't let that happen.

The easiest thing like a beautiful sunset can bring you back to life. The architecture of your favorite regional building. A group of little children making a snowman. When you stop and smell the roses, you may stop and find what you're about to do -- what inspires you

Be More Enthusiastic Step 20
Be More Enthusiastic Step 20

Step 4. Try something new

The easiest way to start being amazed again is to try something new. Life can be boring doing the same thing -- so mix it up! It's impossible to maintain passion for what you did at the beginning of the year until the end of the year. And it's unreasonable to expect yourself to stay energized if you don't have a fun routine!

Even the smallest changes can be amazing. Have you been running 5km every day for the last six months? Find a new path! Start cooking at home. Do a hobby. Save on shopping. Explore tourist attractions in your neighborhood. It doesn't necessarily have to be something big; it just needs to be different

Be More Enthusiastic Step 21
Be More Enthusiastic Step 21

Step 5. Keep learning

Imagine relationships with people you already know in your life. It might start to get a little boring when you stop studying the person, when you know everything will be known. The same goes for life! If you stop learning, you will lose reasons to be inspired. So do more research, find an expert, take advantage of your relationships. Whatever you want to do, dig "deeper".

It doesn't have to be learned from books. You can learn from those around you, you can learn from yourself, you can learn through wikiHow. Keep seeking knowledge -- the more you know, the more interesting things. That includes life
