How to Become a Champion (with Pictures)

How to Become a Champion (with Pictures)
How to Become a Champion (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Being a champion is more than just winning a game. Living like a champion by exercising some attitudes, natural abilities, and hard work ethic is possible in every walk of life, whether you are an athlete, academic, or air traffic controller. You can learn how to find the right type of championship and define success for yourself, build the foundation with a training regime, and how to become a great winner who carries himself like a champion. See Step 1 for more information.


Part 1 of 4: Finding Your Championship

Be a Champion Step 1
Be a Champion Step 1

Step 1. Identify your natural talents

The champions recognize their talents and try to develop them to an expert level. Competitive ability, natural athletic ability, and other talents are the seeds that will grow championships, but these seeds must be watered with a focus of intelligence and hard training. You can't get into the NBA or get hired as a CEO by a tech company without identifying your talents and training to improve them.

Be a Champion Step 2
Be a Champion Step 2

Step 2. Identify your boundaries

An athlete who is not gifted with lightning speed can improve his agility, strength, jumping ability, or strategy. The important thing is to stay honest. If you're a smart soccer player, don't play the role of a striker if your shots are inaccurate but your defensive skills are great.

Be a Champion Step 3
Be a Champion Step 3

Step 3. Explore different types of games

Explore many competitive and non-competitive areas to see your talents. Diversify your talents and discover your skills.

  • Maybe you've idolized LeBron James since your childhood and can't get rid of the dream of becoming a professional basketball champion like him. If you can't shoot into cardboard and trip over your own feet while you're trying to lay up, then your dream may be hard to achieve. But maybe you have the talent of Dick Butkus, or you can work out quadratic formulas in your head–perhaps you're destined to be great at something else.
  • Play a variety of sports, even if you're worried you won't do well. If you like soccer, try volleyball to develop hand-eye coordination and see if you can play it well. If you like playing tennis, try a team sport like soccer to see if you don't like playing a part in a group of champions.
Be a Champion Step 4
Be a Champion Step 4

Step 4. Choose to master each ability

Approach each type of action with the desire to be reliable and the hope of mastering it. When you learn how to cook, when you learn how to drive a manual vehicle, when you learn to speak German, treat everything like you are competing and you will win.

Be a Champion Step 5
Be a Champion Step 5

Step 5. Identify the gold ring

If you've narrowed your choices to a few natural abilities and talents, what's your ultimate goal? What will make you a champion? What will satisfy you? Set a goal in your mind and start working towards it.

  • Becoming a champion is partly about having a list of accomplishments, but more importantly, it's about state of mind. Becoming a champion has to do with truly knowing that you are the best at what you do. Winning a National Book Award may be a great achievement, but does it really mean that the author is the best author?
  • Becoming a top student might mean at least raising your grades to a B–something that may seem impossible at first. Being a champion worker might mean you get to work early and leave late and show confidence that you are great at what you do. Find your own championship and determine the conditions.

Part 2 of 4: Practice to Win

Be a Champion Step 6
Be a Champion Step 6

Step 1. Act like a student in a game

A chess champion learns opening strategies and finds new and creative ways to defend against them. A soccer champion exhausts himself to do bunny jump drills to improve his speed and agility, instead of playing Madden on the X-Box. A champion chemist forgot to eat dinner because the latest issue of Science magazine caught his eye. A champion lives and breathes the field they excel in.

Learn about your competition and competitors. Professional athletes spend hours each week studying films of their opponents' weaknesses next week, guessing the strategies the opposing team will employ, the techniques they will use, and the abilities of the athletes. Businesses at all levels study the sales and product quality strategies of their competitors to improve the quality of their own products

Be a Champion Step 7
Be a Champion Step 7

Step 2. Find great teachers and learn as much as you can from them

For every Michael Jordan there is a Phil Jackson. For every Messi there is Maradona. Champions need great coaches, teachers and motivators to keep them successful at a high level. If you want to be a champion, you will need help.

  • Athletes should consult with coaches and training managers, as well as weight trainers, rehabilitation and fitness doctors, and often diet coaches to ensure that they stay healthy and fit.
  • Look for trainers who can relate to you personally to make your training as comfortable as possible. If you can't wait for sessions with your coach, you'll appear to be a better, more receptive learner.
  • Learn to accept negative feedback and motivate yourself to improve. If a coach says that you train like a granny, you can either give up and complain, or else, try even harder. Even if you are already working hard, is trying even harder a bad thing? If you were a champion, you would say no.
Be a Champion Step 8
Be a Champion Step 8

Step 3. Develop a strict exercise routine

If you want to be a champion – to be the best at what you do – then it is important to dedicate time to practicing for the championship every day. You have to work actively to develop your skills, learn the game, and make yourself the best you can be. Train like a champion and you will become a champion.

  • For athletes, weight sharing to learn strategy, build the necessary foundations, and play matches to have fun and get better at competing is important. Specific instructions can be found for certain sports below:

    • Basketball
    • American football
    • Football
    • Tennis
    • Swimming
    • Golf
  • For other areas, you have to spend time and actively try to improve your skills. Depending on your field, these ventures can be very different, but some important ways are to improve your mind and interpersonal skills. You can learn other important skills in a champion, which can be applied in all areas, for example:

    • Building Social Networks
    • Self Promotion
    • Self-Esteem
    • Public Speaking
    • Building Relationships
Be a Champion Step 9
Be a Champion Step 9

Step 4. Train your body and mind

Champions must develop positive thinking, self-confidence, and intelligence in their work. Be a smart worker and a great strategist - and make it a point - don't just work your body wherever you can.

  • If you're an athlete, read biographies and strategy guides about your sport. Sun Tzu's The Art of War, a military manual, is a popular reading choice among highly competitive athletes. Even when you're not working on your physical abilities, work on your competitive spirit.
  • If you are a champion in the field of mind, train your body too. Exercise can help improve memory, energy, and general health, so that you become a better version of yourself. If you spend all day indoors, go outside and get moving to keep your mind in shape. This is an important thing.
Be a Champion Step 10
Be a Champion Step 10

Step 5. Find ways to motivate yourself

Eventually, you'll hit a wall. All champions struggle to find reasons to wake up each day after the previous day's exhaustion, and return to training, or to the office. It's very hard to stay energized every day. But that's what it means to be a champion – the greatest of the greatest – always finding a way to stay motivated and lead in their field. This is an important part of practicing to be a champion.

  • Many champions are fans of motivational music, they use it before the start of a big game or even practice. Loud music with vibrant rhythms is usually popular with athletes, with their iPods filled with metal, hip-hop, and dance bands. Play and listen to "Seven Nation Army" by White Stripes in your headphones and try working out in the gym without energy and enthusiasm. There's no way you can do it.
  • Michael Jordan, one of the greatest basketball players of all time, used to stick newspaper articles and quotes from opposing players saying bad things about him in his locker. Every time he prepared to train and compete, he would look to the collection of bad things to cheer him up and ignite his competitive spirit. If the opposing players didn't say bad things, he would make up his own. That's how much of a champion he is.
Be a Champion Step 11
Be a Champion Step 11

Step 6. Discipline yourself and reward yourself

Champions prioritize self-improvement, and while they work with other coaches, mentors, and teachers, they are driven by themselves to achieve success, not based on other people's opinions. It is important to create a system of punishments and rewards to achieve champion status for yourself.

  • Pact and FitLife are the latest innovations in the field of exercise motivation. By entering your fitness training regime into their system, these workout trackers will penalize you by withdrawing money from your account if you fail to exercise according to your original plan.
  • Champions need to unwind more than anyone. Look for ways to relax after you've worked hard while practicing to keep your mind sharp and relaxed. Many athletes like to play video games, listen to music, and read after a long day of training.

Part 3 of 4: Being a Sportsman

Be a Champion Step 12
Be a Champion Step 12

Step 1. Expect a win

Every time you step onto your court, whether it's an office or a real sports field, you have to hope that you'll leave after doing your best and proving your worth as a champion. Picture yourself winning and doing what it takes to be the best and believe that that is what will happen.

  • Get rid of mental distractions when you compete. When you're on the field, it's not the time to worry about your partner at home, whether or not you'll be able to get tickets to a concert this weekend, or whether you're going to party after the game is over. Focus on what you have to do to win.
  • To help your self-confidence, you have to train effectively. When you're competing, don't worry about whether you should be training in the gym better, or watching more footage of the opposing team's matches. Train hard and you'll know you're at your best.
Be a Champion Step 13
Be a Champion Step 13

Step 2. Leave everything in the field

When you compete, compete like a champion, which means you will give everything you can. All the energy, all the determination in your heart, all your soul, and your competitive spirit must explode from within you throughout the duration of the contest. Don't end up wondering if you should have caught up to the shot faster, or been more energetic in your presentation. A champion should not be curious about the past.

All athletes and mind champions have to face fatigue at some point. The losers accept it, shut themselves off, and leave the field. The champions dug deep and found even more excuses even though there seemed to be nothing left. Work hard as you train and you'll have enough endurance and stamina to beat the competition

Be a Champion Step 14
Be a Champion Step 14

Step 3. Win and lose with honor

When the whistle is blown and the game is over, an athlete can display the gratitude and humility of a champion, or the childish behavior of a loser, regardless of the final result.

  • If you win, act as usual. You can celebrate, but don't act like you've never won before. Of course, winning is not a big surprise if you really expect it. Praise your opponent and acknowledge his abilities when needed.
  • If you lose, you may feel frustrated and annoyed. If you're up against a ruthless winner, then your loss can feel much worse. However, don't be provoked, make excuses, or get angry. Shake your head, accept the result, and wait for the next game. Learn from your defeats and use them to motivate yourself to improve.
Be a Champion Step 15
Be a Champion Step 15

Step 4. Give praise when needed

We have seen an athlete who likes to brag and brag after he wins, forgetting the fact that his teammates contribute to the whole game. Champions must give credit and acknowledge their opponents, coaches and teammates. Even if you feel proud of what you've accomplished on the field, find something about other competitors that you can compliment. Staying humble and showing perspective are very important parts of being a great champion.

We all like to think of ourselves as startups responsible for our own success, but try to broaden your perspective to see the big picture. Your success as a champion depends on your teachers, parents, even the people selling food at the stands, or driving the buses you take to travel, they all contribute to your success. Don't forget that, champ

Be a Champion Step 16
Be a Champion Step 16

Step 5. Take responsibility for your failures and successes

Before you compete, consider your obligation to win as your responsibility. Carry the burden of success and consider it your fault if you don't become a champion. Put yourself in a position to be a winner. If you don't succeed, admit your defeat like a true champion.

  • Only you can determine whether you have been successful or not. Maybe a personal record on the golf course is good enough for you, regardless of what Tiger Woods might say about it.
  • Never blame your teammates, coworkers, or competitors. Don't blame someone for their activities, even if they deserve to be blamed. Acting like this is very classy and is a sign of a dwarf-minded person. Acknowledge your part in the blame if something happens and act like a champion.

Part 4 of 4: Be A Champion

Be a Champion Step 17
Be a Champion Step 17

Step 1. Celebrate victories, big and small

Treat every moment as an opportunity to celebrate your accomplishments. Highly competitive champions are competitive all the time. Michael Jordan is known for his unforgiving playground pig (a children's play) when he was a child. Rafael Nadal, while injured, maintained his competitive spirit by playing high-stakes poker while recovering from surgery. Competing on a regular basis is an important way to maintain your competitive advantage. As a champion, take the time to treat each checkers game as a Super Bowl game. Treat each day as a gift.

Take time to celebrate your victories. In an attempt to appear less proud, some champions can go too far in the opposite direction and celebrate their victory coolly. Have fun once in a while! You are a boss

Be a Champion Step 18
Be a Champion Step 18

Step 2. Surround yourself with competitive winners

Champions just want to surround themselves with fellow champions. Don't waste your time having fun with those who don't want to put in the effort and invest in their own success. Spend time with great people.

  • Strive to be part of a "power couple," that is, couples who support each other to achieve mutual success. Power couple consists of two people who are ambitious and full of motivation. Examples are Jay-Z and Beyonce, or Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. The power couple is created from the champions.
  • Try to make friends with champions from a different field than your own. It can be too difficult to make good friends with the greatest masseuse in your city when you are the second best masseuse. Cormac McCarthy, a great author, claimed that he never had any contact with other writers, preferring to befriend scientists.
Be a Champion Step 19
Be a Champion Step 19

Step 3. Be an optimist

Your thoughts and views have an amazing influence on your performance. All champions have an unstoppable positive attitude, which contributes to winning and staying at the top of their field. Think positive in all things and look for the best in everyone around you. Try to bring out the better qualities in everyone and focus on the positives.

In golf, long slumps are commonly called "the yips," and have been clinically verified as a psycho-physical phenomenon associated with receptive tasks commonly found in sport. The effect of the mind on the body's ability to produce is very real, so the habit of positive thinking is an important quality to develop in champions

Be a Champion Step 20
Be a Champion Step 20

Step 4. Find a champion model to emulate

It is important for champions to see the winners and adapt to them. How did Muhammad Ali train for the big games? How does Tom Brady spend his free time? What did William Faulkner do for fun? Learn about these great people and everything you can find out about them to fit right in for your own championship.

  • Look for role models in your own and other fields to learn unexpected wisdom. Kanye West often compares himself to historical geniuses in his interviews: Einstein, Henry Ford, and Mozart are names he often compares to himself for inspiration.
  • An ancient Buddhist saying goes: When you see the Buddha on the street, kill the Buddha. The champions want to conquer their heroes. If you follow the example of your running coach, who has maintained a provincial record for 25 years, make your desire to beat that record your goal. Keep practicing until you reach it.
Be a Champion Step 21
Be a Champion Step 21

Step 5. Find the next gold ring

As you continue to improve and collect championship titles, try to split your competition selection. What else can you do well? A champion is constantly looking for competition in all things.

Jay-Z, Dr. Dre, and Russell Simmons are hip-hop figures who have developed multimillion-dollar business empires, even though they started out with a small dream, namely to become the best host. Today, the influence of their various businesses in style, culture and music is immense. They have become champions of champions


Listen to DJ Kahled's "All I Do Is Win" or other motivational songs to cheer you up


  • Practice will produce perfection. Keep trying until you get to the level you want, and keep working to maintain that level.
  • Don't be arrogant and don't let the fact that you become a champion consume your humility.
  • Winning isn't the end of your journey, unless you don't want to continue what you've already won. Keep working to improve yourself, or your rivals will reach out and surpass you.
