If you often struggle not to give up, then chances are you are too tired to face the challenges, difficulties, and rejections in life. You're probably tired of telling people that "anything that doesn't kill me will only make me stronger" and want to know how to stay positive and continue to strive for success. First of all, all you have to do is be proud that you still want to try. Afterward, try to develop the mindset and work ethic that will lead to success if you continue to pursue your dreams.
Part 1 of 3: Developing Resilient Thinking

Step 1. Develop more positive behaviors
While it may be nearly impossible to stay positive if you feel like you've tried everything without success, you should still be as optimistic as you can be - especially if you don't want to give up. Being positive allows you to see all the good things in life, which you might normally miss because you're always focusing on the negative. This attitude will also help you to be more open to more opportunities and possibilities, because by doing so, you will view life with an "I can" attitude.
- This is true. Being more positive will not only make it easier for you to overcome challenges, but also help you face new ones. If you are bitter or focused on all your failures, then you will not be able to move on.
- If you notice you're complaining or complaining, try countering your own negative comments by saying two positive things in your life.
- While you shouldn't feel like you're pretending to be positive (because you're feeling sad yourself), you should know that, the more you fake it, the more you'll start to see the brighter side of life - albeit slowly.
- A way to stay optimistic is to surround yourself with happy people, so you can appreciate life more. If all your friends are negative and often discouraged, then developing positive thinking and feeling unyielding is hard to achieve.

Step 2. Learn to accept change
If you want to develop the right mindset of not giving up, then you must be able to keep up with change and not just accept it, but survive in it. Sure, you may feel very sad when your boyfriend dumps you, or when your family announces to other people that you're moving to a new place, but you have to learn to adapt to a new situation, focus on all aspects of it, and make a plan for survival. live in that situation.
- As Sheryl Crow once said, sometimes "change will do you good." Even if you're surprised or unexpected, tell yourself that this might be the best thing for you.
- View change as an opportunity to learn something new, meet new people, and become a more complete person. Even though you may not see any positive aspects of the situation, you should be proud of yourself that you managed to overcome it by accepting and moving on.

Step 3. Learn from your mistakes
If you want to have an unyielding nature, then you have to develop a mind that allows you to come to terms with the mistakes you've made and learn from them so you don't repeat those problems. While you may feel discouraged or embarrassed the first time you make a mistake, take the time to understand what you did wrong and make a plan not to repeat the mistake the next time.
- While no one wants to make mistakes, mistakes actually help you learn how to avoid problems in the future. For example, you may feel that you screwed up everything by dating a possessive boyfriend, which will eventually break your heart, but this mistake, if it occurs early in life, can save you from possibly choosing the wrong husband in the future.
- Don't deny the fact that you could have acted in a different way. If you focus too much on being perfect every time, you will never learn.

Step 4. Know that there will always be more opportunities for success
If you want to try to never give up, then you have to have a mentality that says, "there will always be more ways to succeed in the future." Even though living in the present is more important, you should try to be interested in the future, instead of thinking that your future won't bring you anything; if you have this attitude, then good opportunities will never arise because you don't recognize them.
- For example, you may feel that you will never find the right career for you because you didn't land the job you wanted after three rounds of interviews. However, in the long run, you'll see that you can find plenty of jobs that will also feel right for you - although this may take time.
- You can also try to open your mind to the definition of success. Yes, you may think that true success is all about selling your novels by the time you are 25, but when you turn 30, you may see that success can also be found when you teach literature to eager high school kids. know.

Step 5. Seek knowledge
If you want to have a resilient mindset to help you succeed and not give up, then you must continue to expand your knowledge and learn more about life and the situations that occur in it. If you have a thirst for knowledge and are interested in the world, you will see that there is always more to learn and opportunities to explore. You can also develop knowledge in whatever you're trying to do, whether applying to college, finding a new job, or selling your novel; the more you know, the more you will be able to overcome all the challenges that arise in life.
- Of course, reading as much as possible is the best way to increase knowledge. You can read your novel, news, or field of choice on the internet. However, you can also increase your knowledge by talking to experts in your field, making new relationships, or seeking advice from people who are experts in their field.
- As long as you're aware that there's a lot more to learn out there, you'll be relentless.

Step 6. Be a more patient person-good things will happen if you keep trying
One of the reasons you might think about giving up is because you want good things to happen to you right now. You might think that because you've applied for 10 jobs, submitted your script to 5 agencies, or dated 4 different people, you're going to get something. However, the road to success actually contains many failures, and you should never give up before you even try.
- Sometimes it can help you to talk to other people who are going through the same process. For example, you may feel inferior because you applied to 20 jobs and haven't heard from the HR manager; well, your friend who just got a new job can probably tell you that he applied for 70 jobs before he was finally called in for an interview. You need commitment and effort to pursue the life you want.
- Of course, you may think that you are smart, talented, and love to work hard, so any university, company, or potential partner would be lucky to have you. While this is true, don't expect other people to vote for you just because you and those who know you know how amazing you are; You need effort and time to prove yourself.
Part 2 of 3: Overcoming Difficulties

Step 1. Don't fall victim to feelings of helplessness
If you become a victim, you will believe that you will never succeed because you feel the world is uniting against you. People who fall victim to these feelings believe that they will never get anywhere because they have had bad things in the past. If you want to be able to overcome adversity, learn to accept new opportunities instead of thinking that you are doomed to fail.
- A person who is a victim of feelings of helplessness will believe something like, “Well, I didn't get the last five jobs I interviewed for, so this probably means that I'll never be able to find a job. Maybe there's something wrong with me, after all finding a job requires networking, so it's better if I don't try if I keep failing.”
- A person who wants to control his destiny will try to think positively and feel that he has the power to change the situation. He will believe something like, “Even if the last five interviews didn't work out, I should still be grateful for the fact that HR managers have been interested in seeing me. If I keep sending resumes and taking interviews, I will eventually find a good job.”

Step 2. Find a mentor you can trust
Another way to overcome adversity is to find a mentor you can trust, who can help you overcome the more difficult challenges in life. Someone who has gone through what you're going through or has figured out how to succeed in your field can help you feel more confident about continuing to pursue what you want. Talking to other people can give you more advice and perspective on your situation, as well as help you feel encouraged.
Also, it's likely that your mentor has gone through his own challenges and hardships. Hearing these things will also help you to stay motivated

Step 3. Maintain a strong social network
In addition to a mentor you can trust, having a strong social network can help you stay strong when you need something. Having friends you can count on, family members who love and care about you, and being part of a strong community of people who care about one another can help you feel less alone and able to overcome challenges. in front of you. If you feel you have to face this situation alone, you are much more likely to give up and give up.
- Having a friend to talk to about your failures, even if they can't always give you the best advice, can help you feel less alone. An interlocutor can make you feel that you still have hope for the future.
- Talking about your struggles with others who care about you can help relieve stress; You will feel less hopeless when compared to keeping all your feelings inside.

Step 4. Don't forget to take care of yourself
If you are going through a serious hard time, then don't forget to eat three times a day, take regular showers, or get enough rest. Here's what you have to do to keep yourself strong both mentally and physically. You'll be more likely to give up if you feel tired, eat unhealthy, or haven't showered in a few days.
- Trying to eat three meals a day with a healthy, balanced meal containing protein, fruit or vegetables, and healthy carbohydrates, can help you feel more energized and ready to tackle any challenge that comes your way.
- Try to rest at least 7-8 hours a night and go to bed and wake up at the same time each day. This will help you feel able to cope with everything that happens in this world.

Step 5. Get real
If you want to be able to not give up, don't complain about all your failures, cry in bed, or find excuses for why you failed. You must act and plan to succeed; this means you have to do something tangible, like go out and find a job, network, date, or do whatever it takes to reach your goals. If you sit and just complain about all your failures and feel sorry for yourself, good things won't come your way.
- Of course sometimes we all need to be quiet, feel sorry for ourselves, and tolerate it from time to time. However, you shouldn't let these feelings discourage you.
- First of all, sit down and make a written plan for achieving success. This list will make you feel much more capable of getting what you want.

Step 6. Develop self-confidence
Yes, your confidence may be shaken if you've spent years working for low pay and feeling unappreciated, but don't let that make you feel like you don't deserve something better. You should try to accept all the things you love about yourself, accept your weaknesses that you can't change, and feel happy about who you are. Although confidence takes a long time, the sooner you start, the sooner you will be able to overcome life's challenges.
- Try to get rid of self-doubt and cultivate the feeling that you can get anything you want. If you are the first to doubt yourself, then everyone you meet will follow in your footsteps.
- Travel with people who make you feel good about yourself instead of feeling inferior.
- Pretend until you can succeed and show positive body language. Stand straight, don't slouch, and don't cross your arms in front of your chest. Show a happy expression and be open to whatever the world has to offer.

Step 7. Grow stronger from your failures
You've probably heard this optimistic expression, "Anything that doesn't kill you will only make you stronger." However, this expression is not always true. In fact, if you fail a lot and allow yourself to be discouraged, you'll end up disappointed instead of becoming more resilient. You have to learn how to accept failure and see what you can learn from it, instead of letting it make you feel unworthy of success.
- Every time you fail, don't let it make you feel worse. Sit down and think about what you learned from the failure. Think about what you could have done differently in order for you to succeed next time.
- Be proud that you failed. Many people never try to start something. Sure, failure isn't fun, but the only way to get what you want is to try.

Step 8. Don't let your past affect your future
You may think that because you've failed so many times in the past and haven't managed to sell your first novel, date, or lose weight, you're not going to achieve anything. However, many successful people come from humble surroundings, are raised in poverty, or are often rejected again and again. Let your past encourage and lead you to success, instead of making you feel like you don't deserve success.
- Of course, sometimes you will feel that all your work to date is just degrading and making you feel bad. However, this does not mean that your future work should be like that. In fact, it should inspire you to find something better for yourself.
- If you think you're just meant to be in the past, it means you're sabotaging yourself. For example, if you are in a good relationship right now but you are still haunted by failures in past relationships, you will ruin your current relationship because you don't think you deserve better.
Part 3 of 3: Stay Strong

Step 1. Set and meet reasonable targets
One way to stay strong is to make sure that you set reasonable goals that you can achieve. Setting sky-high targets is a good thing, but the fact is, you have to set small goals that help you achieve the main goal, so that you feel proud of your achievements when you try to reach the main goal. Managing your life better will help you not to give up.
- For example, if your goal is to publish a novel, well, you may be disappointed that you failed to do so for years. You will feel that you are a failure yourself.
- However, if you set smaller goals, such as publishing a short story in a magazine, then a short story in a higher quality magazine, then a draft of a novel, etc., you will be much better able to achieve these small goals and feel more confident.

Step 2. Find out if you need to find a new way to make your dreams come true
Okay, maybe no one wants to hear it, but sometimes you have to sit down and think about whether you're not torturing yourself by setting big goals. You may want to be an actress in a Broadway theatre; but you can also find other ways to do what you love and inspire others in various ways, for example by becoming a drama teacher, acting in small shows, or even starting a blog about your venture into the arts.
- Don't think of this as a way to undermine your dreams, but think of it as a way to make it easier for you to enjoy life.
- You certainly don't want to spend your whole life feeling like a loser - because you never hit your target, do you? Feelings like that will make you feel dissatisfied with all the things you have accomplished.

Step 3. Manage your stress
Another way to stay strong in the face of failure is to learn how to deal with any stress you may be feeling about wanting to give up. Whether you can't find a job that provides health insurance benefits (which you really need), or you can't manage the time between taking care of your family and trying to write a show script, you need to find ways to manage stress to open up the path to success. Here are some things you can do to manage stress:
- Spend time with people who make you feel calm
- Get rid of all the factors in life that stress you out as much as possible
- Scale your work as much as possible
- Do yoga or meditation
- Cut down on caffeine
- Avoid alcohol consumption as an effort to deal with stress
- Talk to a friend, loved one, or therapist about your problems
- Write a journal.

Step 4. Stop doing the same thing and expecting different results
If you want to stay strong and not give up, another thing you can do is find a new way of looking at your situation. Yes, you've probably tried applying for 70 jobs and haven't heard back yet. If this is the case, your best chance may not be to try to apply to more than 70, but to have someone check your cover letter or resume to make sure they are effective, seek more volunteer experience, or spend more time networking. If you keep doing the same thing over and over again, you'll start to feel like you're hitting a dead end.
- For example, if you've dated 25 different people (so you never go on a date with the same person again), you should ask yourself what you could have done differently to build relationships with more people. This doesn't mean that there's anything wrong with you, but that you should change your perspective.
- Sometimes, maybe what you need is a change. For example, if you ask your boss for a raise or more responsibilities but he doesn't respond to you, you may only be able to get both things by looking for a new job.

Step 5. Don't let other people put you down
You will give up easily if everyone around you makes you feel that your current activity is the best option. However, don't let other people define who you are, whether this person is a job agent, HR manager, or your boyfriend. You should try to build self-confidence from within and not allow other people to make you feel like someone is low.
- Of course, if people are giving you constructive feedback, then you should listen to them instead of accusing them of being haters. If people really want you to improve, listen to them and find ways to improve next time.
- Know that the world is cruel, and sometimes most people spend most of their lives overcoming rejection. Don't think you're unique because you've been rejected too many times. Focus on trying to change your attitude towards this unpleasant aspect of life.

Step 6. Always keep your perspective on life
If you want to have the passion and motivation to keep going, you have to learn to stay still and examine the long term. Is your life as bad as you think?? Of course, you may not have the job you dream of yet, but you are still lucky to be able to work in the current economic situation. Yes, it may be bad to be single, but at least you're healthy and have lots of friends who want the best for you. Remind yourself of all the good things in your life and use these memories to motivate you to achieve good things.
- Make a list of good things. Write down all the things that make your life worth living and review the list regularly. This will make you realize that things are not as bad as they seem.
- Take time to thank your friends and loved ones for all they have done for you. This will help you realize that your life is not always bad and sad.

Step 7. Be part of a community of people who want to do the same
Another way not to give up is to join a group of people who are pursuing the same goal. If you're trying to get over your alcohol addiction, join a recovery community. If you're trying to publish a novel, join a writer's group. If you want to meet a life partner, visit matchmaking meetings. You may feel as though you are the only person in the world facing a particular problem, but if you try, you will know that you are not alone.