One of the hardest things about being an adult is expressing your feelings to a girl. Unfortunately, this is sometimes not easy to do. Confessing your feelings to a girl can be difficult if you are shy, but you should always remember that she is not a psychic who can read minds. Sooner or later, you need to take steps.
Method 1 of 3: Getting Ready to Express Your Feelings

Step 1. Take time to think about your feelings
Is there anything about this girl that you like? Why do you feel this feeling? What are your true feelings for this woman; love, want to be friends, or confused? Take some time to think about the relationship you want so you can clearly see what action you need to take.
It helps if you write down your feelings, which may be sent in the form of a letter. You don't have to send it, but your feelings will be easier to handle if you write them down on paper

Step 2. Take the time to get to know him
Look for the things you have in common, and the things that are very different about you. The things you agree with, and the things you don't. You guys may like the same thing, and you never notice because he never shows it.
If you don't talk often, try to get him to start a conversation. Hang out with him and his friends, sit next to him in class, and engage in conversation

Step 3. Prepare what you want to talk about
Think about your feelings and ways to express them. You can write a few lines for practice, or practice conversation in front of a mirror.
- "I think you're really great and I want to get to know you better."
- "I really enjoyed our friendship, and would like to ask you out on a date to see how far our relationship can go."
- "Would you like to go on a date with me sometime?"

Step 4. Don't rely too much on the prepared sentences
Even if you're prepared, you should be ready to improvise when the real conversation begins. This can be difficult to do if you are shy. So, don't push yourself. Say what you want to say quickly, then let him speak. Your response doesn't have to be premeditated, and will probably come out more naturally.
Method 2 of 3: Expressing Feelings to Girls

Step 1. Choose a time and place that works for you
Make yourself as comfortable as possible so that feelings can be expressed more easily. Find a location that you are well acquainted with to reduce nervousness or miscommunication. Usually, a suitable location is not too crowded, quiet, and easy to visit. Don't force yourself to express your feelings in a romantic place. You can also use a quiet hallway or corner after school.

Step 2. Look for humor in this situation
If you're shy around him, use humor to lighten the mood. For example, say "Wow, that turned out to be awkward. Not like the movie we saw last week." Show that you don't need to be taken too seriously so he can relax too.
If you're not really good at humor, that's okay. Finding humor in a situation has more to do with finding the best side of yourself, even if the situation is awkward

Step 3. State your feelings
The secret to fighting shyness is to be direct and talk about how you feel. It's not easy, but it's the only way. Don't beat around the bush, just get the point across. You can simply say, "I like you, and I want to ask you out." Here are some tricks to express your feelings:
- Count to three silently. When you get to zero, you have to express your feelings right then and there.
- Avoid chatting beforehand. Say hello, ask how you're doing, then express how you feel right away.

Step 4. Be honest
If he turned you down because it was a little awkward, is he really worthy of you? Honestly expressing your nervousness is a great way to lighten the mood, and he'll appreciate your honesty. You reveal that you like him so much that you feel nervous about saying it. Here are sentences you can try:
- "I'm nervous about saying that, but…"
- "I know this seems awkward, but I want you to know how I feel."

Step 5. Prepare to be rejected
If he rejects your feelings, don't be too upset. Just ask to remain friends and be calm. Don't be mean just because he rejected you. He has the right to choose, and there's a good chance he just isn't your soulmate.
Method 3 of 3: Assessing If He Likes You Too

Step 1. Invite them to go on a “regular date” with some other friends
This is usually a great way to judge a relationship without the pressure of an intimate date. If you're going out with friends, invite them along or bring their friends too. That way, you guys can be together normally.
Does he spend time with you? Are you guys having fun?

Step 2. Be yourself, even if you are shy
Pretending will only derail your relationship. You have to believe in yourself. If he doesn't like it, you won't be happy. Boost your confidence by focusing on yourself, and not on him.

Step 3. Ask a friend for advice
An outsider can provide valuable insight into how he feels about you, as well as some suggestions for moving on with the relationship. Find a friend you trust and ask him to rate your relationship with him. Does he think you two are a perfect match? Do you look happy with each other? How will they tell your feelings to him?
This process can be a “practice round” to help you better understand your feelings

Step 4. Pay attention to his body language when he is with you
Does he look you in the eye, hug or touch you, lean against you when he talks, or sit close to you whenever possible? All of these are good signs that he may have the same feelings.
If he covers himself by folding his arms, avoiding eye contact, or making excuses so he doesn't need to talk, it's likely that he's not interested in you
- Do not be afraid. Expressing feelings is a normal thing to do.
- He's just as nervous as you are, so don't think you feel awkward being alone. Try to make him as comfortable as possible when approaching him.
- Be prepared for anything, take a breath and approach him with a smile!