How to Seduce a Woman with a Foot Massage: 9 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Seduce a Woman with a Foot Massage: 9 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Seduce a Woman with a Foot Massage: 9 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Your partner is exhausted, overworked, and his feet are sore. He will be very grateful when you massage his legs, and if done right, your partner can repay your kindness.


Seduce a Woman With a Foot Massage Step 1
Seduce a Woman With a Foot Massage Step 1

Step 1. Get ready

Usually, a man will massage a woman's feet because she is tired. This is your chance to pamper her. Make or order dinner, wash the dirty dishes, and clean your living room. If your partner has been sitting comfortably in his favorite chair while you bring warm food, clean the house, without even asking for his help, he will start thinking warm and pleasant things about you.

Seduce a Woman With a Foot Massage Step 2
Seduce a Woman With a Foot Massage Step 2

Step 2. Find a comfortable place

If your partner wants his feet massaged, next you need to determine the appropriate location. Of course, you can choose a bed, but chances are you'll find yourself relaxing here too. Try doing it on the couch. Comfort your partner's head and neck with a pillow, then sit down and place his legs in your lap.

Seduce a Woman With a Foot Massage Step 3
Seduce a Woman With a Foot Massage Step 3

Step 3. Start slowly

Use your middle finger and thumb to gently massage the heel and base of his toes, then slide your index finger over each toe. Massage each leg for five minutes so your partner can feel the benefits!

Seduce a Woman With a Foot Massage Step 4
Seduce a Woman With a Foot Massage Step 4

Step 4. Make occasional eye contact

Your partner will continue to pay attention to you during the massage. So, your facial expressions and the direction of your gaze becomes very important. Pay attention to your partner's feet while massaging while smiling occasionally (you may need to practice this smile a few times in front of the mirror. Try practicing a small smile, as if no one else is looking at you. Make sure your partner knows you enjoy this activity and wants more).). Occasionally glance at your partner's eyes. When your eyes meet, widen your smile, and open your lips slightly (you should also practice this smile in the mirror. It's okay because it's normal).

Seduce a Woman With a Foot Massage Step 5
Seduce a Woman With a Foot Massage Step 5

Step 5. Ask what kind of massage your partner wants

Does he want a gentle massage or a bit hard? If you did Step 3 correctly, he's likely to ask you to massage harder. When your partner answers, pay attention to the tone of his voice. Is he starting to feel your desire? If so, does he sound excited or exhausted? If your partner is passionate, your opportunities are wide open. If he sounds tired, you still have hope, but you should try harder.

Seduce a Woman With a Foot Massage Step 6
Seduce a Woman With a Foot Massage Step 6

Step 6. Start massaging harder

By now your partner's tendons should be limp and ready for further massage. Use your thumbs, fingers, and especially the "base" of your hand to massage it firmly, but don't overdo it. Now is not the time to prove your strength. Your good mood will be ruined when your partner screams in pain and won't continue. Don't massage the middle of your partner's feet because this area has sensitive bones and tendons. It's best to concentrate on the heels, the bases of the toes, and the toes (massage your partner's heels gently!) Do this for five minutes.

Seduce a Woman With a Foot Massage Step 7
Seduce a Woman With a Foot Massage Step 7

Step 7. Show that you like this activity

Make small mumbles (you can whisper a light “Mmmm” sound) and gradually widen your smile into a grin to show your partner that you appreciate every interaction with their body.

Seduce a Woman With a Foot Massage Step 8
Seduce a Woman With a Foot Massage Step 8

Step 8. Kiss her feet

Timing is a very important factor. Do not start the massage with something hot, unless your partner really wants to make love immediately. Otherwise, he will be annoyed. Make sure you complete the first step first, then ask if he likes your massage. If your partner says yes, get off the couch, get down on your knees, and kiss his feet a few times. After that, look into your partner's eyes and ask "How about now?" Most likely the response will be positive. Continue kissing her feet for a minute, but don't use her tongue or put her fingers in your mouth, unless both are part of your normal sexual routine. Otherwise, your partner could be in for a shock.

Seduce a Woman With a Foot Massage Step 9
Seduce a Woman With a Foot Massage Step 9

Step 9. Ask if you can continue the massage to other parts of the body

This is a big step, so make sure your question is clearly stated in your question. At this point things should be pretty easy. You can even simply say “May I massage your whole body?”. If you feel that your partner is in a good mood and you want to flirt a little, try saying, “Wow, your shoulders are tired too. Want me to get a massage too?” when he says yes, continue with “Wow, looks like your clothes are getting in the way…,” or something.


  • Once you get to the foot kissing stage, start letting your kissing explore your partner. Touch your partner's thighs gently, and kiss the ankles and calves.
  • Kiss your partner first. After choosing the location of your seduction massage, give a (not too short) peck on the lips before sitting down. A kiss doesn't have to be dramatic or overly sexy. Just show that you love and want him.
