This wikiHow teaches you how to install Bluestacks, a free Android emulator app on your PC or Mac computer.
Method 1 of 2: On Windows

Step 1. Visit via a web browser
The website will automatically detect your computer's operating system and display a "Download BlueStacks" button in the middle of the page.

Step 2. Click Download BlueStacks
The Bluestacks installation file will be downloaded to your computer.
You may need to click “ Save " or " Download ” to start the download, depending on your browser settings.

Step 3. Double-click the BlueStacks installation file
After the file has finished downloading, you can click “ BlueStacks-Installer(version).exe ” in the lower left corner of your browser. If it is not available, open the folder Downloads ” and double click the installation file.

Step 4. Click Yes to allow the installation file to run

Step 5. Click Install Now
BlueStacks will be installed to the computer. Once the installation is complete, a new window will be opened.
If you are updating the program from a previous version, click “ Continue " and select " Upgrades ”.

Step 6. Click Complete
BlueStacks will be installed and running automatically. You can also launch it by clicking on its name or icon in the “Start” menu.
Method 2 of 2: On MacOS

Step 1. Visit via a web browser
The website will automatically detect your computer's operating system and display a "Download BlueStacks" button in the middle of the page.

Step 2. Click Download BlueStacks
The Bluestacks installation file will be downloaded to your computer.
You may need to click “ Save " or " Download ” to start the download, depending on your browser settings.

Step 3. Double-click the BlueStacks installation file
Files are stored in the folder Downloads ” after the download is complete. You just need to find a file named “ BlueStacksInstaller(versionnumber).dmg ”.

Step 4. Double-click the BlueStacks icon on the window
This icon looks like a sideways stack of rectangles in the center of the blue window.

Step 5. Click Install
It's a blue button in the middle of the window.

Step 6. Click Continue to accept the terms of use
To review the terms of use before agreeing to them, click the link “ terms ” under "Welcome to Bluestacks".

Step 7. Allow installation of BlueStacks if it is blocked
If you see a "System Extension Blocked" message, you will need to take a few additional steps before you can install the app:
- Click " Open Security Preferences ” in the pop-up window.
- Click the tab " General " if not selected.
- Click " Allow ” in the lower right corner of the window.

Step 8. Run BlueStacks
Once BlueStacks is installed, you can launch the program by clicking on its icon (a stack of colorful squares) in the “ Applications ”.