A well-groomed shoe is an essential accessory to any outfit, and will make a good impression when you walk into a room. There are several ways to polish shoes – from the simple way using a chamois duster, to the military-style polish, to the death-defying polish of shoes. Read the article below to determine which way works for you.
Method 1 of 3: Simple Polishing and Shining

Step 1. Gather supplies for polishing shoes
Glossing your shoes properly will require some supplies, which you can buy as a package or buy individually. The non-negotiable is that you will need a shoe polish, a shoe brush, and a soft cloth.
- Shoe polish cans are available in a wide variety of colors, from brown to black to neutral. Try to get a color that is close to the original color of the shoe.
- Shoe polish is also available in cream or wax variations; Cream polish is suitable for leather shoes and makes them more flexible, while wax polish makes shoes more water resistant. If possible buy both and use alternately to polish shoes.
- For soft fabrics, you can use a special cloth for glossing, such as chamois or "shammy", or simply an unused t-shirt.
- In addition, provide a polishing brush (used for polish), a toothbrush or some earplugs, a sole dressing, a leather cleaner, and conditioner.

Step 2. Prepare the place
It is very important to prepare a place so that you do not soil the furniture or floors. Shoe polish can be difficult to remove, so you only want it on your shoes, nowhere else.
- Lay out some newsprint or an old paper bag on the floor or a polishing area and grab a comfortable pillow or chair – polishing shoes can take some time.
- If you're planning to do a thorough job on your shoes, it's a good idea to remove the laces first before starting to polish. This way you can easily reach all parts of the shoe.

Step 3. Clean the shoes to remove dirt
Before starting to polish, scrub the surface of each shoe with a bristle brush or an unused cloth to remove dirt, dust, salt, or other debris. This is important because if any debris is left on the surface of the shoe, it may cause scratches on the shoe when you polish.
- Allow the shoes to dry completely before moving on to the next step.
- If your shoes are very dirty or look worn, you may want to clean them with a leather cleaner or conditioner before starting to polish.

Step 4. Do the shoe shine
Using an old t-shirt or polish brush, apply an even coat of polish to the surface of the first shoe. Pay attention to the heel and toes, which may need extra lining as these tend to be used the most.
- If you're using an old t-shirt or clothing, try to tie it tightly in your hand using your index and middle fingers to work the polish into the shoe.
- You may also want to polish the part of the sole between the heel and the toe that doesn't touch the ground, which may be visible when you walk.
- Use a toothbrush or cotton swab to polish hard-to-reach areas, such as the edges and crevices at the top.
- After you finish polishing the first shoe, place it next to the newspaper and start doing the same process for the second shoe. Allow each shoe to dry for 15 minutes before moving on to the next step.

Step 5. Remove excess polish with a polish brush
Once the polish is dry, you can start removing excess polish using a bristle brush. Brush all parts of the shoe firmly. Remember that brush movement should come from the wrist, not the elbow.
- This step is important to remove excess polish. Meanwhile, the heat generated from the rapid movement of the brush helps absorb the remnants of the polish.
- While old t-shirts or clothing can be used for some steps in the shoe shine process, a proper polishing brush is required for this particular step, and cannot be replaced by anything else.
- Make sure to use different polish brushes for different polish colors. Or you run the risk of mixing the colors previously worn onto the shoes that are being polished. Especially when the previously used polish is darker than the current one.
- You'll probably want to use a cotton swab or a clean toothbrush or earpick again at this point to remove any excess polish in the crevices of your shoes.

Step 6. Buff the shoes with a cloth
The final step of the polishing and polishing process is to use an old (clean) t-shirt or chamois. Shine the shoes until they are the shiniest. Use quick side-to-side motions to polish – this may be easier to do on a shoe hanger or while wearing shoes.
- Some people suggest exhaling into the toe of the shoe (as you would for dew on a mirror) before polishing for a shinier finish.
- If you prefer, you can use a sole dressing on the outer edge of the sole for a nice gloss, but this is completely optional.
Method 2 of 3: Shine With Spit

Step 1. Prepare the shoes and apply the first coat of polish
The first step involved in polishing shoes with the spit method is the same as above. First, you should clean the shoes with a cloth or brush to get rid of any dust or debris. Then you'll apply the first coat of polish using a cloth or polish brush, making gentle circular motions to allow the polish to absorb into the leather.
Allow the shoes to dry for 15 minutes before moving on to the next step

Step 2. Put the cloth or cotton in the water
Spit polishing involves using a damp cloth or cotton swab to apply a successful coat of polish. If using a cloth, be sure to tie it tightly in your hand, with your index and middle fingers covered with the material. Dip your finger covered with a cloth or cotton swab into the water until it's wet but not dripping.
- Water is used to prevent the polish from sticking to the fabric and to encourage it to stay in the shoe.
- Some people prefer to use rubbing alcohol instead of water.

Step 3. Shine the shoes
Take a shoe and start applying the first coat of dry polish using a damp cloth or cotton swab. Work slowly in small, slow circular motions to allow the polish to absorb into the shoe. Spit polish is about skill, not speed.
- Work from toes to heels, working one side first.
- Switch to the second shoe after the first has obtained a nice, even shine.

Step 4. Put the cloth back in the water and apply a second coat of polish
When you're done polishing and the shoes are completely dry, put the cloth or cotton ball back into the water and wring it out until it's just damp. Use this damp material to apply a second thin coat to the surface of the shoe, using the same technique as before.
After the second polish, you should be able to start to see a faint gleam starting to appear on the surface of the shoe

Step 5. Continue to apply a light coat of polish to the shoes with a damp cloth, until you achieve the desired shine
The surface of the shoe should be perfectly smooth and even, with a glassy shine.
- It's important to apply several light coats of polish as opposed to just one or two thick coats – this allows each layer to build on top of the previous one giving the shoe a spit in a mirror-like finish.
- If you prefer, you can use an old cloth or chamois to give the shoe a final gloss before wearing it, although this is not necessary.
Method 3 of 3: Shine With Fire

Step 1. Clean the shoes
Before starting to polish your shoes with the fire method, you should remove any dirt or debris using a damp cloth or bristle brush. This will prevent the surface of the shoe from being scratched when polished. Some people will also use a technique called "stripping" before polishing shoes, this method works to get rid of any remaining polish on the shoes. To clean your shoes::
- Pour a few drops of rubbing alcohol on each shoe and smooth it over the surface using a cotton cloth. You should be able to see the previous coat of polish sticking to the cotton fabric.
- It will take some time to complete this process and get a clean, even surface of the shoe, but it will be worth the shine of the shoe until you can see your reflection on the shoe!

Step 2. Burn the shoe polish with a lighter
Now the fun part. Open your can of shoe polish (a regular brand of shoe polish will suffice) and hold it upside down, over a cigar lighter. Light the lighter and leave the polished surface exposed to the fire. Turn the polish over quickly so it doesn't drip onto the floor.
- Let the polish burn for a few seconds, then turn off the heat by blowing or closing the can.
- When the can of polish is opened again, the surface of the polish should be melted and sticky.
- Be careful when using this method. Fire is very dangerous and can cause burns. It's best to wear gloves when using this method, and keep a bucket of water handy in case of an emergency.

Step 3. Apply the melted polish with a damp cloth
Wrap an old t-shirt in your hand and put it in warm water until it's wet but not dripping. Dip this damp cloth into the melted polish and start applying it to the shoes, using small circular motions.
- Don't rush and try to apply the polish well to the shoes in a smooth and even layer. Don't forget to apply polish to hard-to-reach crevices.
- If you need more polish, or if the fabric gets too dry, dip it in water and polish it again.

Step 4. Continue to apply a thin layer until the shoes start to shine
Depending on the shoe, you may need to add a few coats of polish to get the shine you want. Using the same technique each time, dip a damp cloth into the melted polish and apply it evenly to the shoes.
- Keep in mind that it's better to make several thin coats of polish than just one or two thick coats.
- Make sure you allow the extra coat of polish to dry completely before moving on to the next coat. Shining shoes takes a lot of patience.

Step 5. Heat the surface of the shoe with a lighter or hairdryer
This step is optional, but will help make your shoes even more shiny. Take your lighter (or hairdryer set to high) and run the flame over the entire surface of the shoe.
- The fire should not touch the shoe, but it should be close enough to make the polish melt.
- Don't keep the fire in one spot for too long, or it will burn the leather. Keep moving constantly, like spraying paint. Stop as soon as the polish melts a little and the shoes look wet.
- Put in half and leave for 15-20 minutes until the melted polish dries.

Step 6. Apply a final coat of polish
Now you can apply the polish using the same technique as before. Your shoes should now be very shiny, almost like glass. If you prefer, you can use a chamois or a clean cloth to buff it one last time.
- Between polishing your shoes, a quick brush will re-gloss and remove dust and dirt that sticks to your feet as you walk.
- If you have shoes in a variety of colors, you may want to buy a neutral polish instead of spending money on a different color polish.
- Frequent use of silicone sponges instead of polish will cause the color to fade. Use only when you are on the go or occasionally.
- Use the same color of polish on the outsole and upper, as well as the heel.
- The polish expands on leather shoes (and may condense), so it's a good idea to use saddle soap and leather conditioner occasionally to clean the leather.
- Shoe polish contains alcohol. Shoe leather is no different from yours. If you pour alcohol over it, it will dry out and continued use will create cracks. There is more alcohol in a waxy, hard wax than a cream polish, so use it sparingly.
- Another way to polish shoes is to use a banana.
- Use wax for more shine, and either liquid polish will suffice. The wax preserves the shoes, and will prevent the rain from staining them.
- Shoe polishing makes a mess, so lay out some newsprint to protect the surface on which you're polishing your shoes.
- The basic polishing technique is effective for regular shoes, but for a "hard" or "military" glossy look, using a brush and cloth to buff your shoes will make your shoes look even worse. Glossy with a hard look can only be obtained by means of spit (using water) or by means of fire.
The Equipment You Need
- wax polish or liquid
- Brush
- Soft cloth
- Storage box