You are in love with your boyfriend, but you are trying to find the best way to tell him. While falling in love can be fun, telling your boyfriend that you love him can make you nervous, and you may not know how to proceed. The trick to telling her the right way is to find the right time, place, and way to say these three magic words. If you want to know the best way to say "I love you" to your loved one, just follow these easy steps.
Method 1 of 3: Making Sure You're Both Ready

Step 1. Know if you are in love
Saying "I love you" is a big step, and before you say these three magic words, you have to make sure you mean it. You may feel infatuated, obsessed, or fascinated by your lover, but how do you know that what you are feeling is truly love? Here are some signs that you are truly in love:
- If nothing else feels better than when you are with your partner. If he has a way of making you feel relaxed and in awe of yourself.
- If you can't imagine your future without it.
- If you can really be yourself around it.
- If you think realistically about your lover. If you can accept his flaws instead of thinking he's absolutely perfect, this is a sign that you may be in love.

Step 2. Consider her feelings
Even if you're not a mind reader, you may feel that he loves you too, otherwise you wouldn't even consider telling him big news like this. You won't be able to tell for sure if he loves you until you tell him, but there are a few things you can consider to get a better feel for how he feels. Here are some signs that he may have the same feelings as you:
- If he always compliments you, tells you how great you are, and says he's never met anyone like you, then he's probably in love with you.
- If he can't stay away from you and always wants to be around you. Make sure he feels love, not lust – the two are often misunderstood. If he is interested in your thoughts and nature, and not just your body, then he may be in love with you.
- If you often find him looking at you with a fascinated and sweet expression. Bonus points if he blushes and turns around when you find him staring at you.
Method 2 of 3: Choosing the Right Place and Time

Step 1. Choose the right place to tell the news
While the location you choose won't affect your boyfriend's feelings for you, it can help you get your message across in a way that makes your girlfriend feel more comfortable. Telling him in the right places also helps set the mood. Here are some places to consider:
- Choose a special place for both of you. It could be where you had your first date, where you had your first kiss, or where you had a great conversation. It doesn't have to be romantic, as long as it has meaning for both of you.
- Choose a romantic location. Tell him in a dimly lit restaurant or rose garden. The danger of choosing a public place is that it may make things more difficult if something happens that you didn't plan for.
- Tell him when you go out. Take a walk in the beautiful part of your housing complex. Stop him and tell him when the time is right.
- Tell him when you're on vacation together. This is the perfect opportunity to take your love to a higher level.

Step 2. Choose the right time to tell him
While timing isn't everything, choosing the right time to tell your boyfriend that you love him can help him accept your news better, and can help you feel more comfortable telling it. Here are some things to consider as you pick the right time:
- Choose a time when you are both in a good mood and stress-free.
- Don't tell him you love him when he has a big test the next day, or when he has other things on his mind.
- Tell him in the afternoon. Everything becomes more romantic in the dark.
- Tell him when you feel it's appropriate to tell him. Remember that the timing has to be right for you too.
Method 3 of 3: Tell Him You Love Him

Step 1. Start with proper body language
Your body and face should tell your boyfriend how you feel before you say anything. You can let him know that something is going to happen with the right gaze and movement. Here are some things you can do:
- Maintain eye contact. You better look into his eyes without feeling too tense. Make him feel important.
- Turn your whole body towards it. Let him know that he has your full attention.
- Touch him slowly. Place your hands on his knees, touch his shoulders, or rub his back.

Step 2. Tell him that you love him
Now that you've got things organized, you don't have to hold back anymore. You've been planning to share your feelings, and now is the time. You can make him feel comfortable by chatting or laughing a little, but focus on what's important.
- Calm down. Take a deep breath before you tell him. Tell yourself that you will feel relieved after you tell him.
- Say it straight away. Don't beat around the bush. You can act cute or funny later, but love is a serious thing. Just say "I want you to know that I love you". You can also say, "I'm in love with you."
- Don't look away when you say it. The look in your eyes will show your commitment to him.

Step 3. Wait for the reaction
After you tell him your big news, give him a minute to say something. While you may feel desperate to share your deeper feelings, remember that you just told him something important, and he needs some time to consider it. Now, one of two things will happen:
- In the best-case scenario, he will tell you that he feels the same way and that he has been waiting to tell you about his feelings.
- He can also tell that he is confused and needs some time to think about it.
- The worst case scenario is that he is completely shocked and tells you that he doesn't think that your relationship is that serious. If this is the case, don't despair! You will get through it.

Step 4. Give the right reaction
Whatever the reaction, your efforts don't stop once you tell your boyfriend that you love him. After he tells you about his feelings, you should know what to do next to make your relationship as strong as possible.
- If he tells you that he feels the same way, hug him, kiss him, and celebrate your love!
- If he says he needs time to think about what you just said, give him some space. Don't pressure him or make him angry. Appreciate that he needs more time to decide and don't ask him any questions or you'll make things worse.
- If he says he doesn't feel the same way as you, don't despair. For one thing, if you're too sure of your feelings and pretty sure of them, this probably isn't going to happen. But if this happens, be proud of yourself for opening up and doing something brave, and try to move on.
- If you feel that planning to say "I love you" is stressing you out too much, just say it directly, and wait for the right time. Tell him that you love him when you are alone, when you kiss, or when you are looking at a beautiful sight.
- If you're afraid to say "I love you," say it in writing. Give him a note, card, or even a poem telling him that you love him. While this still stresses you out, you make it easier than ever to tell him.