You don't have to look like Brad Pitt or drive a Corvette to flatter a woman. These things, on their own, will almost never succeed in seducing a woman who is worthy of a romantic relationship. If you really want to flatter a woman, you have to know how to make her feel special without going overboard. However, this is easier said than done.
Method 1 of 3: Make Her Feel Special

Step 1. Give him compliments that are meant only for him
If you want to instantly make a woman feel special and take a step closer to flattering her, you have to show her that you don't think of her as an average woman. Show her that in your eyes she is a special woman by complimenting her. But remember, don't say anything that scares him. Compliment her by saying she has beautiful hair, a quirky sense of humor, an amazing laugh, or a style that really charms you.
- Don't compliment her on her beauty or grace in the first place. While this is a nice compliment, if you say it too early, the woman may feel that you are overreacting or not being sincere enough to compliment her.
- At your first or second meeting, try to offer subtle compliments so he can see that you see him as a person, not like other women.
- You can also compliment his personality. For example, you can praise his great sense of responsibility, strong character, high moral values, and so on.

Step 2. Ask him real questions about himself
In general, a person likes to talk about himself when given the opportunity. If you want to make a woman feel special and feel like you really care about her, you have to ask about her life and the ideas that are on her mind. Don't embarrass her or feel like she's being interviewed. Just ask a few things that concern him personally, but not so personal that it bothers him. This can show that you are genuinely interested in him. Here are some topics you can ask:
- Does he have a pet? If so, what type?
- Does he have a brother? If so, what fields do they work in?
- What are his favorite movies, bands, and books?
- What's his hobby?
- How is the atmosphere at work or school?

Step 3. Ask her opinion
If you want to make a woman feel special and feel like you really care about her, you have to show that her opinion matters to you. Ask her opinion on a variety of topics, from your new shoes to her taste in music. Don't ask questions about topics that can provoke debate, such as politics and other sensitive topics. By occasionally asking him for his opinion, you'll show you really care, rather than seeing him as something to play with.
- If you take her to the movies, ask her what movies she would like to see. When the film is finished, you should ask what he thinks about the film.
- If you pick him up while listening to music, ask him, "What CDs do you have in your car?"
- If you're about to make a life-changing decision, and you're already close enough with the woman, don't make that decision without asking her first.

Step 4. Take your time to really listen to what he has to say
This is different from simply nodding your head and saying, "Yes," every time he asks if you're listening. Pay attention to the details in his speech, from his opinion of his friend Mia to his favorite sweater. You may lose focus once in a while, but he will look at you better when Mia's name is repeated another time or when you two want to buy a sweater together. If you say something he's said before, he's sure to be impressed that you seem to care.
- Really listening to her will also show that you are not only interested in her beauty, but also in her mind.
- Listening carefully to her will also help you figure out what her likes and dislikes are, so you can give her the right gift when the time comes.

Step 5. Be a real man
If you want to flatter a woman, you have to be a real man. You don't have to go overboard with something that doesn't suit your personality, but if you want to make her feel special, you have to be able to make her feel like a real woman, too. To be a real man, you have to treat a woman with respect, be kind and compassionate, and make her feel like the center of your attention, whether you're having a fancy dinner or just drinking coffee together. Here are some things you can do:
- When you pick him up, don't just wait in the car and honk. Get out of your car and knock on the door where he lives. When he wants to get in the car, open the car door.
- Open the door for him and pull up his chair so he can sit down. Always let him walk in front of you.
- Always make sure that he is comfortable by asking him directly. Is he cold or hot? Offer to put your jacket over her or hang hers.
- Always start your date with a compliment. He's put in the effort, so tell her she's beautiful, amazing, or something like that.

Step 6. Know the hobby
You don't have to be obsessed with Power Yoga or follow it to the vegetable market every Saturday like a dog. You just have to show that you're also interested in the things he enjoys by asking what his hobbies are, without being too intrusive. If he enjoys writing poetry or painting, ask him if you can see his work. If one day he joins a book club and asks if you'd like to come along, come along.
It doesn't mean you have to do things that are boring for you. You just have to show that you care about your crush's passions and that you will support her as best you can

Step 7. Look into her eyes
Really. It's a ploy to make a woman feel special the most underrated. When he talks to you, look him in the eye. This may be obvious, but you'd be surprised to find out how many men don't look a woman in the eye because they're too shy or too busy with their phones to pay attention to the woman in front of them.
- Not that you have to stare into his eyes weird all the time. When he's talking to you, and you're really listening, look him in the eye to show you care.
- Looking into your eyes can also help you understand the feelings of your crush. If you don't see his face, you may not be able to sense that he's disappointed or nervous.
Method 2 of 3: Making Her Feel Loved

Step 1. Show your affection
Even if you feel that your crush knows how you feel about her because you've said it so many times, physical touch can really flatter her. You don't have to hold her close all the time or hold her hand all the time (you might be surprised to hear that a lot of women don't like being treated that way), but you should give her a touch of affection often enough when you're together to make her feel loved. Here are some things you can do:
- If you're watching a movie at the cinema or taking a walk, hold her hand for a while, if she likes it.
- If you're both sitting on the couch, don't forget to snuggle up and cuddle with him to make him feel special.
- When taking pictures, you can put your arm around him to make him feel intimate with you.
- If you're talking and he's upset, put your hand on his knee, caress his arm, or hold his hand to let him know you care.
- When you greet and kiss him, stroke his hair or gently touch the back of his head.
- Don't forget to touch it playfully. Picking them up, tickling them, or lightly hitting each other are all good ways to show affection.

Step 2. Support him
If you want him to feel loved, you have to do more than just compliment or touch him. You have to support him, whether it's by watching his team's football game, or accompanying him when his grandmother dies. Love is not just a game and having fun. To really flatter him, you have to be the complete package and be by his side when he needs you.
- If he likes sports, attend his team's matches when you can or at least don't forget to ask about his team's games.
- If he has an exam soon, help him study or support him by bringing him lunch or offering to help him with other things while he studies.
- If during this week he was stressed at work, treat him well. Help her relax by planning a stress-free evening and don't ask the crucial questions that night.

Step 3. Kiss him at the most unexpected time
Of course if you kiss him while you're having fun making out it will make him happy, but it's kissing at the most unexpected times that really makes him happy. If you're just talking on a date or walking in the park, kiss him and say, “I have to kiss you right now. You look very beautiful.” It will fascinate him.
- And when you do kiss, make sure you kiss her without making her feel neglected.
- Not all kisses have to be long and intimate. A gentle kiss on the lips is a great way to show you care and can vary your kisses.

Step 4. Take your time for romance
If you want to make your crush feel loved, you have to make a date plan and stick to it. If you're going to flatter him, you can't flatter him the first three weeks and then tell him that Sunday is sports day until death do you two. Make sure that you have a date each week, no matter how stressed or tired you are. Don't forget to keep making the woman you love feel loved.
Romance doesn't always have to involve red wine and chocolate. Romance means that you both have to take the time to show each other that you care about each other

Step 5. Show him that you think about him when you're not together
If you want to make her feel loved, you have to show her that you're always in her face even when you're not together. Send him a text at least once a day to let him know you're thinking about him or send him an email while you're at work with a link that makes you think about him. Don't check on her eight times a day if you don't want to be seen as trying to curb her, but if you really want to date her, don't spend a day without a call or text message.
Showing that you care when you're not together is just as important as showing you care when you're together

Step 6. Do little things for her
Little things can complement the big gifts you give him, like a life-sized teddy bear or a diamond necklace. While shopping for groceries when she's overwhelmed, fixing her table legs in the living room, or taking her to the vet when her cat is sick aren't as luxurious as buying her a diamond, these kinds of actions will make her think you really care about her.
Of course he also has to do little things for you. You don't have to be his errand boy for him to see you care
Method 3 of 3: Make Your Relationship Last

Step 1. Be a spontaneous man
Having a routine, from date night to movie night, can help create a lifestyle that makes a relationship meaningful and healthy, but that doesn't mean it's always fun. Diversify your activities with spontaneous activities. Try not to do the predictable and usual things you do all the time, and your crush will be happier spending time with you.
- Go on weekend walks to places you've never been. Taste food from other countries that you have never heard of. Do a wheeling motion in the middle of the road.
- Don't underestimate the importance of spontaneous hugs, kisses, and compliments.

Step 2. Be an adventurer
If you want to flatter a woman, you have to live a life full of adventure and interesting things. That doesn't mean you have to parachute or climb Mount Everest. You just have to work on keeping your relationship interesting by both stepping out of your comfort zone and doing things you never thought you would do before. Anything new you do will get your crush's adrenaline pumping and make her happy with your relationship.
- There are various activities that you can do, such as running a marathon together, learning to dive, or even learning a foreign language.
- When there is a new activity, make sure you think positively, don't immediately think negatively and find excuses not to do it because you think it's a bad idea.

Step 3. Amaze his friends and family
You may ask, “What is the importance of his friends and family to the person?” The short answer is very important. At first, you may be able to develop a romantic relationship with him without having to meet his friends and family, but if you want to be with him into your old age, you should make an effort to get to know his friends and be polite and kind when you meet his family.
- Even if you can't charm her friends right away, don't give up. If you want to be with this woman for the rest of your life, her friends will likely be a part of your life forever.
- Of course spending time with family isn't always fun, but don't complain. If you really care about him, you should also care about his family, even if you'd rather watch a football game than come to his uncle's birthday party.

Step 4. Maintain your independence
Your independence also plays a role in making the woman your idol flatter. If you want to impress him and feel like you care about him, you have to show it by giving him space to live independently by occasionally doing the things you want to do. He'll be surprised to find you're not possessive or jealous enough that you want to be with him all the time, and he'll like you even more.
If your friends and interests are different and there are parts of your relationship that don't intersect, your relationship will be stronger when you spend time together

Step 5. Don't ignore it
Once you've flattered him once, you have to keep on flattering him. There may be times when you feel like your relationship is going well and you no longer need to make him feel special and loved. You are very wrong. You have to keep the relationship fresh if you don't want to lose the woman. Give him flowers, keep praising him, and find new activities you can do together, like hiking or learning to cook, to keep your relationship interesting.
If you already love each other, make sure you say, "I love you," once a day to show that you love him every day
- Just kidding. If you can make a woman laugh, she will remember you.
- Don't forget your own social life. Most women like men who have their own circle of friends, opinions, and time.
- Never make him choose between his friend and yourself unless his friend really doesn't consider the feelings of your crush.
- Give specific, sincere compliments. Say, “Your hot clothes are great,” instead of, “You are hot.” If your first compliment is true, he'll be more likely to accept it.
- As you get closer, use greeting words like "yang" or "love" so he can see that you're paying attention.
- Learn to play guitar. Pair it with singing and you can easily flatter a woman. Even if you can't sing well, a woman will like you because you sing her a love song.
- Women like men who are relaxed and not too serious. They don't want to be with a guy who panics easily. Be calm and relaxed. Try not to seem nervous when talking to him. Don't stutter or hesitate when talking to a woman because she may think you're scared or embarrassed by it.
- If he has a dream, help him achieve his dream and always support him.
- Flirt a little. If he's joking, touch his hand a little while laughing.
- Be yourself! This may be obvious, but a woman doesn't like a man who tries too hard to charm her. Keep doing what he likes, but don't overdo it. It will drive him away from you.
- Remember to do little things for her like cooking a meal or helping her when she needs help. He will appreciate your little kindnesses beyond your expectations.