Skin is very important for health because it serves to protect the body from germs and infectious agents. Many people want healthy skin because they will look fresh from the outside, but healthy skin is also an indicator of overall health, and healthy skin starts with a healthy body. Skin care and antiaging products are big industries, but how we treat our bodies and what we eat is just as important as what we put on our skin.
Part 1 of 4: Cleansing and Moisturizing

Step 1. Wash your skin regularly, but not too often
The skin is covered by a layer of dead skin, oil, and good bacteria that help block harmful substances from entering the body. A shower will clean the coating. Clean skin is important for a healthy body, but bathing and washing the skin too often are unnecessary and hinder the body's protection from contaminants and infections.
In general, humans do not need to bathe more than once every two days or every three days. You may want to consider bathing more often if you work with the public or the sick, use public transportation every day, or work in a physically demanding field

Step 2. Take a cold or warm bath
Bathing with hot water for too long will strip the skin of the oils it needs, and make certain skin conditions like rosacea and eczema worse.

Step 3. Use a gentle cleanser
Just like hot water, harsh soaps will also strip oil from your skin and leave your skin feeling tight and dry. When bathing, choose a mild soap or cleanser that does not contain artificial fragrance. Look for soaps that:
- Contains soothing and moisturizing ingredients such as aloe vera, witch hazel, vegetable oil, and herbs or botanicals such as chamomile, lavender, rosemary, and peppermint.
- Does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate or alcohol which can dry out the skin.
- According to skin type. For example, if your skin is dry, look for a moisturizing soap. For sensitive skin, look for fragrance-free and hypoallergenic soaps.
- Cleanses skin without stripping skin and oil.

Step 4. Pat dry the skin
Do not rub the skin with a towel after showering, just pat the skin with a towel and let the remaining moisture dry on its own. This ensures that there is still a layer of oil on the skin which will help retain moisture and prevent dry skin.

Step 5. Exfoliate once or twice a week
Exfoliating will remove the top layer of dead skin and reveal fresh, new and clean skin underneath, leaving skin looking healthy and shiny. Avoid using acidic exfoliants on the skin and especially the face, such as lemon or tomato juice. Acids can strip your skin of its natural oils and make you sensitive to the sun.
- Cleansing, exfoliating, and moisturizing your skin regularly can help prevent breakouts and blemishes, and keep your skin looking young and healthy.
- For dry skin, look for exfoliating products that don't contain added cleansing agents (or very gentle products) and moisturizers. For oily skin, choose a balancing exfoliating product that also acts as a scrub.

Step 6. Moisturize skin regularly
In addition to keeping the skin moist so it doesn't dry out, it also protects the skin and improves its color and texture. Consider using a moisturizer that contains SPF for added sun protection.
- As an anti-inflammatory antioxidant, olive oil can also be applied to the skin as a natural moisturizer. Almond, coconut, and jojoba oils also work as moisturizers, as do shea butter and cocoa butter. You can use this product directly or look for a moisturizer that contains these ingredients.
- Look for a lotion or gel instead of a cream if you have oily skin, but opt for a cream if your skin is dry.
- For acne-prone skin, look for a moisturizer that contains salicylic acid. But if you have sensitive skin, look for soothing ingredients like green tea, vitamin C, and aloe vera.
Part 2 of 4: Adopting a Healthy Diet

Step 1. Eat fruits and vegetables
Consumption of colorful, natural foods ensures you get the nutrients, vitamins and minerals that are vital for health. Fruits and vegetables help to achieve healthy skin because they improve the health of the body. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables can reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure, as well as regulate blood sugar and weight, as well as aid digestion.
- Eat dark green leafy vegetables.
- Eat brightly colored fruits like orange, blue, yellow, red, and purple.
- For example, tomatoes are good for the skin because when eaten they help protect the skin from sun damage, making the skin softer and increasing collagen production.

Step 2. Eat skin-friendly foods
Foods rich in antioxidants, selenium, coenzyme Q10, and flavonoids support a healthy body and clean skin. Antioxidants and selenium prevent damage caused by free radicals, which are known to contribute to wrinkle formation, tissue damage, and dry skin. Coenzyme Q10 is an antioxidant that the body produces. Flavonoids are secondary products from plants and both contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.
- Foods high in antioxidants include whole grains, berries, apricots, beetroot, pumpkin and sweet potatoes, oranges, nuts, and olive oil.
- Foods that contain selenium include whole-wheat pasta, Brazil nuts, button mushrooms, beef and turkey, clams, shrimp and crab, snapper and cod, and several other types of fish.
- Coenzyme Q10 is found in whole grains, fish, organ meats, soybeans, canola oil, and sesame oil.
- Flavonoids are found in foods such as dark chocolate and green tea.

Step 3. Eat foods rich in vitamins A, C, and E
These types of vitamins provide a variety of benefits, but all contribute to healthy skin. Vitamin C can increase the production of collagen and elastin in the skin, and these proteins can prevent wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin. Vitamin A helps keep skin fresh and shiny by preventing dryness, reducing dark spots, and smoothing wrinkles. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that fights free radical damage.
- Foods rich in vitamin C include chilies, oranges, green leafy vegetables, papaya, and kiwi. You can also try strawberries, pumpkin, and pomegranate, for a high dose of wrinkle-fighting vitamins.
- Foods rich in vitamin A include green vegetables, oranges, carrots, cantaloupe, and eggs.
- Vitamin E is found in nuts and seeds, olives, green leafy vegetables, and vegetable oils.

Step 4. Consume omegas
Fats are also important for healthy skin, especially omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. These types of fatty acids maintain skin brightness and moisture, and prevent dryness and blemishes. Sources of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids include:
- Walnuts
- Olive oil and canola oil
- Flaxseed
- Sardines, mackerel and salmon

Step 5. Drink water
Like all other parts of the body, the skin also needs adequate hydration in order to function normally. Adequate hydration can prevent dry and flaky skin which in turn will prevent wrinkles and reduce fine lines.
The traditional guide to water consumption is eight glasses (one glass is equivalent to 235 ml) per day. However, fruits and vegetables also contain water so their consumption also includes efforts to meet daily hydration. The rule is to listen to body cues, so if you're thirsty, drink

Step 6. Avoid added sugar
Sugar in food can trigger wrinkles and sagging skin. Sugar molecules bind to protein molecules, and when that happens, collagen and elastin break down. While many foods that are good for your health-like fruit-contain sugar, be aware of added sugars in processed and ready-to-eat foods.
Part 3 of 4: Taking Care of the Body

Step 1. Exercise regularly
Regular exercise is important for the health of the lungs, cardiovascular system, and the body as a whole, including the skin. Exercise helps the skin because it improves circulation, increases the flow of nutrients to the skin, and removes dirt from the skin's surface. In addition, exercise can also slow down the aging process.
Be sure to rehydrate your body after exercise

Step 2. Relax and unwind
Stress can take a toll on your skin and body and mind, and the hormones your body releases in response to stress can make skin problems like acne, psoriasis, rosacea, and eczema worse. In addition, stress can increase the recovery time in the body, so acne will take longer to disappear.
Yoga and meditation are beneficial for the skin because they are both stress-relieving activities

Step 3. Don't smoke
Like stress, smoking has a negative impact on health, skin, and appearance. Smoking reduces blood flow which is important for healthy skin. Smoking also damages collagen and elastin, while the movements in smoking cause wrinkles around the mouth and eyes.

Step 4. Get enough sleep
There are many reasons why sleep is important, and one of them is healthy skin. When we sleep, the body secretes certain growth hormones which then lead to the production of collagen.

Step 5. Protect skin from the sun
Minimal exposure to UV rays is important for vitamin D production (20 minutes is enough for most people), but excessive exposure can damage the skin and cause skin cancer. In addition, sun damage also causes signs of premature aging, such as spots, spots, and wrinkles, and damages collagen and elastin.
- Avoid the sun when it is at its best, which is generally between 10:00 and 16:00. Find a shady spot if you must be outside.
- Wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of between 30 and 50 every day of the year. Choose cosmetics and moisturizers that also contain SPF.
- Wear protective clothing that has a UPF (ultraviolet protection factor) level. Wear long sleeves with a high collar, long pants, and a wide-brimmed hat.

Step 6. Watch for signs of skin cancer
Skin cancer is the abnormal growth of skin cells caused by DNA mutations, and the main cause of these mutations is exposure to UV light. If you notice irregular changes in your skin or notice a mole that wasn't there before, talk to your doctor right away. The most common signs that indicate cancer or precancerous cells are:
- Moles with irregular edges or asymmetrical features, not just one color, or changing over time.
- Pain and lumps that are not caused by biting, friction, scratching, or impact
- Spots, blemishes, or changes in the appearance or texture of the skin.

Step 7. Seek professional help for any unusual skin problems
You need to know what skin irritations, allergy triggers, and other sensitivities are so that you can differentiate between a normal reaction and a skin change or condition that requires the attention of a doctor or dermatologist. There are many problems that irritate the skin, and you should seek medical attention if you notice any of the following symptoms:
- Unexplained hives, blisters, rash, or scales
- Sores or nodules that ooze fluid
- Chronic inflammation, redness, itching, or discoloration
- Moles, lumps, or crusty tumors (warts) that won't go away
Part 4 of 4: Caring for Aging Skin

Step 1. Focus on addressing the most important skin problems first, not all at once
The use of too many anti-aging products can actually stress the skin so that it looks older. No product can fight wrinkles, dark spots, and dryness in one bottle, so don't try to tackle them all at once. Choose the problem you want to solve the most and focus your time and money on that problem, you'll get the best results.
- If any product irritates your skin, discontinue use.
- Skin ages naturally, and you can't stop the process with all the creams and techniques in the world. Instead, focus on keeping the skin healthy, the result is youthful looking skin.

Step 2. Buy a moisturizer that suits your skin type and use it every day
Moisturizing the skin every day is one of the keys to healthy skin at any age, but it becomes even more important in old age. Your skin will naturally get drier, but you can keep it healthy by using a moisturizer that has a good formula every day to keep your skin young and supple. No product has the same effect on everyone, so choose the product that works best for you.
- For best results, use a moisturizer with SPF 15–30 to help protect skin from UV rays.
- There are moisturizers that are specifically formulated for dry, oily, sensitive, wrinkled, and so on skin types. The choice of a suitable moisturizer on the skin will help provide the best results faster.

Step 3. Eat foods that are healthy for your skin and rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants
The more vitamins and minerals you get from food, the better. A healthy diet is increasingly important as you get older. However, you should also consider supplements if you're concerned that you're not getting the nutrients you need for healthy skin. Foods that are good for the skin include:
- Green leafy vegetables, such as spinach and lettuce
- Fish, especially those high in omega-3s (salmon, white-fleshed fish, etc.)
- Berries are generally high in antioxidants.

Step 4. Apply an antioxidant cream to fight sun damage, wrinkles and dark spots
Antioxidants help prevent skin DNA damage by "free radicals". Fortunately, antioxidants are made from naturally occurring vitamins and minerals that are abundant in nature. While a diet high in antioxidants is important, you can also apply it directly to your skin. For healthy skin, try:
- acai oil
- Green tea extract
- Retinol

Step 5. Use a cream containing alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA) to fight skin damage due to old age
This product is considered good and safe for exfoliating the skin, removing black spots, dead skin, and helping the skin to stay young. Look for a cream that contains a 5-10% concentration of the following products, use once a day and increase the frequency gradually if you feel comfortable:
- Alpha-hydroxy acid
- Salicylic acid
- Hyaluronic acid

Step 6. Avoid "magic cream" or grandiose results
Many skin care products claim to "completely remove wrinkles" or restore the youthfulness of the skin to what it was 20 years ago. If the product actually delivers the promised results, you will never see wrinkles again. Don't expect grandiose results, your goal is healthy and fresh skin, not your skin when you were 30 years old.
In fact, claims like "clinically proven" are actually unfounded. If a product is said to be "clinically proven", it means that consumers are welcome to try the product before it is sold on the market

Step 7. Continue to take care of your skin by wearing sunscreen, getting enough fluids, and checking for skin cancer regularly
No matter your age, skin care is still important. Skin care habits do not change drastically as you get older. Stay healthy by wearing sunscreen, drinking plenty of water every day, eating healthy foods, and getting enough sleep. If you maintain this habit for life, your skin will remain shiny and youthful.