4 Ways to Increase Charisma

4 Ways to Increase Charisma
4 Ways to Increase Charisma

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Charisma is a skill that makes you a more likable, more attractive, and more genuine person. People who are not naturally charismatic can learn this skill. Generally, people think that only extroverts can be charismatic. This is not true. You just need to practice certain skills until they become a habit. Charisma will enhance your relationship building skills and sense of leadership. In addition, you will feel more confident.


Method 1 of 4: Building Confidence

Increase Charisma Step 1
Increase Charisma Step 1

Step 1. Exercise

By exercising, your body will look fit. Your appearance and self-confidence will be more stable. Exercise also releases endorphins, which are dubbed the "confidence" hormone. This hormone can make you excited and happier.

The short and long term benefits of exercise are most pronounced when done 3 to 4 times per week

Increase Charisma Step 2
Increase Charisma Step 2

Step 2. Think optimistically

Think about all the good things that have happened in your life, such as your family, friends, work, etc. Tell yourself that you have a good job, and that your friends are all kind to you. Change the bad thoughts that arise into positive thoughts. For example, if you think this step is too heavy, tell yourself to keep trying to do this step from another perspective.

To be more effective, think positively every day

Increase Charisma Step 3
Increase Charisma Step 3

Step 3. Stop comparing yourself to others

Comparing yourself to others is a waste of time and useless. You cannot compare yourself to others because you have your own life experience and skills that no one else has. Your self-confidence will be lost if you feel inferior to other people. Believe that you are a unique person who cannot be compared with others.

Increase Charisma Step 4
Increase Charisma Step 4

Step 4. Dress neatly

Every morning, wear appropriate and neat clothes that make you feel confident. If you look good on the outside, your self-confidence will increase. Match the clothes you're wearing with the interactions you expect to have that day. For example, you certainly don't need to wear a professional suit or dress to a lunch with friends. On the other hand, you will be reluctant to wear jeans and a t-shirt to a business meeting.

Be aware of the color of the clothes you wear. Blue color implies serenity and creativity. Green color makes you look fresh

Method 2 of 4: Paying Attention to Social Interactions

Increase Charisma Step 5
Increase Charisma Step 5

Step 1. Silence and put away all electronics

If you're interacting with other people, get rid of your cell phone, tablet, computer, or other distracting electronic device. You can't interact with other people when you're busy playing on your device. When interacting with others, give your full and undivided attention to the situation and people you are dealing with. Others more distant you can contact later.

If you are an iPhone user, turn on the Do Not Disturb function on your phone. This function will block incoming calls and SMS until it is turned off. That way, you won't be interested in checking your phone

Increase Charisma Step 6
Increase Charisma Step 6

Step 2. Make sure your clothes are comfortable

Of course, you'll have a hard time paying full attention to the situation at hand if your jeans are too tight or your dress is itchy. Wear appropriate and comfortable clothing so you can keep your focus on the situation at hand.

Increase Charisma Step 7
Increase Charisma Step 7

Step 3. Before answering, pause at least two seconds

When you are talking to another person and the other person is talking, don't think about your response. Pay full attention to what the person is saying. When it's your turn, pause two seconds before starting to speak.

  • For example, if the person is talking about their experience going hiking with a pet dog, don't think about your experience hiking with your own dog. Pay close attention to their story, then share yours.
  • Be empathetic to the person's story and try to feel their feelings. For example, say that you are experiencing the same admiration because it has happened to you.
Increase Charisma Step 8
Increase Charisma Step 8

Step 4. Practice mindfulness techniques

Being aware of your own behavior will make it easier for you to give your full attention to others. Meditate: go to a quiet place, position yourself to be comfortable, then focus your attention on deep breathing. Focus your mind on the sensations of your body inhaling and releasing the breath. Repeat a word or mantra. Listen to repetitive music that calms and clears the mind.

Spend at least five minutes each day doing nothing. You should feel calm while doing this

Method 3 of 4: Mastering Verbal Communication

Increase Charisma Step 9
Increase Charisma Step 9

Step 1. Ask long-answer questions

When you are talking to other people, ask questions that can be answered at length rather than in one word (eg yes/no). Ask questions that are still related to the ongoing conversation. For example, ask the person about a recent movie, trip, or other story.

  • Questions like this force people to talk a lot. That way, you're also continuing the conversation.
  • Find out about your interlocutor. Everyone likes to talk about themselves. The easiest way to become a charismatic person is to become someone that others can be proud of. If you're meeting someone for the first time, ask about that person's principles, goals, career path, or life partner. If you know the person you're talking to and feel like you don't need to make small talk, ask about the person's recent trip or spouse.
Increase Charisma Step 10
Increase Charisma Step 10

Step 2. Stay confident without being arrogant

Sometimes, we will receive congratulations on our achievements. Accept the greeting by saying thank you. However, still include the contribution of others in the achievement. For example, you can also express your gratitude to others for making your hard work widely known. Also convey that it is impossible for you to complete the project without the help of colleagues. This kind of response shows that you are proud of your accomplishments, but not arrogant.

  • Balance your self-confidence and low self-esteem. If you're too low on yourself, people will think you're actually not doing anything. However, if you are overconfident, others will think you are arrogant. You would be considered arrogant, for example, if you said that you worked on a project day and night non-stop, and the results were great.
  • By being humble and appreciative of the contributions of others, you show your friendly and appreciative nature.
Increase Charisma Step 11
Increase Charisma Step 11

Step 3. To show that you heard the person's words, paraphrase what they are saying

People feel good when they feel heard. When talking to another person, after the person has finished speaking, repeat what the person said in your own words. For example, after the person has told you about their family problems, talk about how they might feel.

That person will probably tell their true feelings. By reflectively paraphrasing like that, you show an intention to listen and move the conversation forward

Increase Charisma Step 12
Increase Charisma Step 12

Step 4. Get everyone in the group to talk

There are people who are indeed more crowded than others. Talk to everyone in the group. If someone isn't coming, ask something, or take turns talking to everyone so everyone can join.

  • Pay attention to nonverbal communication (body language) that could indicate interest or boredom. For example, people who look down or cross their arms are a sign that they are bored or uncomfortable with attention.
  • Avoid controversial or potentially contentious topics such as a person's political position or lifestyle. These topics can make people lazy to talk.
Increase Charisma Step 13
Increase Charisma Step 13

Step 5. Share your personal story with others

Tell a story about your childhood or a problem at work that you managed to solve. This will make it easier for people to respond and understand your position, and consider you someone worthy of being a role model.

Method 4 of 4: Mastering Nonverbal Communication

Increase Charisma Step 14
Increase Charisma Step 14

Step 1. Maintain eye contact

Always look deeply into the eyes of your interlocutor. Eye contact shows the other person that you are paying attention to what he is saying. In addition, eye contact can also show confidence.

Strong eye contact is also related to the ability to remember information

Increase Charisma Step 15
Increase Charisma Step 15

Step 2. Slightly bend your body towards the other person

Slightly bend your body towards the other person to subtly show that you are having a serious conversation. Show your body's reaction to the conversation. For example, if the person says something surprising, immediately pull yourself back to show that you are!

Increase Charisma Step 16
Increase Charisma Step 16

Step 3. Nod

When someone is speaking, nod so that the person feels like they are being heard. This nod makes people feel that you are interested and want to know more. Don't always nod for no reason. Make sure you nod at the right time.

Increase Charisma Step 17
Increase Charisma Step 17

Step 4. Make yourself appear bigger

The method? Stand with your feet open to shoulder level and place your hands on your hips. This way, you will appear bigger. People who appear bigger seem more confident. In addition, you also seem more open to the other person. If your hands are on your hips and not crossed over your chest, you will appear open and friendly.

  • This standing position makes you appear more confident.
  • A confident and friendly attitude draws people to you and makes you more charismatic.
Increase Charisma Step 18
Increase Charisma Step 18

Step 5. Move your body

Try to keep your body language a little too much. Exaggerated body language seems attractive to people because it signals enthusiasm. It will also be easier for people to remember you. They will associate words with your actions.


  • Avoid people who are always sad. Hang out with happy people. Happiness is contagious.
  • Building charisma will take time and effort. Don't be discouraged if it doesn't just happen.
