If you want to make fake breasts, there are many ways to do it! For the quickest and easiest solution, put on a cushioned bra and stuff it with socks or tissue. You can also wear two bras at once. If you're a fan of cosplay (dressing like a fictional character), try creating realistic-looking fake breasts that you can reuse with other costumes. Instead of buying or ordering fake breasts, try making your own. The manufacturing process is quite simple and cost effective!
Part 1 of 4: Using Simple Items

Step 1. Put on a bra and fill the cup with socks
Choose a bra that already has padding to disguise the socks inside. Fold one sock so that it is the size of a bra cup. Then, tuck in the bra and cup your breasts with your hands, then lift them up. Position the socks so that they are at the bottom of the bra cup, under the bust. Do the same for the other breast.
- Use one sock per breast. The size can be adjusted by selecting the thickness of the sock. For large breasts, wear thick socks. Conversely, for the appearance of breasts that are not too big, you can wear thin ankle-length socks.
- Choose socks with soft materials so they don't rub against the skin.

Step 2. Fill the bra with tissue or toilet paper
This is the easiest and cheapest way to fake breasts. Take a tissue or toilet paper as needed and fold it so that it looks smooth. Lift the breast and tuck the tissue sheet under it. Insert the tissue deep enough into the cup so that it doesn't fall out when you are active.
- If you can, you should wear socks because they don't fall off easily. However, you can use a tissue if you have to!
- Wear a bra with a little padding to disguise the tissue inside.

Step 3. Wear 2 bras at once
Choose 2 padded bras with cups that fit snugly against your breasts. Put on one bra as you normally would, then put on the other so the two are stacked on top of each other. Adjust the straps and elastic of the bra so that it looks as good as possible under your clothes.
- For a neater look, wear a strapless bra underneath a regular bra. However, two strappy bras are actually sufficient. You can also wear two strapless bras!
- This technique is ideal for men who want to have realistic breasts for cosplay or if your breasts are too small to comfortably wear a bra.

Step 4. Tuck the silicone enlargement pad behind the bra cups
These pads are available in various sizes and you can buy them at a bra store or order them online. Insert the silicone pad into the bra cup. If you have one, use double-sided tape so that the pads stick firmly to the bra cups. You simply cut off some of the tape, attach it to the pads, then glue it to the bra. Once both pads are attached to the bra, adjust the bra straps until they are all snug against your breasts.
Use a padded bra to make your breasts look smooth and cover the lines of the silicone pads
Part 2 of 4: Creating the Base for Cosplay

Step 1. Prepare 2 sets of bra cups from the fabric store
For best results, buy an extra large size. Make sure the bra is free of wire and is white. Choose a good base color as this bra cup will be covered with several layers of pantyhose. If you choose black or brown, it is difficult to get an even color in the finished product.

Step 2. Glue two bra cups together to make a bigger bust shape
Stack the two left breasts and make sure they are facing the same direction. Then, slide the two together slightly so that the bottom of one cup rests in the center of the other. Once you're happy with the shape, glue them together using fabric glue, hot glue, or super glue.
- Repeat the above process for the right breast cup.
- Set aside the breast cup when you're done.

Step 3. Cut some pantyhose into flat sheets
Prepare 4-5 pairs of extra-large pantyhose that match your skin tone. Cut along the seam so that the pantyhose is a thin sheet. Discard the fingertips and calves or save them for another project.
- You need a minimum of 7 pairs of pantyhose. The bigger the size, the better.
- Some types of pantyhose have a "control section" that extends all the way to the thigh. This section has a darker color than the other sections. Cut under this section.

Step 4. Spread one of the pantyhose sheets over one of the breast cups
Wrap the edges of the pantyhose around the rim of the breast cup. Glue the pantyhose to the underside of the breast cup using quick-drying glue. Pull the pantyhose up tight so that there are no gaps in the breast cup. The cup will appear thin, but this is okay.
- Hot glue is ideal for this step because it dries quickly.
- Start at one end of the pantyhose. That way, you have enough fabric left to cover the other breast cup.

Step 5. Trim excess pantyhose with fabric scissors
Wait for the glue to dry first. Then, flip the breast cup. Cut off excess pantyhose as close to the glue line as possible. When you're done, repeat the whole process on the other breast cup.
- If there is enough pantyhose left over from the first breast cup, use it for the second cup. Just make sure the bra cups are not visible.
- Save the remaining pantyhose for later use.
Part 3 of 4: Making the Chest Plate

Step 1. Trace the top of the shirt onto a sheet of white craft cork
First, tuck the sleeves into the shirt so that you have a nice curved edge for the sleeve holes. Spread the t-shirt over the craft foam. Trace the edges of the fabric, including the armholes, stopping a few inches under each armpit. This is the basis of your chest plate.
- If you don't have craft foam, you can use thin, flexible cardboard. Just make sure it's white.
- Just in case, add a few inches above the shoulders.

Step 2. Cut the chest plate
Test it on your chest first. The top edge of the plate should cover your shoulders, while the bottom edge extends a few centimeters past your armpit.
The plates do not need to cover the torso

Step 3. Glue the breast cups to the bottom of the chest plate
Make sure the breast cups touch each other in the center of the plate (forming a cleavage). The top rim of the breast cup is just below the armpit of the chest plate, while the bottom part hangs over the bottom edge of the chest plate.
The thin part of the chest plate should be pointing up. The thicker, fuller part should be pointing down

Step 4. Cut off the excess plate behind the breast cup
After the glue dries, turn the chest plate over. Trim off the excess breastplate until you can again see the entire inside of each breast cup. Now, breast cups will be more comfortable to wear, especially for girls.
Part 4 of 4: Finishing the Breasts for Cosplay

Step 1. Glue the pantyhose sheet all over the bust
Spread the pantyhose lengthwise over both breast cups. Find the middle of the top edge of the pantyhose and glue it to the center of the neck of the chest plate. Just a drop of glue is enough. Pull the bottom edge of the pantyhose over the bottom edge of both breast cups and glue it on the inner rim of each cup
- For a neater look, glue the pantyhose at the bottom of the collar instead of the front. Start with the outer edges, then work your way up to the bottom and inner edges (cleavage).
- We recommend using hot glue because it dries quickly.

Step 2. Continue wrapping the pantyhose around the breast cup
Gently wrap the pantyhose around the outer edge of the breastplate and glue on the bottom. Make sure the pantyhose covers the entire collar, shoulders, armholes and sides.
Don't worry about the pantyhose wrapping which is very thin and the breast cups may be slightly bent

Step 3. Add five layers of pantyhose
Use the same technique as before to add five layers of pantyhose to the cups and chest plate. Make sure there are no visible gaps or holes so that the skin tone looks even. You will notice that the color of the breastplate darkens and becomes more consistent as the pantyhose layers increase.
Step 4. Add structure or support to the back of the chest plate
Pantyhose dressing will cause the chest plate to bend or dent. Turn the chest plate over and measure the distance from the top of the shoulder to the top of the bust cup. Cut thin cardboard according to your measurements, then glue it to the back of the chest plate with glue. Make sure this cardboard is not visible from the front.
- Repeat this step for the other shoulder and breast.
- You can also use plastic boning, featherlight, or thermoplastic.

Step 5. Glue the elastic straps on the shoulders and sides of the chest plate
Cut four equal lengths of elastic. Glue two threads for each shoulder, and two more to the side of the chest plate, just under the armpits.
- If your costume is a bright color, use white elastic bands.
- For women, you can glue an old bra on the inside of the chest plate.

Step 6. Add a small backpack buckle or velcro at the end of each elastic strap
You can use hot glue, but it's a good idea to sew to make the joints strong. Cross the left shoulder elastic band over the right chest elastic band, and the right shoulder elastic band over the left chest strap. If necessary, measure and cut the rope first so that the length is just right for a strong attachment
If you're using an old bra, skip this step

Step 7. Try using the chest plate
Place the chest plate on your chest. Connect the elastic bands so that they form an X on the back. Put on a costume, and try to adjust it until it leans against the fake breast naturally. You can also be creative by attaching accessories such as scarves, collars, or necklaces in strategic places.
If you are using an old bra to attach to the chest plate, wear the plate like you would a bra
- You can also use elastic knit fabric that is the same color as your skin tone.
- Add shadows and highlights using watercolor or diluted acrylic.
- Prepare spare equipment in case of a fatal mistake.
- Hide rows of stitches using accessories.
- Make fake breasts first before making costumes.