3 Ways to Darken Skin

3 Ways to Darken Skin
3 Ways to Darken Skin

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Many people want to have golden brown skin. There are various methods of darkening the skin, and there are many factors to consider in order to achieve the desired tan. If you live in an area where the seasons change, you won't be able to bask in the sun every day. Fortunately, there are many other ways to darken skin. If you like doing everything yourself, a home tan is the best option, but you can also choose to use the services of a professional. Make sure you have considered health factors before deciding to darken the skin with one particular method.


Method 1 of 3: Darkening Skin in the Sun

Darken Your Skin Step 1
Darken Your Skin Step 1

Step 1. Spend time outdoors

Spending time outside is not only good for darkening the skin, it is also beneficial for your health. Going outside is the safest and most natural way to darken the skin, and gives natural results. No matter what you're doing – walking, exercising, or having a picnic, you're still in the sun.

  • Getting the right amount of sun exposure is the best way to increase vitamin D levels. This vitamin is able to fight infections, including viral infections that cause colds and flu, and is believed to minimize the risk of developing dangerous diseases and cancer.
  • If you're worried that your skin may burn (or that it's darkening unevenly), wear clothes that are appropriately cut. Exposing certain areas of the body can help even out the resulting darkening of the skin.
Darken Your Skin Step 2
Darken Your Skin Step 2

Step 2. Sunbathe for better results

Sunbathing can be done by lying down or sitting in the sun to darken the skin. When doing so, make sure you use a sunscreen that contains SPF to protect your skin.

It is very important to increase the time of sunbathing gradually. In general, you can sunbathe for 10-30 minutes several times a week, depending on your skin tone. The longer you spend in the sun, the better your body's ability to absorb the rays so you can stay in the sun longer. However, never sunbathe for too long because it can cause sunburn

Darken Your Skin Step 3
Darken Your Skin Step 3

Step 3. Wear sunscreen all the time

Contrary to popular belief, you can actually still tan even if you use sunscreen cream. Sunbathing without sunscreen protection that contains SPF can cause burns, dehydration, and various other health threats, such as skin cancer.

  • We recommend using a sunscreen cream with an SPF of at least 15. If you have fair skin, use a sunscreen cream with a minimum SPF of 30.
  • Apply sunscreen 15-30 minutes before you sunbathe, then reapply 15-30 minutes after you finish sunbathing. Reapply the cream if you are doing activities in the water, such as swimming, which can cause the cream to smudge.
  • If you choose to use a darkening cream or oil, use a product that contains SPF.

Method 2 of 3: Go to a Tanning Salon

Darken Your Skin Step 4
Darken Your Skin Step 4

Step 1. Purchase a tanning spray

This spray is a product for spraying a number of darkening agents onto your body (the ingredients are the same as for darkening creams). Darkening sprays are gaining popularity because they are safe, easy to use, and long-lasting (usually they last up to 7 days). The downside of this spray is that it's expensive – it usually goes up to IDR 200,000-Rp 500,000. Here are a few things to do before using a darkening spray:

  • Shave before spraying the skin. Thus the darkening liquid will absorb better into the skin.
  • Clean your skin before spraying. Removing as much dead skin as possible can give better results.
  • Do not apply moisturizer, deodorant, or "makeup" until the skin has been sprayed with a darkening agent. Clean skin is able to absorb darkening liquid better.
  • Do not shower or apply moisturizer for up to 8 hours after applying the darkening agent.
Darken Your Skin Step 5
Darken Your Skin Step 5

Step 2. Use a tanning bed

This bed uses ultraviolet light to create UV radiation. This radiation creates a light that can darken the skin, just like the UV rays produced by the sun. While the use of bed-tanners is quite popular, there are many health risks (including skin cancer) associated with these devices. You have to be careful if you want to darken the skin with this tool.

  • If you decide to use a tanner bed, a duration of 7-11 minutes is highly recommended. Even if you wear it often, never lie on the bed for more than 20 minutes. Darkening the skin 1-2 times a week in this bed is the recommended amount.
  • You should always wear a tanner and goggles to protect your eyes and skin from harmful UV rays.
  • Tanning salons can be found in many major cities. So, look for information online to find the nearest salon. Prices vary widely from salon to salon, but you can usually pick up a treatment package to save money if you want to visit the same salon multiple times.
Darken Your Skin Step 6
Darken Your Skin Step 6

Step 3. Take care of your skin

In winter, it is very difficult to get sunlight so many people choose to darken their own skin. If you decide to do it with the help of UV rays from the tanner bed, be sure to take extra care of your skin.

  • This method of darkening the skin can increase the risk of cancer and accelerate the skin aging process.
  • Use a darkening cream with SPF during the darkening process, and moisturize your skin every day to keep it hydrated.

Method 3 of 3: Darkening Skin at Home

Darken Your Skin Step 7
Darken Your Skin Step 7

Step 1. Use "makeup" to darken the skin

There are many simple "makeup" tricks to make your skin look darker and more stunning. This method is the easiest way to darken the skin, but it doesn't last long. One of the easiest methods is to use a darkening powder and a bleach. You will need some simple products to create a darker skin effect. All of these products can be found online or in cosmetic stores and supermarkets.

  • You'll need a tanning cream and powder, a highlighter or shine powder, a small powder brush, and a regular powder brush.
  • Start by using a small powder brush to apply the darkening cream to your cheeks, the area under your eyes, and the bridge of your nose. In essence, you should apply it to areas of the face that would normally turn dark naturally.
  • Next, take a powder shiner and apply it to your cheeks and jawline using a regular powder brush. Mix the two ingredients until smooth so that the "makeup" looks more natural.
  • Finally, take highlighter and shimmer powder, then apply on the cheekbones, the area above the lips, and on the outside of the eyes/eyebrows with a regular size brush.
  • Make sure you mix the shimmer and tan to make the "makeup" look more natural.
Darken Your Skin Step 8
Darken Your Skin Step 8

Step 2. Consider using a darkening product

Self-tanning products are a great option to give your skin a beautiful tone without the use of harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. Self-tanners are very easy to use and are available in a wide variety of styles and colors making them the perfect option for many people. You can buy these products online or at the nearest supermarket. This product is usually able to darken the skin for 3-5 days.

  • Use a darkening cream at home for quick results. This cream is not difficult to apply, but you may miss a spot or two on the skin. Make sure you have a spare cream on hand to treat any missed areas of skin.
  • Use a skin darkening cream that works gradually. This product gives the most natural look and the color is easy to set, but you should use it for 4-7 days for best results. If you are not in a hurry, you should choose this product.
  • Purchase a self-tanning spray. This product is probably the easiest to use of the tanners, but you might have a hard time spraying the hidden areas. If you can get someone else to spray it, give this product a try.
  • Make sure you clean the surface of the leather before applying the darkening product. Cleansing the skin regularly can get rid of dead skin cells so that the darkening agent is absorbed better. This method will make the results last longer.
  • Allow the tanner to soak in for at least 10 minutes before you dress. Wait a day before you shower.
Darken Your Skin Step 9
Darken Your Skin Step 9

Step 3. Be patient while applying the darkening cream

For best results, follow the instructions on the product packaging. Choose a color that matches your natural skin tone. If it's too dark, you may be dissatisfied with the result.

  • Apply the cream gradually to make sure you apply it evenly and use circular motions when applying the product. Start by applying the cream to your arms, then your legs, and finally your upper body. Wash your hands after applying the cream to each part of your body so it doesn't accumulate in your palms. Apply a thin layer of the cream to your ankles, feet, and hands.
  • Wipe the joint area because it absorbs the cream very quickly. If you feel the area around the joint turning dark rapidly, wipe it off immediately with a damp towel.
Darken Your Skin Step 10
Darken Your Skin Step 10

Step 4. Spray the darkening liquid on the body

Just like any other darkening product, follow the instructions on the package carefully.

  • Take off your jewelry and tie your hair. Otherwise, there will be strange marks on your skin.
  • Before spraying the darkening liquid, apply a non-greasy moisturizer first to the dry area.
  • Spray the liquid on highly absorbent areas of the body: knees, elbows, and feet. To make sure you apply it evenly, bend your knees and elbows as you spray the area.
  • Hold the can with your hand as far away from your body as possible, pointing it at the area you want to spray, then spray it all over your body. It's best to start at the feet and work your way up to the upper body.
Darken Your Skin Step 11
Darken Your Skin Step 11

Step 5. Don't overdo it

Using too much darkening cream will make your skin look orange and unnatural. Apply skin darkening cream to taste, little by little. It is easier to increase the amount of cream than to reduce it.


  • Use lighter colors to give the illusion of darker skin.
  • Your skin is beautiful as it is. So don't feel compelled to tan if you don't want to.
