Don't you want to be thought of as younger than your sister anymore? You can look older and more mature than you are now. You just need to focus on how you dress and behave, and people will start to think you're older than you are now.
Method 1 of 3: Wearing the Right Clothes

Step 1. Don't wear teen clothing trends
Clothing is one of the basics of people's assessment of us. The clothes we wear can influence what people think of us. If you want to look older, stop dressing like today's teens. Start shopping in a different section of the store. Don't shop in the teen clothing section, but start looking at the adult clothing section. The youth section usually provides clothes with thin, cheap, and semi-transparent materials, which can make you look young. Instead of buying clothes with this kind of material, buy clothes with better materials.
- Teenage girls should avoid clothing trends that look girly or feminine, such as Mary Jane shoes or Peter Pan collared shirts. Avoid clothes with a lot of lace and ruffles, pleated skirts, or anything too cute.
- Avoid sporty styles. Sweatpants, basketball shorts, baseball caps, and gym shorts can make you look lazy and messy. This style of dress is usually worn by young people.

Step 2. Wear clothes that fit
Stop wearing loose-fitting clothes; instead, wear clothes that define your shape. Don't wear clothes that drown you and hang loosely over your body. This can make you look messy and unattractive. However, you should also not wear clothes that are too tight. It can make you look young and childish.
- For men, choose the right shirt by measuring your shoulders. If the shoulder width of your t-shirt exceeds your shoulder width, it means the shirt is too big for you.
- For women, choose clothes that emphasize (not show) your body shape. If you have small hips, wear an A-line skirt to give the impression of wider hips. Choose clothes with a low neckline or V-shaped. Buy jackets and sweaters that match your silhouette.

Step 3. Don't wear a printed T-shirt
One of the characteristics of young people is T-shirts with funny logos or writings. This includes band jerseys, brand names, and logos. If you want people to think you're more mature, then stop wearing T-shirts altogether.
- For the boys, wear a plain colored t-shirt or a striped pattern. Try cheerful colors, like pink, yellow, and orange. Dressing like an adult doesn't mean you have to choose boring colors.
- For men, a Henley or polo shirt is a great alternative to a regular t-shirt.
- For girls, try an ornate T-shirt or tank top. Try a plain blouse with a bright pattern or color. Even so, you should not wear neon colors.

Step 4. Wear good quality jeans
Jeans are a must-have piece of clothing for everyone at any age. Even so, you should consider the type of jeans you should wear if you want to look more mature. Buy good quality jeans in a cut that makes your body look good. You should not choose a low-rise (with a very low waist) or high-waisted (with a very high waist).
- For men, buy jeans with a straight cut. For women, choose a boot cut model (narrower at the knees, looser at the bottom of the leg), wide leg (width from the knee to the bottom of the foot), or skinny (tight). If you choose a skinny model, make sure the pants are not too tight for you.
- Swap tattered and ripped jeans for dark jeans. Don't buy jeans that are decorated with stones or any embellishments.

Step 5. Wear the right shoes
Complete your more mature appearance by choosing the right shoes. Don't wear sneakers or canvas shoes. Don't wear shoes that are too flashy. If you're a girl, don't wear shoes with heels that are too high or models that are too flashy. Neither men nor women should wear flip-flops. You should choose shoes that are simple and conservative.
- For the boys, try wearing boots. Black boots will look great with any outfit. Brown and lace-up leather boots are also perfect for any style. Loafers and boat shoes can also be an alternative if you don't want to wear boots. Polished leather shoes can make you look more mature.
- For women, wear pumps. Make sure the heel is not too high. If you don't want to wear high heels, wear simple flats. Sandals can also look great in summer.

Step 6. Dress neatly
Another way to look mature is to dress neatly. Present yourself as someone who is clean, tidy and professional. That way, people see you as an adult instead of a child.
- For men, wear khakis or formal pants. Pair it with a polo shirt or tucked in. Wear a leather belt and formal shoes. You don't have to wear a tie, but it can make you look even more mature.
- For women, wear a knee-length dress with a neckline that doesn't show too much cleavage. You can also try wearing a neat skirt and blouse. Pair with a cardigan or blazer. Wear simple but neat shoes.

Step 7. Don't wear a backpack
When you go out, don't use a backpack. Backpacks make you look young. For men, use a messenger bag or leather briefcase. For women, bring a simple clutch or a small hobo bag.
Method 2 of 3: Treating Yourself Like an Adult

Step 1. Cut your hair in the usual style for adults
Hairstyles can make you look much younger. There is no one hairstyle that will make everyone look mature, but there are some things you can avoid so you don't look too young. Don't dye your hair weird colors or make colored patterns in your hair. Avoid extreme haircuts, such as the mohawk, half shave and dreadlock. Just choose a conservative hairstyle.
- Shaggy hairstyles can make your face look much younger. Instead, choose a hairstyle that is short and firm. Ridge, long hair, and the like can also make you look younger.
- For women, you can try cutting your hair with a bob, pixie cut, or other simple but elegant models. Long and silky hair can also make you look mature. Avoid using excessive hair accessories, such as hair ties and ribbons.

Step 2. Grow hair on your face
For men, growing a mustache or beard can make you look older and more mature. According to a study, beards can make men look 10 years older. If you decide to grow a beard, make sure that it will look good on you. Some teenage boys may not be able to grow enough facial hair to become beards or beards.
- Make sure you cut and care for your facial hair. Messy and unkempt facial hair will make you look bad.
- If your facial hair is growing thin, you can simply shave it clean. An uneven mustache or beard will make you look young.

Step 3. Put on light makeup
For girls, wear makeup, which can make you look much older. Wear an eye liner (eyeliner) to frame your eyes. Use neutral colors, such as gold and brown. Do not use pastel colors or bright colors. Add a little foundation to make your skin look smoother.
- Hide dark circles under your eyes with a concealer.
- Avoid youth products such as thick, shimmery lip gloss or pink nail polish.

Step 4. Blur your pimples
If your facial skin looks clean, you will look more mature. Use a spot concealer to hide your acne. Get in the habit of taking care of your facial skin so that it is always healthy. Try acne treatment products like spot creams and facial cleansing wipes.
- Wash your face twice a day with an anti-acne face wash. Use a moisturizer for your skin. If you have oily skin, use a moisturizer that doesn't contain oil. If you have dry skin, use a moisturizer that contains oil to combat dryness of your skin.
- If you are a girl, you can try bangs to hide pimples or other skin problems on your forehead.

Step 5. Start exercising
Not only can this help you lose fat, but it will also make your body look firmer, which can certainly help teens look more mature. Men can focus on exercises that work their upper body to make their shoulders look wider and to tone their arms. Women can try slimming their waists and tightening the chest and butt muscles to accentuate their curves.
Interval training is a great way to lose fat fast, and weight training can help train your muscles. Join a gym or try muscle-building exercises, such as push-ups and squats
Method 3 of 3: Act More Mature

Step 1. Be confident
Nothing makes you look more mature than self-confidence. Even if your appearance, personality, and social skills aren't as good as you'd like it to be, this doesn't mean you can't start building self-confidence.
Being confident is not the same as being arrogant or condescending. Being confident means feeling good about yourself, not feeling better than someone else. Don't constantly brag about your accomplishments or speak in a condescending way to others. This is a childish attitude

Step 2. Change your posture
Body postures that look lazy, for example not standing up straight, are usually considered typical of teenagers. Look straight ahead and stand straight. Learn how to speak confidently, and improve your posture. Start by standing tall wherever you are, whether you're walking down the street, sitting at your desk, playing with your computer, or standing in line. Immediately correct your posture if you start showing a lazy posture again. Over time this will become a habit.
Changing your posture has a lot to do with building self-confidence. Look straight ahead; don't look down. Look the other person in the eye when you are chatting

Step 3. Improve your social skills
Speak slowly and confidently instead of speaking out loud. Don't forget to say "please" and "thank you". Listen carefully to what others have to say; nothing shows maturity as well as good listening skills.
- When people have finished telling you something about themselves, don't jump on it by telling something about yourself. This makes you look selfish and disinterested. Give an appropriate response first to the other person's story, then use the story about yourself as a way to continue the conversation about the other person.
- Learn small talk. Ask people how. Talk about today's weather. Ask about their family. Be respectful and keep small talk with people.

Step 4. Stop complaining
People who constantly complain will appear childish and egocentric. As you grow older, you will understand that nothing is permanent, and that everything happens for a reason. Reflecting on how miserable your life is will not help you make it any better. Sharing your feelings with your friend can serve as a cathartic or to get some helpful advice, but constantly complaining about trivial things is very childish.

Step 5. Add your vocabulary
This doesn't mean you have to use complicated words in everyday conversation. This can make you look as if you are expecting too much attention. Focus on reducing childish words that can make you look like a teenager. Speak slowly and confidently. Make your words truly meaningful by carefully considering your word choices.
- Learn unusual vocabulary. For example, “What a brilliant idea!” instead of “What a great idea!” Use the word "integrity" instead of "honesty". Unusual vocabulary can make you sound mature and intelligent.
- Try not to use too much slang. Avoid words like “that”, “Oh my God!”, and other words that don't mean much, such as “right”, “yeah”, and “deh”.

Step 6. Defend your opinion firmly, but without condescending to others
If someone disrespects you, you can ask them not to do it again. After all, earning the respect of those around you is part of growing up. Communicate your wishes clearly. Don't use sarcasm or be easily offended. Even if you're just joking when you use sarcasm, it will make you look childish.
- For example, if someone interrupts you, you might say, "Wait a minute, please let me speak first."
- Don't say things like, “Wow, how dare you interrupt me. Don't you know how to keep quiet?”
- Learn to control yourself. There are some things that are not worth fussing about. Everyone has conflicts with others, but you need wisdom to determine which issues are worth fighting over. If you are mean, angry or resentful, you will appear childish.
- Sometimes the people who annoy you don't realize what they're doing. Respect their feelings by ignoring their mistakes, or, if necessary, telling them clearly that they have done something wrong.
- Don't underestimate how maturity is closely related to sobriety. Your attitude towards people in the room with you will determine your maturity level more than how you dress.
- If you grow facial hair, try to make your face look thinner and firmer to give the impression that you are more mature.
- Sometimes you need to act according to your age. Your teenage years will never be repeated. Enjoy it as much as you can, and don't act too mature. You can try to be calm and elegant, but don't go through your teenage years just to become an early adult.
- A great way to determine what you should wear is to find out about adult clothing trends on Pinterest or other trusted social media. Then imitate that style with clothes you can buy or already have at home. Don't choose something that's too revealing or too cheerful.