6 Ways to Grow Plants without Soil

6 Ways to Grow Plants without Soil
6 Ways to Grow Plants without Soil

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Gardening can provide both satisfaction and pleasure, but the use of land often makes a house messy. However, did you know that there are a variety of plants that can be grown without using soil? The process is also very easy. As long as your plants get the water and nutrients they need, you can grow them almost anywhere! To help you find the right soilless planting technique, we will answer some common questions about this.


Question 1 of 6: What plants can grow without soil?

Grow a Plant Without Soil Step 1
Grow a Plant Without Soil Step 1

Step 1. Air plants do not need soil to grow

The air plant, or tilandsia, is a unique type of plant that does not have a regular root system and requires no soil at all. There are more than 600 species of air plants and all of them are capable of absorbing water and nutrients through their leaves. You can spray the plant with water once or twice a week to grow it. If you're looking for plants that are easy to care for and don't make the house messy, go for air plants!

The air plant family includes a wide variety of plants, from Spanish moss to pineapples

Grow a Plant Without Soil Step 2
Grow a Plant Without Soil Step 2

Step 2. There are many varieties of succulents that require no soil at all

There are about 60 families of plants that belong to the type of succulents, which are thick fleshy plants that come from dry desert areas. There are many succulents that can grow in sand or rocks of varying shapes and colors. You only need to water it once a week.

Some popular types of succulents are echeveria, pillow cactus, burro tail, and zebra plant

Grow a Plant Without Soil Step 3
Grow a Plant Without Soil Step 3

Step 3. Some houseplants can be grown without soil

Classic ornamental plants such as philodendron, sustenance bamboo, and orchids can grow in pots or containers with only a small amount of growing media and water at the bottom. The planting medium can be sand or fine gravel that supports and holds the roots in position, while water will provide the nutrients the plants need. No need to use soil!

  • Other houseplants that don't need soil are paper flowers, hyacinthus, and aloe vera.
  • Go to the ornamental plant sales department at the nearest shopping mall, garden supply store, or home supply store. You can even order plants online so they can be delivered directly to your home.

Question 2 of 6: What materials can be used instead of soil?

Grow a Plant Without Soil Step 4
Grow a Plant Without Soil Step 4

Step 1. Use a potting mix instead of soil

Potting mix or potting soil is a mixture of materials designed to hold plant roots in place, support their growth, and supply nutrients during the growing period. This material contains no soil at all. The mixture usually consists of dry peat, dry bark, sand, compost, and other materials. If you are looking for an alternative to soil replacement, a potting mix can be an option.

  • Potting mix is a generic term that covers the use of a variety of materials in the manufacture of soil substitutes. Plants such as succulents are better suited to dry potting mixes, such as sand and rock, while peat and bark absorb more water for plants that dry out easily.
  • You can also make your own potting mix! As a basic guide, mix 1 portion of peat, 2 portions of compost, 1 portion of vermiculite, and 1 portion of perlite or sand in a large bucket.
Grow a Plant Without Soil Step 5
Grow a Plant Without Soil Step 5

Step 2. Try hydroponic techniques and use growing media

Hydroponics can grow plants by supplying nutrients to the roots through water. This method does not use soil, but requires a "planting medium" that can hold the plant and drain water to the roots. There are a variety of growing media that you can use, including sand, fine gravel, perlite, cloth, wallpaper paste, and even gelatin!

The use of hydroponic techniques is an easy way to grow plants indoors

Question 3 of 6: What plants can grow in water without soil?

  • Grow a Plant Without Soil Step 6
    Grow a Plant Without Soil Step 6

    Step 1. Most plants can grow in water if they get enough nutrients

    While soil can provide nutrients and minerals to plants, the material often acts as a holding medium for plants and the root system so they are not really needed to grow plants. You can grow almost any type of plant in water as long as you provide everything that the soil provides, such as support (growing medium), nutrients, oxygen, and the right temperature.

    You can't just put plants in a container of water so they can grow. However, if you are able to create the right conditions, you can grow almost any plant in water

    Question 4 of 6: How to grow plants without soil?

    Grow a Plant Without Soil Step 7
    Grow a Plant Without Soil Step 7

    Step 1. Use potting soil instead of regular soil

    Potting soil aka potting mix is a mixture of materials that has a function like ordinary soil. This material has a similar appearance and can be used like real soil. Fill a container with potting mix, add plants or seeds, then water. Allow the roots to emerge and the plant to grow, then add water as needed.

    Grow a Plant Without Soil Step 8
    Grow a Plant Without Soil Step 8

    Step 2. Create a hydroponic garden that does not require soil

    Create your own hydroponic garden by setting up a water table that can hold water for your garden needs, then use a Styrofoam sheet with 5 to 7 cm holes to serve as a "holder" that is installed above the water. After that, you can put the plant into a small pot containing potting mix that fits into the Styrofoam hole. Add the necessary nutrients to the water, use a drip emitter to drain the water on the counter, and provide a pump to keep the water circulating so it doesn't stagnate.

    Hydroponics is a method of growing using nutrient-rich water – soil is not required for this method

    Question 5 of 6: How to grow a plant in a bottle without soil?

    Grow a Plant Without Soil Step 9
    Grow a Plant Without Soil Step 9

    Step 1. Prepare a narrow-necked container, then fill it with well water or water from a spring

    Use a vase, jar, or other container, but make sure the "neck" is narrow enough to support the plant straight. Fill the container with well water or spring water that contains the nutrients and minerals that plants need to grow roots and survive.

    Do not use purified or distilled water because the content in them cannot provide nutrients to the plant

    Grow a Plant Without Soil Step 10
    Grow a Plant Without Soil Step 10

    Step 2. Place the cuttings in water and add more water as the amount decreases

    There are many plants that can thrive in small containers with just water, such as mint, basil, lavender, peace lily, and begonia. Prepare cuttings (small pieces of a plant) by cutting the area under the leaves so roots can grow from that area. Place the cuttings in a container of water and let them grow on their own! If the water in the container is reduced, add more water from wells or water from springs.

    Other plants that can grow in a container filled with water are oregano, rosemary, sage, English ivy, philodendron, coleus, geranium, and jade plants

    Question 6 of 6: Are there any plants that can grow without water?

  • Grow a Plant Without Soil Step 11
    Grow a Plant Without Soil Step 11

    Step 1. None, but there are some plants that can grow with just a little water

    In fact, all plants need water, including air plants that do not have a normal root system. However, some plants require very little water and only need to be watered once a week or even once a month. Examples of such plants are succulents, snake plants, and zebra cactus.

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