Black mold is a nuisance that most homeowners hate. This fungus usually appears in dark, damp areas, and spreads very quickly. Luckily, you can use a variety of household items to remove black mold, such as borax, tea tree oil, bleach, vinegar, baking soda, and hydrogen peroxide. Wear protective gloves when cleaning the mildew, and remove any objects that do have mildew thoroughly. Keep reading to learn how to clean black mold.
Using Household Materials
Mushrooms are a disgusting nuisance. However, you may actually already have the ingredients you need to get rid of the black mold that has invaded your home:
- When you have borax, use this material to get rid of mold on glass, tiles and wood.
- When you have detergent, rub this material to get rid of mold adhering to non-porous surfaces.
- When you have ammonia, spray this material to get rid of mold that sticks to the tiles and glass.
- When you have bleach, use this material to clean stubborn mold on non-porous surfaces.
- When you have hydrogen peroxide, use this material as a non-toxic cleanser.
- If you have oil tea tree, spray this material to use as a natural fungicide.
- When you have vinegar, use this material as an effective and inexpensive mildew cleaner.
- When you have baking sodaUse this material to clean the surface of both porous and non-porous objects.
Method 1 of 3: Using Cleaning Products

Step 1. Remove the mushrooms using borax
This material can be purchased cheaply in supermarkets. Borax can be used on non-porous surfaces such as glass, tile, wood and other objects that have a porous surface (as long as they are not damaged by moisture). Start by vacuuming the fallen mold using a vacuum cleaner that has a HEPA filter to prevent the spores from spreading throughout the room. Then, follow the steps below to clean the fungus:
- Mix 1 cup of borax with 3.8 liters of water.
- Dip a brush in this solution and then rub it on the black fungus.
- Wipe the area clean of fungus.
- Do not rinse the area so that the borax does its job to prevent mold spores from growing back.

Step 2. Remove mold using detergent
This method is especially effective when applied to tiles, glass, and other objects that have a non-porous surface. It doesn't kill mold, but it's very effective at removing mold on non-porous surfaces if you mix water with soap and then use it to scrub the mold.
- Mix 1 cup of detergent (eg laundry detergent) with 3.8 liters of water.
- Apply this solution using a brush on the mold-infested area and scrub the fungus.
- When finished, rinse the area.

Step 3. Kill the mushrooms using pure ammonia
Pure ammonia is an effective agent for killing mold, but cleaning products are toxic, so you should use them in small amounts. Use ammonia to kill stubborn mold on tiles and glass. This material is not effective when used on wood and other objects that have a porous surface.
- Make a mixture of 2 cups of pure ammonia with 2 cups of water, then put it in a spray bottle.
- Spray the solution on the mold-infested area.
- Let the solution sit for at least 2 hours.
- Wipe and rinse the area thoroughly.

Step 4. Kill the mushrooms using bleach
This method is very effective at getting rid of black mold on non-porous surfaces such as glass and tiles, as long as you don't worry about damaging your furniture. Since this material emits toxic fumes, make sure the area you are spraying is well ventilated. Open windows and wear gloves to protect hands. The way to do this is:
- Mix 3.8 liters of water with 1 cup of bleach.
- Use a bucket and sponge or a spray bottle to spray the bleach mixture on the black fungus infested area.
- Allow the bleach to remain on the black mold for an hour. You can clean it later if you want, but you don't have to.
Method 2 of 3: Using Natural Ways

Step 1. Kill black mold using hydrogen peroxide
This material is very effective for use on all types of surfaces, and is completely non-toxic. Buy a large bottle containing 3% hydrogen peroxide at a drugstore, then do the following:
- Put a solution containing 3% hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle.
- Spray the area where the fungus is infested.
- Allow the solution to set for 20 minutes.
- Wipe the surface of the object until clean.

Step 2. Kill black fungus using tea tree oil
This material can be used on all types of surfaces. It is completely natural and non-toxic, and can kill black mold very effectively, because it is a natural fungicide.
- Mix 2 cups of water with 2 teaspoons of tea tree oil.
- Put this mixture in a spray bottle.
- Spray the area where the fungus is infested.
- You don't need to wipe the area, as the tea tree oil that sticks there will prevent mold spores from growing.

Step 3. Kill the mushrooms using grapefruit seed extract (a citrus fruit similar to a grapefruit)
This is another natural way that can be used to get rid of mold. In addition, this material is also odorless.
- Mix 2 cups of water with 20 drops of grapefruit seed extract.
- Put the mixture in a spray bottle.
- Spray the area where the fungus is infested.
- Allow the solution to stick to prevent mold spores from growing back.

Step 4. Kill the mushrooms using white vinegar
You can use pure white vinegar if the black mold attack is severe. If you want to clean a less severe area of the fungus, use a mixture of water and vinegar in equal proportions. Vinegar is great when used on mold that gets to the surface of any object, including wood and carpet.
- Put the vinegar or vinegar solution in a spray bottle.
- Spray the area where the fungus is infested.
- Keep the vinegar on the area to kill the fungus.

Step 5. Kill black mold using baking soda
This is another solution that is also natural and effective for all types of surfaces, both porous and non-porous.
- Add 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda to two cups of water.
- Put the solution in a spray bottle.
- Spray the affected area and scrub with a brush.
- Rinse the area.
- Repeat cleaning the area with the baking soda solution to prevent mold from growing back.
Method 3 of 3: Getting Rid of More Severe Fungal Problems

Step 1. Look for mushrooms in hidden areas
Sometimes mildew can be found behind drywall (gypsum board walls), inside door frames, and under sinks. Some signs of hidden black mold include a strong odor, curved boards and faded ceiling colors.

Step 2. Replace any items that have been infected with mildew
In some cases, you won't be able to fix the problem by simply cleaning the mold, and you may need to replace some items. Check the extent of the damage and determine if you should replace any of the following items that may have black mold:
- Tiles in the bathroom
- Carpets and other flooring materials
- Wooden plank flooring
- Ceiling

Step 3. Seal the room infested with mold
This will prevent the spread of mold spores to other areas of your home through the air. Close the door tightly and use duct tape and plastic to seal door gaps, vents, and any areas where air can pass.
Use an exhaust fan that is directed directly out the window to expel the black mold spores flying around the room

Step 4. Protect yourself when handling mushrooms
Wear a protective dust mask, clothing or body covering that can be easily removed and washed or even thrown away. Wear rubber gloves and goggles to protect your eyes so you don't come into contact with the fungus.

Step 5. Keep dust and other debris in a separate place
When you get rid of items that have black mold, put them in the bag as soon as possible. This will prevent the mold spores from spreading into the air.

Step 6. Call a professional mold exterminator if the fungus attack is severe
Experts recommend that you contact a professional mold exterminator if it has spread to an area larger than 3 square meters. In these conditions, you will not be able to deal with the fungus infestation using household products.

Step 7. Remove any water sources that can trigger mold growth to prevent mold from reappearing
Fix a leaky pipe, add better ventilation in a damp bathroom, or install a dehumidifier in a damp basement. Dry the room that is infested with mold so that no other mold grows there.
The toxic content in black fungus is the same as other types of fungi that grow in the home environment. All types of mold have the potential to cause respiratory problems, especially for people who are prone to allergies. All mold must be cleaned immediately to prevent this from happening
- Make sure you use a large, sturdy plastic bag when removing tiles, carpet, wood planks or other materials that are infected with black mildew. Wrap again with another bag to get more effective results. Do not carry the bag through the hallway in the house. It's a good idea to throw it straight out of the window so that black mold spores don't spread to other areas of the house.
- Store tea tree oil in a place where pets cannot reach it, as it is toxic to cats and dogs.
- Some household items with porous surfaces, such as carpets and window blinds, may be difficult to clean. Replace items like this to prevent the spread of black mold spores in the future.