4 Ways to Sort Gmail By Message Sender

4 Ways to Sort Gmail By Message Sender
4 Ways to Sort Gmail By Message Sender

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In particular, there is no way to sort Gmail messages by sender because Gmail sorts by search. However, there are ways to manage and view Gmail messages by specific sender.

Vital Records:

The solutions described in this article can only be used to "trick" the Gmail system. Keep in mind that Gmail doesn't allow you to manage your inbox by message sender.

However, you can find a way to display all messages by each sender.


Method 1 of 4: Sorting Emails By Recent Sender

Sort Gmail by Sender Step 1
Sort Gmail by Sender Step 1

Step 1. Open your inbox (“Inbox”)

Sign in to your Gmail account if necessary and open your inbox. Usually, the inbox will be shown first when you sign in to your Gmail account.

If you are logged into another page in your Gmail account, click the “Inbox” option in the left pane to return to the inbox page

Sort Gmail by Sender Step 2
Sort Gmail by Sender Step 2

Step 2. Hover over the name of the sender with the messages you want to view

This strategy is found to be more effective if you want to see all messages from someone who has recently sent you a message. Look for messages from the sender you want to sort. Position the cursor on the sender's name and hold the cursor until a small box with several options appears on the screen.

This box contains the sender's name and email address. In addition, there are several additional options, such as " Add to circles ", " Contact info ", " Emails ", " Invite to chat ", and " Email this contact"

Sort Gmail by Sender Step 3
Sort Gmail by Sender Step 3

Step 3. Click the "Emails" option in the box to display all messages sent by the respective sender

Hover over the “Emails” option and click on the option with the left mouse button. After that, all messages sent by that sender will be displayed.

Messages you send to that sender will also be displayed. Keep in mind that Gmail's default settings don't allow you to sort your emails, so it's the fastest way to get all your emails from a single sender

Method 2 of 4: Searching Emails By Sender

Sort Gmail by Sender Step 4
Sort Gmail by Sender Step 4

Step 1. Click the arrow on the search bar

Look for the search bar at the top of the inbox. Single click the gray arrow icon on the right side of the bar. After that, the "Advanced Settings" option will be displayed.

You can adjust the settings for these options to make your search more narrow based on the specific information you select. There are several aspects of the search that you can choose from, such as " From " (from), " To " (to), " Subject " (the title of the message), " Has the words " (loads the words), " Doesn't have " (does not contain words/phrases), and " Has attachment " (has attachments). You can also search for a specific folder, date, and message size

Sort Gmail by Sender Step 5
Sort Gmail by Sender Step 5

Step 2. Type the sender's name in the "From" field

Click the “From” search field, then type in the name of the sender or the email address of the sender you want to search for. You can use both the sender's name and email address.

As you type, suggested contacts will appear below the text bar. Once you see the right contact, you can stop typing and click on the contact to select it

Sort Gmail by Sender Step 6
Sort Gmail by Sender Step 6

Step 3. Press the defrost button

After selecting the right sender, press the blue search button at the bottom of the advanced search window (“Advanced Search”). After that, Gmail will automatically search for all messages sent by the selected sender/contact. These messages will be displayed on the search results page.

The search button is indicated by a magnifying glass icon

Sort Gmail by Sender Step 7
Sort Gmail by Sender Step 7

Step 4. Type " from: " into the search bar to search for messages from a specific sender

You can use the same search features more quickly if you know the right shortcut keywords. Instead of accessing more advanced search options, you can type " from: " into the search bar and press the magnifying glass icon next to the bar. Keep in mind that you don't need to include quotes in the search bar.

  • For example, to see all messages sent by Lutfi, you can type “ from:([email protected]) ”.
  • After pressing the search key or Enter key on the keyboard, you will be redirected to a search results page that displays all recent messages from the specified contact/sender.

Method 3 of 4: Using Filters to Sort Messages By Sender

Sort Gmail by Sender Step 8
Sort Gmail by Sender Step 8

Step 1. Find the sender you want to factor into the message filter

Filters and labels function to mark messages with a small tab on the left side of the screen, just below the inbox selection (“Inbox”). You can click on that option to view all received messages. With the sender search done, look for the “Create filter with this search” option in the lower-right corner of the advanced search window (“Advanced Search”). After that, click on the option.

  • Remember to use the search keyword " From:[email protected] " to find the exact email address effectively.
  • This method allows you to send all messages from a specific address or sender to the tabs on the left side of the screen and sort them directly. However, a filter like this will not sort messages in the main inbox.
Sort Gmail by Sender Step 9
Sort Gmail by Sender Step 9

Step 2. Select "Create filter with this search"

Look for the "Create filter with this search" option in the lower right corner of the "Advanced Search" window. After that, click on the option.

After that, you will be redirected to the filter creation window. There are various options in this window that allow you to tell Gmail what to do with existing and future messages from a particular sender

Sort Gmail by Sender Step 10
Sort Gmail by Sender Step 10

Step 3. Create labels

Look for the "Apply the label" option. Check the box, then select a label from the selection box displayed on the right side of the settings. Click the box to see the label options. You can choose an existing label if you want, but if you don't have a custom label for the sender, click the " New Label " option.

Type a label name into the "Please enter a new label name" field, then press the "Create" button. You may need to name the label after the sender's name

Sort Gmail by Sender Step 11
Sort Gmail by Sender Step 11

Step 4. Create a filter

After setting the label, press the blue "Create filter" button at the bottom of the filter creation window. However, keep in mind that if you don't make any changes, the filter will only be applied to future messages. If you want to apply a filter to messages that have been received, check the box next to "Also apply filter to matching conversations".

After you create a filter, Gmail will apply filters and labels to messages from the senders you specify

Sort Gmail by Sender Step 12
Sort Gmail by Sender Step 12

Step 5. Click the label from the inbox

Go back to the inbox. Find the name of the newly created label in the left pane of the screen, then click on it.

  • If the label is not immediately visible, you may need to look in the “More” category.
  • After clicking the label, Gmail will show all messages from the sender you selected.

Method 4 of 4: Using Third Party Apps

Sort Gmail by Sender Step 13
Sort Gmail by Sender Step 13

Step 1. Download the Sender Sort Chrome extension to hack Gmail and display emails by sender

This third-party extension will automatically sort messages and place them in separate tabs organized by sender. While third-party extensions like these carry some risk (eg the possibility that your existing email information will be stored on the extension's servers), most home internet users can safely download Sender Sort from the Google Store.

Keep in mind that this extension only works for the Google Chrome web browser, not Firefox, IE, or Safari. If you want to use a browser other than Chrome, you'll need to look for an alternative route

Sort Gmail by Sender Step 14
Sort Gmail by Sender Step 14

Step 2. Restart Chrome and open the email

To make sure the extension runs properly, close all tabs and restart the browser. After that, log in to your email account via the following link:

Sort Gmail by Sender Step 15
Sort Gmail by Sender Step 15

Step 3. Click "Sign into Google" to authorize Sender Sort

Allow the extension to access messages if prompted. Otherwise, the extension can't sort anything.

Sort Gmail by Sender Step 16
Sort Gmail by Sender Step 16

Step 4. Select "Sync" to start downloading messages to Sender Sort

This process may take a while, depending on how many emails you have backed up. Leave Gmail when accounts sync with Sender Sort.

Sort Gmail by Sender Step 17
Sort Gmail by Sender Step 17

Step 5. Click the "Sender Sort" tab at the top of the screen to view messages by sender

This special tab places each sender in an alphabetical column so you can see or hide all messages from that person. In addition, there are several options shown on this page:

  • Archives: This option marks all messages in Sender Sort and archives them. This can be a great way to remove spam if you notice that there are unimportant messages left in Sender Sort.
  • Archive Group: This option can archive all messages from one particular sender.
  • Moves: ” This option is displayed next to the message when you hover over the message. With this option, you can archive a single message or apply a label to it.
Sort Gmail by Sender Step 18
Sort Gmail by Sender Step 18

Step 6. Be aware that changes made will take about 30 seconds to take effect

Gmail needs to connect with Sender Sort so whatever you archive might not show up as an archived message in a minute or so. Therefore, be patient. You can keep sorting messages while you wait, without causing any problems.
