Vertigo is an annoying condition that can drastically affect the life of the sufferer. Defined as a sensation of dizziness, spinning or constant movement, vertigo can cause nausea, vomiting and loss of balance. Vertigo can have many causes, which is why it's important to rule out a serious medical condition before learning how to relieve vertigo. Once the cause is found, then you can determine an effective option to treat vertigo.
Method 1 of 2: Relieve Vertigo Immediately

Step 1. Move slowly
If vertigo strikes, the worst thing you can do is change your position quickly. Reduce your dizziness by moving very slowly - we're talking about slow speeds. This sluggish movement will make it easier for you to focus and make the feeling in your head a little better. If necessary, you can take a short break between your slow movements.

Step 2. Avoid looking up or down
As with the usual state of asymptomatic vertigo causing dizziness, looking up or down can cause further disorientation and a feeling of discomfort. Avoid doing activities that require you to look up or down quickly or for long periods of time. Keep your head positioned and parallel to the ground whenever possible.

Step 3. Focus on a distant object
As a result of human perception, objects that are near appear to move faster while objects that are far away move as if passing through sugar syrup. Therefore, focus on something far away until your dizziness subsides. If necessary, look out the window to do so.

Step 4. Avoid repetitive movements
This may seem obvious, but repetitive motion will exacerbate your vertigo by shaking your balance. Keep your movements calm and steady and slow and you will notice that your vertigo subsides quite quickly.
Method 2 of 2: Performing Movements to Relieve Vertigo

Step 1. Slowly turn your head 45 degrees
Start turning your head 45 degrees to the left, and then to the right.

Step 2. Lay your head back. Next, quickly lay your head back on the pillow, keeping your neck and shoulders relaxed
Tilt your head so that the vertigo-affected ear is lower, resting on a pillow. Hold this position for up to 30 seconds.

Step 3. Turn your head on the pillow
Place your head on the pillow, and slowly turn your head so that the opposite ear rests on the pillow. Hold this position for 30 seconds.

Step 4. Rotate your whole body
Set your head steady so that it doesn't move, and then move your body 90 degrees away in the same direction. Hold your whole body in this position for 30 seconds.

Step 5. Repeat these movements
To completely relieve vertigo, repeat all of these movements (in succession) three times a day. All of these moves are similar to those performed by a physical therapist, but with very little hassle and money.
- It is very important to follow your doctor's recommendations, and if any medications are prescribed, it is very important to take them regularly.
- Always check with your doctor before starting any vertigo treatment.
- If you are given exercise, physical therapy or diet, follow as your doctor recommends.
- Most cases of vertigo are not due to a serious medical problem, and vertigo symptoms are often easily treated with simple medications.
- Be careful when driving or operating machinery while experiencing symptoms of vertigo.
- If your vertigo worsens, or new symptoms occur, seek medical attention immediately.