Muscle knots usually occur in the shoulder muscles and are often experienced by athletes or people who are sedentary. Repetitive movements (such as throwing a ball) can cause muscle fibers to contract and pull, which feels like a thumb-sized knot under the skin. Shoulder muscles, especially those connected to the neck (such as the trapezius muscle), are also prone to pulling and knotting from prolonged slouching (such as when working at a computer) and/or excessive stress. Whatever the cause, knots in the shoulder muscles can be removed with special care at home or with the help of a musculoskeletal specialist.
Part 1 of 2: Unraveling Muscle Knots at Home

Step 1. Do some light stretching
Muscle knots are basically chronic muscle spasms caused by repetitive movements or postures that make the muscle fibers contract for a long time. Muscles should only contract for short periods of time, then relax completely. However, doing the same movements over and over again (because of your profession as an athlete, weightlifting, cleaning the house, etc.) or maintaining a certain posture for a long time while working makes the muscle fibers tense and causes them to continue to contract. Therefore, chronic muscle spasms and muscle knots can be treated with light stretching because stretching can reduce tension, improve blood flow and increase flexibility. As a general guide, hold the stretch (try not to bounce) for about 30 seconds and do it at least three times a day until the knot pain subsides.
- While standing or sitting up straight, extend your arms in front of your body and reach the opposite elbow with your hand. Gently pull the back of your elbow across your chest until you feel a stretch in the same shoulder. Make sure you lower your shoulders away from your ears (don't lift them up). This stretch is perfect for the outer and back muscles of the shoulder.
- While standing or sitting up straight, reach back and reach the wrist on the other side (on the side with the knot at the shoulder). Slowly pull your wrist down until you feel a comfortable stretch in the problematic shoulder. This stretch is especially good for the shoulder muscles associated with the neck. To increase the stretch, you can tilt your head toward the opposite shoulder.

Step 2. Use the [Do Full Body Massage |. tool massage] handheld
Finding knots in larger muscles like those in the shoulder isn't really that difficult. The knot will feel firmer than the surrounding tissue and can be painful to press. Unlike an acute muscle injury, there may not be any obvious signs of inflammation, swelling or redness. So, feel your shoulder and find the muscle knots, which are also called trigger points. Once found, use a massager that vibrates the knot for about five to ten minutes and check to see if the knot is unraveling. You may need to press harder for a longer period to get noticeable results.
While handheld massagers are usually found at drugstores and are usually inexpensive, you can also use a traditional wooden massager to untangle knots. You may have to exert more effort if you use a traditional massager, but these are usually less expensive

Step 3. Use a tennis ball
If the shoulder knot is closer to the shoulder blade and difficult to reach, consider using a tennis ball to roll. Place the tennis ball just below the knot and lie flat on the ball for about five minutes or so. This may be uncomfortable at first, but you can feel the knot starting to loosen and unravel.

Step 4. Apply a wet hot compress
As described above, muscle knots are a chronic type of muscle injury and do not usually result in the inflammation and sharp pain that occurs with acute muscle injuries. Therefore, applying ice to muscle knots is not appropriate because you actually need to increase blood flow. Instead, apply a wet hot compress to the knots of the shoulder muscles. Wet hot compresses warm soft tissues (muscles, tendons and ligaments) and improve blood flow which is excellent for chronic tense muscles and muscle knots. Good wet hot compress ingredients include a bag filled with grains (usually wheat or rice) that can be heated in the microwave, herbs and/or essential oils. Warm the bag in the microwave for about two minutes or so and then apply a wet hot compress to the muscle knot for 15 minutes, at least three times a day.
- Applying a hot, wet compress before exercise can help reduce muscle tension and soreness, and also increase the ability of tissues to stretch.
- A warm bath can also serve as a wet hot compress for the muscles. Try adding magnesium-rich Epsom salt to relax your muscles even more.
- Do not apply hot compresses with traditional heat pads as this can dehydrate the soft tissues and increase the risk of further injury.
- If the gym you are going to has a steam room, try spending a few moments relaxing there, as saunas are a good source of wet heat.

Step 5. Take over-the-counter medications
Muscle relaxants, such as cyclobenzaprine, can help with spasms and muscle knots because they release tension in the muscles. However, if you take the drug orally (by mouth), the effect is not limited to the problem area. Therefore, muscle relaxants may cause strange sensations in some users because they reduce muscle contraction throughout the body. If muscle knots are causing severe aches, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen, naproxen or aspirin may be more effective and cause fewer side effects.
- Some of these medicines may be harsh on the stomach, kidneys and liver. Therefore, you should not consume it for more than two weeks. However, whatever medicine you choose, it is best to take it after meals.
- Always follow the instructions on the package or contact your doctor for clear instructions on the correct dosage.
- Try applying a pain relief cream like Counterpain or Zeropain directly to the problem area.

Step 6. Check your work area
If it's clear that the muscle knots are not caused by sporting activities or training, consider whether your work area or desk is the cause. For example, if the position of the computer desk or chair is not adjusted to your size, it can put strain on the shoulders, neck and middle back (located between the shoulder blades). When sitting at a desk and looking straight ahead, your eyes should be level with the top of the monitor; arms should be nearly parallel to the floor when typing and resting on stable armrests; elbows should be a few inches from the sides of the body; and the soles of the feet should be flat on the floor.
- If the position of the arm is too high or low because of the position of the desk or work chair, you are at greater risk of developing shoulder problems.
- To reduce shoulder strain, use a higher ladder to do work that is at high altitude or try to be as close as possible to the task at hand.
- Do not pinch the phone between the neck and head. Instead use a headset or speakerphone.
- If you spend hours in your car getting to and from work, this may be the cause of your shoulder pain. Try to place your hands in a low position on the wheel with your palms facing down.
Part 2 of 2: Getting Expert Treatment for the Shoulder Knot

Step 1. Get a massage by a massage therapist
If using a vibrating massager or tennis ball doesn't solve your shoulder knot problem, consider seeing a professional massage therapist. Massage performed on deep tissues helps with chronic tension and knots as it reduces muscle spasms and tension, stimulates blood circulation and promotes relaxation. Start with a 30-minute massage session, focusing on the sore shoulder and the area around it (lower neck and middle back). Let the therapist massage into the muscle fibers as far as you can stand without causing pain.
- A massage therapist may perform a kind of muscle spasm therapy by pressing the thumb or tip of the elbow into the knot to make the muscle fibers relax. It may be painful, but it is effective. Therefore, leave it to the experience and knowledge of the therapist.
- Never forget to drink lots of pure water immediately after a massage session so that the by-products that can cause inflammation and lactic acid are removed from the body. Otherwise, you will have a light headache or pain the next day.

Step 2. Consider acupuncture treatment
Acupuncture is an ancient medical technique that involves inserting thin needles into specific points in the skin/muscle in an attempt to reduce pain and speed healing. Acupuncture procedures are less painful as they trigger the release of natural pain relievers (called endorphins) and the treatment lasts between 15-45 minutes for almost all musculoskeletal problems. Acupuncture for shoulder injuries can be very effective, especially if done shortly after you notice the onset of symptoms.
- Acupuncture treatment done once alone may not completely solve the problem of shoulder knots. Therefore, consider taking the medication at least three times before you make a decision about its effectiveness.
- Keep in mind that the acupuncture points that can detangle the shoulder knot are not all located on the shoulder. Some can be located on parts of the body away from the shoulder.
- Acupuncture is practiced by a variety of medical professionals including doctors, chiropractors, naturopaths and physiotherapists. Whoever you choose, make sure they have a certificate that is recognized in Indonesia.

Step 3. Make an appointment with a chiropractor
A chiropractor is a musculoskeletal specialist who focuses on establishing normal movement and function in the muscles and joints of the spine and related areas, such as the shoulder. If the shoulder knot is closer to the shoulder blades or neck, there's a chance that the middle back or neck may also have problems. Chiropractors are trained in manual techniques to stretch tense muscles, untangle knots and adjust affected joints. Joint adjustments often produce a painless “popping” or “crackling” sound. After adjusting the joints all the muscles / related muscles around it will immediately feel relaxed.
- While a single treatment by a chiropractor can sometimes resolve a shoulder knot problem, you will likely need to undergo several treatments before seeing significant results.
- Other medical professionals who make adjustments to supplies include osteopaths, doctors and physiotherapists.
- Not all health insurance covers treatment by a chiropractor. So, you may have to spend your own money on the treatment.

Step 4. Visit a physiotherapist
If your shoulder knot can't be treated at home, professional massage therapy or treatment by a chiropractor, you may want to consider another method of shoulder rehabilitation guided by a physiotherapist. The family doctor can refer you to a physiotherapist who can show you specific stretches and strengthening exercises to rehabilitate the problem shoulder muscles. The therapist may use machines, free weights, rubber bands and/or exercise balls to strengthen your shoulders so they can withstand the rigors of your sport or work environment.
- Physiotherapists are also trained to treat muscle knots with ultrasound therapy or electronic muscle stimulation if needed.
- Physical rehabilitation usually needs to be done 2-3 times per week for 4-8 weeks to have a significant impact on chronic shoulder problems.
- Good activities to strengthen your shoulders include rowing, swimming, push ups and pull ups.
- In order to avoid shoulder problems, do not carry a bag whose load is not evenly distributed. Instead, use a standard backpack with padded straps.
- Yoga can be beneficial for stretching and relaxing tense muscles.
- If your shoulder problem gets worse and causes severe pain, make an appointment to see your doctor.