Sometimes, the relationship between siblings is not as harmonious as one would expect. Sometimes they get along, but often they fight. A younger sister often feels disliked or bullied by her older sister. So, if you feel that way, you are not alone. If your brother is mean to you, there are ways to get him to treat you better.
Part 1 of 4: Be Kind to Brother

Step 1. Treat him well
We must treat others as we would like to be treated. If you are tormented when your brother is evil, why should you make him suffer by being mean in return? Being nice is the first step to getting him to be nice to you.
Don't interact with him if you're angry. When you are in a bad mood, you will be compelled to vent those feelings on him. A malicious attitude would only make him retaliate in the same way

Step 2. Be the older sibling
You may be younger, but you could be more mature. Even though he's bad, that doesn't mean you have to be bad too. Instead of replying when he starts arguing, you better stay away.
Choose when to fight. If he starts an argument, think about how important it is before you fight back. Do you really have to win? Are the results important to you? Don't waste time and energy arguing over something stupid

Step 3. Do nice things for her
Some examples to show that you want to improve your relationship are by helping her with homework, or offering to help her with a sport or hobby. Maybe he'll realize that you want to be nice, and he'll reciprocate.
- Don't do all his work and don't let him take advantage of you. It's a good idea to help him with tasks that two people can do, such as washing and drying dishes.
- If your brother is in a school play, offer to help him memorize the lines. Or, if he plays basketball, offer to accompany him to practice.

Step 4. Avoid competition between siblings
Since you and your brother are so different, it's likely that you both have strengths. Maybe you are good at playing basketball, while he is talented as an actress. Maybe your grades are good, and he's the captain of the volleyball team. Whatever your differences, accept them, don't compare.
- For example, don't brag when you get good grades. He probably already knew his value was lower. So, don't make him more disappointed.
- Celebrate his accomplishments, not belittle them. If he and his volleyball team win, congratulate them, don't be jealous.
Part 2 of 4: Talking to Him

Step 1. Tell him how you feel about his attitude
Even if he hurts you, maybe he's just joking or playing around. You have to let him know how his actions have affected you. Make sure he knows that you are serious and not joking.
- Approach him relaxed and open. When you want to have a serious conversation, say, "I'd love it if I could talk to you for a few minutes."
- Tell him how he hurt you and why his attitude made you sad. Say, "I'm sad when you _. I'm sad because _."

Step 2. Ask if you've ever done anything that made him act mean
An older brother is quickly distracted by his younger brother. So ask him if there's something he's mean to you about. Then, find a way to fix it.
- Say, "I want us to get along. Have I ever done anything to upset or upset you?"
- After he answers, ask what you can do. Say, "What can I do to be a better sister? I want us to stop fighting."

Step 3. Find fun chats to strengthen the bond
While serious talk is important for resolving conflicts, fun and casual chat is also important. Try complimenting her shoes, say you like the poster in her room, or ask about the guys she likes at school. Have a fun chat with him to forge a stronger bond.
- Make sure he knows that you enjoy spending time with him and want to do it more often.
- An older sibling is usually happy to give advice. If you ask him for advice on something fun, like fashion, love, or music, he'll be happy to chat with you.
Part 3 of 4: Trying to Find Common ground

Step 1. Look for similarities between you and your sister
He may create distance because you are younger. However, if you share common interests, you can prove that the age difference isn't a big deal. Try to find an activity, movie, music, or hobby that you enjoy. If he starts to enjoy spending time with you, he'll also behave better. For example, when he's not busy, ask him if he'd like to play basketball in the yard or watch a music video on YouTube.
- Try watching weekly TV shows together. The routine provides a special time to spend together while watching a favorite show.
- If you enjoy baking, try making brownies or cupcakes with them.

Step 2. Learn about your brother's interests
If he sees that you are trying to learn about his interests, he may appreciate you. You can show interest in his life by asking questions, encouraging him, and acknowledging that interests are important to him.
- If he has a new favorite album, ask him what song he likes best. Or, ask how his day at school was.
- When he's sad, encourage him by saying, "I don't know why you're sad, but I know you can get through it!" Or, encourage him when he's nervous (for example, before a sports game) by saying, "I know you're nervous about the big game, but you're going to be great!"

Step 3. Appreciate differences
Siblings usually have a lot of differences despite growing up under the same roof. By accepting differences in age, gender, personality, talents, or interests, you will learn to understand other people. Instead of hating differences, it's better to learn from those differences. If you knew what it meant to him, you might be able to see things differently.
Make him respect your differences by showing that you respect them. It may take time, but he will learn to appreciate you for who you are
Part 4 of 4: Giving Him Space

Step 1. Create a space between you and your brother
Sharing a room or even living in the same house can be annoying sometimes. It is important for you to be alone a few hours a day. If necessary, do homework at a friend's house or the library to make room for you and your sibling.

Step 2. Don't interrupt when he invites his friends or girlfriends
Everyone needs their own personal space, friends and life. Let him enjoy some uninterrupted private time. If he's aware that you're giving him space, he's more likely to enjoy spending time with you when his friends aren't around.
- A younger brother usually annoys his older brother and friends. Don't be a sister like that. You can only join if invited. If you don't bother, they may be willing to invite you.
- You also have to have friends of your own. Think about how you would feel if your sibling kept pestering you when you were with friends. Treat him like you want to be treated.

Step 3. Let him come closer
People say, distance makes feelings more affectionate, and the expression also applies to siblings. Let him miss and want to spend time with you. Even if he doesn't realize it, he will miss you if you don't always see him.
- If he got close, it was likely that he meant well. Wait for him to start the interaction, don't always approach him first.
- You have your own life, enjoy it. Have your own friends and hobbies because they prove to your brother that you are an individual human being, not just his annoying little brother.