How to Use Whey Protein (with Pictures)

How to Use Whey Protein (with Pictures)
How to Use Whey Protein (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Protein is made up of amino acids and is the basic building block of your body. Since you break down muscle every time you train, especially if you do it regularly, a diet consisting of protein-rich foods is an important part of building muscle. Whey protein can also be an important and effective part of weight loss, and protein can satisfy your hunger while providing the nutrients and energy you need to get you through the day. Whey protein is a form of nutritional protein that has been separated from milk whey (the liquid produced in cheese making) whose fat has been removed so that it can be used as a healthy additive. Most whey protein is sold in powder form and can be used easily by mixing it with a few other simple ingredients. However, be aware that the quality of whey protein is lower than that of egg protein, both in terms of biological value (BV) and protein index. Whey protein is also not suitable for people who are not able to accept lactose well, because it contains very high levels of lactose, unlike egg protein.


Part 1 of 4: Calculating the Amount of Protein Your Body Needs

Use Whey Protein Step 1
Use Whey Protein Step 1

Step 1. Get a protein requirement chart from an online source or nutrition store

Too much protein in your daily diet can cause adverse side effects, as well as put a strain on your kidneys, so a protein requirement chart is an important tool when you want to add whey protein to your diet.

Use Whey Protein Step 2
Use Whey Protein Step 2

Step 2. Calculate the amount of protein you need based on your body weight

Adult men and women (19-50 years) are advised to consume 8 grams of protein for every 10 kg of body weight (which means 0.8 grams for every kg of body weight) every day. For example, a person who weighs 70 kg should consume 56 grams of protein every day.

  • In general, athletes who train for speed and strength should get 1.2–1.7 grams of protein per kg of body weight, while endurance athletes may need about 1.2–1.4 grams of protein per kg of body weight.
  • So, an athlete weighing 80 kg should consume about 96 g of protein daily to meet the needs of at least 1.2 grams/kg.
Use Whey Protein Step 3
Use Whey Protein Step 3

Step 3. Determine the amount of protein you are getting

With the help of a nutrition calculator, calculate the amount of protein you get in each serving of food, and if necessary, also calculate the amount of protein you get each week. That way, you can determine the amount of protein needed to complement your diet.

There are various online sources that can be used to determine the amount of protein in the food you eat each day or every week. One useful example can be found here

Use Whey Protein Step 4
Use Whey Protein Step 4

Step 4. Find the amount of protein you need to get from supplements

If the amount of protein you should be getting based on a protein requirement chart is more than what you are getting from your diet, you can make up the difference with whey protein. Once you've figured out how much protein you need using a nutrition calculator, subtract the amount of protein you should be getting by the amount of protein you're getting through your diet. The amount you get is the amount of protein you should get using whey protein. Plus, if you're a man who trains regularly, whey protein can help you recover faster. In general, people who do recreational exercise, endurance training, as well as strength training are advised to consume 0.5–0.8 grams of protein for every 0.5 kg of body weight.

Also, if you're a man who exercises regularly, a whey supplement may be helpful to help your body recover more quickly after a workout

Part 2 of 4: Making a Protein Shake or Protein Smoothie

Use Whey Protein Step 5
Use Whey Protein Step 5

Step 1. Use a blender

Blending the ingredients in a blender is the easiest way to make a protein shake. Follow the directions on the whey protein package to measure out the right amount of whey protein powder, and also mix it with other ingredients in the recommended ratios until a smooth texture is formed.

If you don't have a blender, you can use an electric mixer, blender bottle, or even use a whisk or fork to mix the food in a glass or bowl

Choose a Protein Powder Step 1
Choose a Protein Powder Step 1

Step 2. Choose the whey protein flavor you want

You can buy whey protein in a variety of flavors, which will affect the taste of the resulting smoothie. Several flavors are available, such as vanilla, strawberry, blueberry, banana, chocolate, and others.

Use Whey Protein Step 6
Use Whey Protein Step 6

Step 3. Mix the fruit with other ingredients

Whey protein shakes can be made with fruit and other ingredients to alter the flavor and nutrients they contain. There are many recipes for making whey protein shakes in books or online. To mix fruit more easily into your whey protein shake, add water first. Depending on your taste, add one to two cups (240-480 ml) of any of the following:

  • Fruit juice
  • Banana
  • Peach
  • Pear
  • Mango
  • Fruits that contain a lot of water, including oranges, pineapples, and watermelons
  • Milk, soy milk, almond milk, coconut milk, or other low-fat milk
Use Whey Protein Step 7
Use Whey Protein Step 7

Step 4. Add ice cubes

Ice cubes processed in a blender will thicken and cool the whipped whey protein, resulting in a smoothie-like texture. Alternatively, you can freeze bananas, raspberries, and other fruit (or buy them frozen), then add them to the drink. You can also replace milk with ice cubes made from milk.

Use Whey Protein Step 8
Use Whey Protein Step 8

Step 5. Add flavoring ingredients

Whipped whey protein can also be made more delicious, by adding certain ingredients. Add some of the ingredients below that you like, and the taste of the resulting drink will be even more delicious. Some ingredients that can be added, for example:

  • Honey
  • Vanilla, nutmeg, cinnamon
  • Yogurt
  • Dried fruit, such as raisins, apricots and dates
  • Chocolate, vanilla, strawberry or other flavored milkshake powder.

Part 3 of 4: Using Whey Protein to Build Muscle

Use Whey Protein Step 9
Use Whey Protein Step 9

Step 1. Eat a breakfast supplemented with whey protein

Add a tablespoon of whey protein powder to your breakfast cereal, and it's better if the cereal used is oatmeal. Mix the two ingredients thoroughly with a spoon, then eat it as soon as possible. By adding whey protein to your diet, you can increase your protein intake without changing your diet much.

You can add 1 tablespoon (14.1 grams) of peanut butter to the mixture for added protein

Use Whey Protein Step 10
Use Whey Protein Step 10

Step 2. Eat protein before training

Drink a whey protein shake 30 minutes before training. As you train, muscle fibers will break down, and stored carbohydrates (glycogen) will be used up. Drinking a whey protein shake before a workout can prevent muscle damage and also provide more energy.

Use Whey Protein Step 11
Use Whey Protein Step 11

Step 3. Eat protein after your workout

You need to nourish your muscles right after your workout so your body can recover properly. There is evidence to suggest that consuming whey protein right after a workout can increase protein synthesis, and the result is stronger muscles.

Use Whey Protein Step 12
Use Whey Protein Step 12

Step 4. Incorporate whey protein into your last meal of the day

Sprinkle a generous amount of whey protein powder on your last serving of the day. That way, you can keep amino acid levels in your body high during sleep, which also helps in muscle building.

You can also drink whey protein before bed to prevent the breakdown of protein that occurs naturally while you sleep, thereby increasing muscle synthesis at night

Part 4 of 4: Using Whey Protein for Weight Loss

Use Whey Protein Step 13
Use Whey Protein Step 13

Step 1. Determine the amount of whey protein you should add to your diet

There are many diets available for people who want to lose weight with whey protein, but in general, whey protein is better used as a supplement to a diet, not as a substitute for a normal meal. A common advantage that you can get by supplementing a diet using whey protein is a feeling of fullness, which makes you feel like you are eating less, and you will lose weight.

  • Add whey protein to a low-calorie diet. Whey protein is the most suitable complement to a healthy and balanced diet.
  • Be aware that a diet high in protein and low in calories has a negative impact on your health. Make sure that you are always trying to reach a point of balance and health.
Use Whey Protein Step 14
Use Whey Protein Step 14

Step 2. Complete the diet with whey protein to support weight loss, by consuming a whey protein shake

When losing weight, you should increase the amount of fiber consumption and reduce the amount of sugar consumption by adding fruits and vegetables to your protein shake. Some of these suggestions might help you:

  • Add blueberries or raspberries. Both fruits contain a lot of fiber and less sugar.
  • As another option, add spinach or cucumber. Both vegetables are high in fiber, and they don't taste as intense as the other vegetables, so you can mix them into your protein shake without making the taste weird.
  • Don't add honey, maple syrup, or sugar. Avoid ingredients that contain a lot of sugar and are harmful. Fruits added to smoothies will act as natural sweeteners.
Use Whey Protein Step 15
Use Whey Protein Step 15

Step 3. Drink a protein shake or smoothie before eating

Protein shakes can satisfy hunger and also provide energy, so you won't feel like craving for another meal. In one study, some people were required to drink a protein shake before starting a buffet, and these people ate less food than people who didn't eat a protein shake first.

  • While not recommended, replacing higher-calorie foods with protein shakes or protein smoothies can make you lose weight even faster. Replacing small meals with protein drinks can also help you lose weight, but at a slower rate.
  • Drinking protein shakes can also reduce blood glucose levels after meals, and also increase the body's insulin levels.


There are three types of whey protein: isolate, concentrate, and a mixture of the two. Protein isolate is the purest and best whey protein for the body, but it is also sold at a higher price; on the other hand, whey protein concentrate contains more fat. And one more type is a mixture of the two types mentioned above. For people who are limited in terms of finances, whey protein concentrates and blends can be an option


  • A list of possible side effects of whey protein can be found here.
  • As with other things in general, eating too much protein may be harmful. Excess protein will be broken down and removed, and the process can burden the kidneys' performance. This is still controversial. Make sure that you check with your doctor or nutritionist before adding whey protein to your diet, and make sure that you have a protein requirements chart that provides the recommended amount of protein for your body weight.
