3 Ways to Use Acupressure to Induce Labor

3 Ways to Use Acupressure to Induce Labor
3 Ways to Use Acupressure to Induce Labor

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Many women wish to induce labor naturally. Using acupressure points is one method that can initiate or speed up labour. Proponents of acupressure as an induction method believe that this method is effective in triggering cervical dilation and stimulating productive contractions.


Method 1 of 3: Understanding Acupressure

Use Acupressure to Induce Labor Step 1
Use Acupressure to Induce Labor Step 1

Step 1. Understand the concept of acupressure

Acupressure is a very important therapy in Chinese medicine that was developed more than 5,000 years ago in Asia. This method is done by placing the fingers in certain locations and applying pressure to important points throughout the body. Acupressure is generally performed using the fingers, especially the thumbs, to massage, rub, and stimulate pressure points. In addition, pressure points on the elbows, knees, feet, and soles of the feet can also be used.

  • These points are estimated to be along the grooves called meridians. According to Asian medical philosophy, stimulating these points can release tension and increase blood flow.
  • A popular Shiatsu massage technique is the Asian Body Manipulation Therapy which originated in Japan.
Use Acupressure to Induce Labor Step 2
Use Acupressure to Induce Labor Step 2

Step 2. Benefits of acupressure

Like most massages, acupressure is said to produce deep relaxation and reduce muscle tension. This technique is also used to reduce pain. Many people use acupressure to treat nausea, vomiting, headaches, back and neck pain, fatigue, mental, physical stress, and even addiction. It is believed that acupressure and other Asian body manipulation therapies treat imbalances and blockages in the flow of vital energy through the body.

  • Many Western spas and massage services have started offering acupressure massages. Although many people are skeptical of the effectiveness of acupressure, many doctors, practitioners, and advocates of holistic health believe in the positive effects of acupressure. Researchers at UCLA's Center for East-West Medicine study the scientific basis of acupressure while providing an explanation and practical application of the technique.
  • Certified acupuncturists attend formal training programs either at specialized acupressure and acupuncture schools, or through massage therapy programs. These programs consist of the study of anatomy and physiology, acupressure points and meridians, Chinese medicine theory, techniques and protocols as well as clinical studies. Becoming a certified acupuncturist generally takes up to 500 hours of schooling and less if one already has a massage therapy license.
Use Acupressure to Induce Labor Step 3
Use Acupressure to Induce Labor Step 3

Step 3. Locate common pressure points

There are hundreds of pressure points all over our bodies. Some of the common ones are:

  • Hoku / Hegu / Large Intestine 4 is the webbing between the thumb and forefinger.
  • Heart 3 is the tender flesh between the big toe and the second toe.
  • Sanyinjiao/Spleen 6 is on the lower calf.
  • Many pressure points go by several names and are sometimes referred to by abbreviations and numbers, such as LI4 or SP6.
Use Acupressure to Induce Labor Step 4
Use Acupressure to Induce Labor Step 4

Step 4. Knowing the right time to apply acupressure during pregnancy

Acupressure is said to be able to treat pregnant women who experience morning sickness, can relieve back pain, relieve pain during labor, and induce labor. Although acupressure is safe to use during pregnancy, you are asked to always exercise caution. You may need to consult a doctor, midwife who practices acupressure, or a licensed acupuncturist before deciding to use this method.

All related pressure points to induce labor should only be administered to women who are more than 40 weeks' gestation. Applying pressure to the points that work to induce labor too early can cause health problems

Method 2 of 3: Using the Points on the Hands and Back

Use Acupressure to Induce Labor Step 5
Use Acupressure to Induce Labor Step 5

Step 1. Using Hoku / Hegu / Large Intestine 4

This pressure point on the hand is considered one of the most popular for inducing labour. This point is located between the thumb and index finger.

  • Pinch the webbing between the index finger and thumb. You need to focus on the area near the middle of the hand, between the first and second metacarpal bones. Apply steady, firm pressure at this point. Then start scrubbing in a circular motion using your fingers. If your hands start to feel tired, put your hands down and continue again.
  • When the contractions start to feel, stop rubbing and then resume when the contractions subside.
  • This pressure point is believed to be able to trigger uterine contractions and cause the baby to enter the pelvic cavity. You can also use it during labor to ease the sensation of contractions.
Use Acupressure to Induce Labor Step 6
Use Acupressure to Induce Labor Step 6

Step 2. Try Jian Jing / Gallbladder 21

Gallbladder 21 is located between the neck and the shoulder. Before locating GB21, move your head to the front. Have someone look for the round button at the top of your spine, and the ball of your shoulder. GB21 is halfway between these two points.

  • Using your thumb or index finger, apply firm pressure to the point to massage and stimulate it. You can also pinch the point between the thumb and index finger on the other hand, massaging with the index finger in a downward motion for 4-5 seconds while releasing the pinch.
  • These pressure points are also used to treat stiff necks, headaches, shoulder aches and pains.
Use Acupressure to Induce Labor Step 7
Use Acupressure to Induce Labor Step 7

Step 3. Rub Ciliao/bladder 32

This pressure point is located in the lower back, between the dimples of the back and the lumbar spine. This point serves to induce labor, reduce pain during labor, and help lower the baby's position.

  • To find this point, ask the expectant mother to kneel on the floor or bed. Pull your fingers down along the spine until you feel two small bony hollows (one on either side of the spine). This depression is between the dimple and the spine - but not the dimple itself.
  • Apply constant pressure using your knuckles or thumb to the BL32 pressure point or rub in a circular motion.
  • If you can't find the hole, measure the length of the pregnant woman's index finger. The BL32 is located just as long as the index finger is above the crest of the buttocks, just as wide as a thumb to the side of the spine.

Method 3 of 3: Using Foot and Ankle Pressure Points

Use Acupressure to Induce Labor Step 8
Use Acupressure to Induce Labor Step 8

Step 1. Using Sanyinjiao / Spleen 6

This pressure point is located in the lower leg, just above the ankle bone. SP6 is believed to be able to stretch the cervix and strengthen contractions. This point needs to be used with care.

  • Look for the ankle bones. Place three fingers on top of the shin bone. Slide your fingers away from the shin bone toward the back of the foot. There will be a soft spot just behind the shin. This place is very sensitive for pregnant women.
  • Rub in circular motions or press for 10 minutes, or until you feel a contraction. Continue pressing after the contraction has passed.
Use Acupressure to Induce Labor Step 9
Use Acupressure to Induce Labor Step 9

Step 2. Try Kunlun / Bladder 60

This pressure point is able to lower the baby's position. It is located on the ankle.

  • Find the point between the ankle bone and the Achilles tendon. Press the skin with your thumb or rub in circular motions.
  • This point is often used in the first stage of labour, when the baby's head has not yet entered the pelvic cavity.
  • BL60 is thought to improve circulation and reduce pain.
Use Acupressure to Induce Labor Step 10
Use Acupressure to Induce Labor Step 10

Step 3. Stimulate Zhiyin/bladder 67

This point is located on the little finger. This point is said to be able to induce labor and restore the position of a breech baby.

Take the pregnant woman's foot and use your fingernail to press the tip of the little finger, just under the nail

Use Acupressure to Induce Labor Step 11
Use Acupressure to Induce Labor Step 11

Step 4. Ask your doctor or midwife if you have any questions

If you are concerned about the safety of you and your baby, or have questions about the time of delivery, or would like information about acupressure in general, contact your obstetrician or midwife. They can answer your questions and address your concerns.

If you want to know more about acupressure during pregnancy, visit a licensed acupuncturist. Schedule a visit and dig deeper to determine if acupressure is the right method for you


  • You can press points LI4 and SP6 on your own body or you can ask a friend or birth counselor to help practice this technique.
  • Some people suggest pressing a number of dots simultaneously or sequentially. For example, pressing the LI4 point on the person's left hand and pressing the SP6 point on the right foot. Rest after a few minutes and move to the opposite hand and leg. You can also add BL32 points to the LI4 and SP6 point rotations.
  • You can press these points for a few seconds to a few minutes.
  • Every woman has a different comfort limit for these points. Press these points for as long as you are comfortable.
  • Record the time of contractions to monitor if they come regularly. Use a stopwatch to record the time when contractions start and end. The duration of a contraction is the time between the first contraction starting and ending, while the frequency is the time between when the first contraction starts and is followed by a new contraction.
