The liver has many functions that help maintain a healthy body. The liver processes everything that is eaten, drunk, and absorbed through the skin, and, therefore, is often exposed to many harmful substances. Some signs that indicate liver damage include allergies, poor nutrition, high cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and even gallstones. Liver cleansing can help alleviate these problems. There are liver detox products that you can buy at pharmacies or health food stores, but you can also make your own at home with just a few ingredients. Here are some ways to make a liver cleanser.
Method 1 of 4: Grapefruit and Epsom Salt

Step 1. Understand the benefits of this cleanser
This 24-hour detox is designed to flush toxins from the liver and drain gallstones out of the gallbladder.
- These cleansers have helped people relieve and cure ailments such as chronic acne, fungal infections, and symptoms related to leaky gut.
- To perform this cleanse, all you need is Epsom salt, extra virgin olive oil and one large grapefruit.

Step 2. Prepare the body for cleansing
A few days before the detox, eat lots of apples and drink as much apple juice as possible-this prepares the liver for detox.
- On the last day before starting the detox, try to drink 240 ml of apple juice every 2-3 hours.
- On the first day of the detox, in the morning, eat a light, lean breakfast. Healthy smoothies or whole grains with fruit are two great options.

Step 3. Prepare and drink the Epsom salt solution
At 2 p.m. on a detox day, mix 4 tablespoons of Epsom salt in 720 ml of water.
- Pour the Epsom salt solution into a large glass jar and chill in the refrigerator. Don't eat anything after 2pm.
- At 6 pm, drink 180 ml of Epsom salt solution. If you don't like the taste, mix in some vitamin C powder. Drink another 180 ml at 8pm.

Step 4. Prepare and drink the grapefruit mixture
At 9.45pm, blend 1 large grapefruit (it should make 120-180 ml) and pour it into a glass bottle.
- Add 120 ml of virgin olive oil, close the bottle, and shake until well blended.
- Drink this olive and grapefruit oil mixture (with a straw if necessary), then get into bed immediately-this is important for the cleanser to work properly.
- Lie on your right side with your right knee bent to your chest. Try to sleep.

Step 5. Finish the cleaner
The next morning, take 180 ml of Epsom salt solution as soon as you wake up, then drink the last serving 2 hours later.
- 2 hours after drinking your last serving, you can transition back to drinking fruit juices, and, 2 hours later, eat solid foods-just make sure they're light and healthy.
- You will likely have one or more bowel movements in the morning of liver cleansing. There will likely be round green stones in the stool-they are gallstones. Gallstones in the stool are completely normal and indicate the cleanser is working well.
Method 2 of 4: Cranberry Juice

Step 1. Understand the benefits of this cleanser
This detox is used to cleanse the liver and colon, by flushing out toxic wastes, to relieve bloating, increase energy, and aid weight loss.
To do this cleanse, you will need unsalted cranberry juice, cinnamon, ground ginger, nutmeg, 2-3 oranges, 2-3 lemons, and a few packets of stevia (natural sweetener)

Step 2. Prepare the body for cleansing
Before doing this cleansing, it is important to prepare the liver by following a healthy diet for 7 days before cleansing. That will help prevent fatigue and lethargy on cleansing day.
- Eat lots of green leafy vegetables (lettuce, cabbage, kale), cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts), citrus fruits, sulfur-rich foods (eggs, garlic, and onions), and liver-healing foods (asparagus)., beets, celery).
- Also make sure to drink plenty of water (2 L per day), and avoid all high-fat or processed foods, gluten products or refined carbohydrates. Also stop consuming alcohol, caffeinated drinks, and all drugs that are not mandatory.

Step 3. Prepare the cranberry drink
On the day of cleaning, in the morning, prepare a cranberry drink. First, dilute the fresh cranberry juice with the filtered water, until it is only a quarter of the initial strength, to make 2 L. Pour the cranberry water into the saucepan, and bring to a gentle simmer over medium heat.
- Add the cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg powders, 1 tsp each, to the tea balls, then to the boiling cranberry water. For a stronger steeping, add the spices directly to the liquid. Simmer gently for 15-20 minutes, then remove from heat and allow to cool.
- Once cool, squeeze the oranges and lemons, and pour them into the cranberry water. Taste, and add 2 packets of stevia, to sweeten, if desired.

Step 4. Drink the cranberry mixture throughout the day
On cleaning day, drink 1 cup 240 ml of cranberry water at a time.
- Alternate drinking cranberry water and regular filtered water, throughout the day, until you have consumed at least 2 L for each drink. Warning-you will be urinating a lot!
- Also take a colon care supplement (such as 2 tsp. Plantago ovata powder or 2 tbsp. powdered flaxseed) twice throughout the day-once in the morning and once at night.

Step 5. Allow the body to recuperate after cleansing
For 3 days after cleansing, follow the same diet as a week before cleansing; otherwise, the result will not be good.
Also try to include healthy bacteria in your diet, from raw organic sauerkraut or plain yogurt that contains live, active bacteria
Method 3 of 4: Apple Cider Vinegar

Step 1. Understand the benefits of this cleansing
Apple cider vinegar has long been used as a home remedy to cleanse the liver and blood.
- However, apple cider vinegar also has various other benefits, such as aiding digestion, losing weight, and clearing acne.
- Remember, apple cider vinegar works to detox the liver only when combined with a healthy, balanced diet.

Step 2. Purchase organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar
Be sure to buy unfiltered, organic apple cider vinegar, as it is higher in nutrients.
Shake well before pouring to even out the thicker, cloudy layer underneath-the layer is called the "mother" and is the most nutritious part of the vinegar

Step 3. Consume apple cider vinegar every day
Apple cider vinegar can be used to detox the liver every day without fasting.
- All you need to do is mix 2-3 tsp of apple cider vinegar in 240 ml of water and drink it before every meal.
- Alternatively, mix 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a large glass of water, and drink it immediately after waking up, on an empty stomach.

Step 4. Use apple cider vinegar in another way
Alternative ways to include more apple cider vinegar in your diet include:
- Make a tea by mixing 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in hot water, and adding honey to make it sweet.
- Make a salad dressing by mixing apple cider vinegar with flaxseed oil and honey.
Method 4 of 4: Liver Cleansing Foods

Step 1. Eat garlic
Garlic is a great addition to your diet when you're trying to cleanse the liver, as it activates enzymes in the liver that help flush out toxins. Garlic also contains two natural compounds called allicin and selenium, which help with healthy liver function.

Step 2. Eat green leafy vegetables
Leafy green vegetables, such as spinach, kale, arugula, dandelion greens, and Cichorium intybus, have many liver cleansing benefits--they remove heavy metals, pesticides, and herbicides (which are particularly damaging to the liver), and increase the production and flow of bile that is harmful to the liver. healthy.

Step 3. Eat grapefruit
Grapefruit contains a special protein called glutathione that attaches itself to toxins before flushing them out of the body. Eating breakfast with a whole grapefruit or drinking a glass of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice helps in cleansing the liver, and also increases the levels of vitamin C, pectin, and antioxidants in the body.

Step 4. Eat avocado
Avocados are also high in glutathione, a compound that protects the liver from toxins and ensures proper functioning of the liver. Some studies suggest that eating just 1-2 avocados per week for at least 30 days can help repair liver damage.

Step 5. Eat walnuts
Walnuts contain glutathione, an amino acid called l-arginine, and omega-3 fatty acids, all of which help detoxify the liver and lower ammonia levels-high levels of ammonia cause various diseases. Try eating a handful of walnuts as a snack, or sprinkling them on a salad.

Step 6. Eat turmeric
Turmeric is a kind of liver cleansing superfood – turmeric helps protect the liver from toxins and regenerates damaged liver cells. Turmeric also increases bile production and maintains healthy functioning of the gallbladder, another purifying organ. Try adding turmeric to lentil curry and vegetable stews to take advantage of its detoxifying abilities.

Step 7. Know what to avoid
There are certain foods and substances that damage the liver, by flooding the liver with toxins and inhibiting the normal functioning of the liver. These foods include fatty processed foods, such as cured meats (sausage, corned beef), deep-fried foods, margarine, and hydrogenated oils, and all foods that contain artificial colors and flavours.

Step 8. Take supplements
There are many natural supplements that can help detox and improve liver health. Some of the most popular supplements include malic acid, burdock, dandelion root, and Silybum marianum. These supplements can be purchased at pharmacies or health food stores, and must be taken according to the directions on the package.

Step 9. Drink detox tea
Certain herbal teas are believed to flush toxins and fat deposits from the liver, while also increasing hydration. The best teas for liver cleansing include ingredients such as dandelion root, ginger, cloves, burdock root, chamomile, cinnamon, and horsetail. Try to drink at least 500 ml of herbal tea daily, and add honey, to sweeten it, if necessary.
- Ornithine capsules, acidophilus, cold press flax oil, and Silybum marianum can be purchased at many health food stores or nutrition centers.
- It is recommended to do a colon and kidney cleanse first before doing a liver cleanse. Cleansing the liver will remove a lot of toxins into the bloodstream, so the kidneys must be in top condition to filter and remove toxins. The large intestine will also play a role in removing toxins.
- Always avoid fatty foods and acetaminophen.
- Silybum marianum can also be added to any liver cleansing recipe, either in capsule or liquid form. You can add 2 120 mg capsules, or 5 drops of liquid, to a liver cleanser. Silybum marianum helps repair cells damaged by toxic substances.