Does pollen, dust or pet dander bother you? If you are allergic to any of these items, your nose may run a nose. This condition may be bothersome, or even painful. But with treatment, you can stop the runny nose, drain the mucus membranes that are swollen from histamine, and get your nose back to normal. Once you get rid of your runny nose, you can then take steps to protect yourself from allergies in the future.
Method 1 of 2: Stopping Snot

Step 1. Use an antihistamine
As the name suggests, antihistamines will block the body from producing histamine, which causes a runny nose. Antistamines will dry the mucous membranes in the nasal cavity. You can try an over-the-counter antihistamine that contains an active ingredient such as loratadine or diphenhydramine. Commonly used antihistamines include Allegra, Claritin, Zyrtec, Benadryl, Phenergan, and Clarinex.
Benadryl may cause drowsiness, while Claritin tends to cause the least amount of drowsiness. Take precautions while you are using drugs that cause drowsiness

Step 2. Visit a doctor
The doctor will prescribe allergy medication. Your doctor may prescribe antihistamines, corticosteroids (nasal sprays), various decongestants, leukotriene blockers, or allergy shots. These injections are sometimes recommended if you cannot avoid exposure to pollen or other allergens. The goal is to adjust the body to the presence of certain allergenic substances.
- Keep in mind that prescription antihistamines are more powerful, but they can also have stronger side effects such as anxiety, diarrhea, increased blood pressure, and even insomnia.
- Research shows that daily use of a nasal corticosteroid spray can be very effective at reducing allergic nasal symptoms. Some sprays such as Flonase and Nasacort can also be purchased without a prescription.
- Do not overuse nasal sprays. Nasal mucous membranes may become blocked repeatedly when you try to stop using the spray, and this can lead to dependence on the nasal spray.
- See your doctor if you have severe allergy symptoms, cough or sneezing that gets worse, or if your symptoms don't respond to treatment.

Step 3. Clean the nose
Use a saline spray. Saline sprays can keep the mucous membranes of your nose moist. This drug is sold over the counter without a prescription and will keep the mucous membranes of the nose moist while removing irritants from the nasal cavity.
Some people prefer to make their own saline solution. Sprinkle a little salt in a saucepan containing 1 cup of water, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, and a pinch of baking soda. Then boil until boiling. Once it starts to boil, pour the solution into a bowl. Cover your head with a towel and place your face over the bowl, but not too close or you will be stung by the steam. Inhale the vapor. Add a little eucalyptus oil/ointment to help relieve sinus irritation

Step 4. Use a neti pot
Pour 240 ml of distilled, filtered, or pre-boiled, lukewarm water into the appliance. Avoid using tap water unless it has been boiled and cooled beforehand. Distilled water is recommended. You can pour your own saline solution or use an over-the-counter saline product.
Tilt your head to one side while standing near the sink. Place the funnel in one nostril and pour out half of the contents. Allow the solution to exit the other nostril. Repeat the treatment on the other nostril. Clean and disinfect the neti pot after each use

Step 5. Drink plenty of water
While your nose may not stop blowing your nose right away when you drink water, it's important to stay hydrated when you have allergy symptoms. Blowing your nose repeatedly and using drugs with the side effect of dehydrating will dry out the mucous membranes. Drink 500 ml of water every few hours to restore the balance of the system in the body.

Step 6. Try herbal remedies
Some home herbal remedies work as antihistamines.
- Mustard oil. This ingredient is efficacious as an antihistamine. Take a spoonful of mustard and heat it in a pan with a little water. Once the solution is diluted enough to fit into the dropper, pour a small amount into one of your nostrils. Breathe deeply. Mustard has a strong scent, so you may need a few seconds to recuperate after using it.
- Turmeric. This herbal plant has long been used in Indian culture for both food and medicine. Lightly moisten the turmeric powder with pure flaxseed oil, which can be purchased at most health food stores. Place turmeric powder soaked in linseed oil over a heat source until it starts to smolder. Inhale the smoke slowly.

Step 7. Humidify the air
Buy a humidifier or two. There are several types of tools that you can choose from. While a humidifier may seem to counteract the healing process, allergies actually inhibit the body's natural processes of keeping the nasal cavity moist. When you are first exposed to an allergen, your body releases a chemical called histamine, which causes mucous membranes to swell and dry out. Furthermore, when airborne particles enter this dry environment (often the same particles, such as the initial allergy-causing pollen), the body will start blowing mucus in an attempt to expel it and restore balance to the system. A humidifier will help distribute the humidity in the air to keep the nasal cavity moist.
- The ideal humidity of the home environment should be between 30-50 percent. Lower than that range, too dry for your nose. However, if it is higher, your room will feel crowded and encourage the growth of bacteria and fungi.
- Most humidifiers are not powerful enough to humidify an entire room in the house. Place this tool in the room or room you use the most to maximize its benefits. It's just that, when you leave a room equipped with a humidifier, your mucous membranes will dry out again.
Method 2 of 2: Preventing runny nose in the future

Step 1. Identify your allergy triggers
Your doctor can give you an allergy test that will help narrow down and even determine what triggers your allergies. But sometimes, allergy test results do not refer to a particular ingredient or indicate some allergies. The more information you know about allergies, the better. Once you have a general idea of what causes runny nose, you can start avoiding exposure to these ingredients.

Step 2. Avoid allergy triggers
Irritants and allergens from the environment, such as pollen, animal dander, hair, dust, and cigarette smoke, can cause the nasal passages to dry out and trigger runny nose. Using an air purifier at home can help remove these irritants from the air, but be aware that removing all allergy triggers is nearly impossible unless you live in an airtight room.
- One of the most common airborne allergens in the US is weed pollen, but there are more than 17 varieties. While avoiding exposure to weeds is nearly impossible, you can still find out where high pollen levels are nearby. Avoid these locations as much as possible.
- Avoid going out at times of highest pollen levels such as early morning, and close windows when pollen levels are high.
- Reduce dust mites in your home by minimizing the use of rugs, blankets, and dolls. Use dust mite protective coatings for mattresses and pillows.

Step 3. Protect your face
This method is probably the most extreme step to protect yourself from allergies that cause runny nose. If it can't get into the body, the particles won't cause you to runny nose. If you go out during allergy season, wear a scarf to cover your mouth and nose. A protective face mask could be even better.

Step 4. Wash your hands frequently
This step will prevent the spread of allergies. Use soap and water. Any soap is fine as you're only trying to get rid of the allergen, not killing the bacteria. Wipe your hands for at least 20 seconds. Rinse and dry hands with a clean towel.

Step 5. Wash your face after exposure to allergens
If you are allergic to pet dander, wash your entire face after petting your pet. If you are allergic to pollen, wash your face when you get home after spending time outdoors. This step will help reduce your body's exposure to allergens.