How to Stop Picking Your Nose: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Stop Picking Your Nose: 7 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Stop Picking Your Nose: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

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Do you have a habit of picking your nose, even if you do it when you are outside? It's time to give up this unclean and unsightly habit. Read the following tips to break the habit of picking your nose.


Stop Picking Your Nose Step 1
Stop Picking Your Nose Step 1

Step 1. Accept the fact that you have a problem

If you pick your nose regularly, admit it. Habits usually stop being noticed after a while and are accepted as normal. Picking your nose may start at home, but then spreads to your surroundings, where you feel like you're not disturbing or not being noticed by others. In fact, people are aware of it and they don't like it, especially if a close friend sees you doing it all the time.

Stop Picking Your Nose Step 2
Stop Picking Your Nose Step 2

Step 2. Find out why you want to pick your nose

If it's just a habit, you'll likely get more comfortable with it over time and now picking your nose serves as a form of self-assurance or a hand reflex. On the other hand, there may be an obvious reason why you started picking your nose. For example, you may have a medical condition that causes your nasal passages to itch or fill with discharge so you'll need to clean them so you don't go crazy. If the problem persists, it is time for you to visit your doctor to find out what problem you are having. There may be something more dangerous going into your nose than just your finger.

Stop Picking Your Nose Step 3
Stop Picking Your Nose Step 3

Step 3. Clean your nose every morning or evening

Try using a nasal cleanser that contains electrolytes to clean the nasal cavity where the mucus comes from. Removing the source of the sores will prevent the formation of pimples. No pickling, no desire to pick your nose.

Try using an electric nose trimmer. Excessive nose hair can cause a blockage in the nose so you have to clean it. Then, your partner will also appreciate your efforts. Buy a shaver that you can wash in the sink and ideally has a small suction cup to catch freshly shaved hair

Stop Picking Your Nose Step 4
Stop Picking Your Nose Step 4

Step 4. Change your behavior

Some say it takes 21 days to break a habit. For the next 21 days, it's your job to stop picking your nose and find activities for your naughty fingers to do. Here are some things you can do:

  • Take note of when and what time you want to pick your nose. Is it in front of the television, when you are stressed or bored, or while daydreaming while driving or at the computer? Take notes so you can prepare.
  • Leave small notes to yourself in certain places to remind yourself that your nose is clean. If you don't want people to know what you're doing, write or draw a password or sign (However, trying to quit is no more embarrassing than picking your nose in public).
  • Do alternative activities. Give your fingers another activity to do. Read a book and keep your fingers on the page all the time. Eat celery leaves or hummus when hungry. Play video games, board games, or put together puzzles. Write stories, manage expenses, or text friends. Treat any possible causes of picking your nose instead of picking it.
  • If you notice that you pick your nose when you're not busy (like when you're going to bed or just waking up), try wearing gloves. It will help you to avoid picking your nose at risky times when you are alone and not thinking clearly.
  • Use a tissue or handkerchief. Get rid of annoying particles from nose clean and fast, and solve your problem. Blow your nose so there are no more distractions.
  • Wrap the tape around your finger. Since you usually pick your nose with certain hands and fingers, putting a bandage on the finger you used to pick your nose for a few days will prevent your finger from picking your nose unknowingly. For a more polite alternative, wrap the thread around the finger. If someone asks, you can say that the thread is to remind you of a particular project or task.
  • Cut and hold the chili. If you try to pick your nose when your hands are hot, your brain will instill a reason why you should stop picking your nose.
  • If you eat a pickle, rub some anti-nail-biting liquid on your fingers. This liquid tastes very bad.
Stop Picking Your Nose Step 5
Stop Picking Your Nose Step 5

Step 5. Change your thought process

Every morning, noon, and night, make sure you're going to quit. Say to yourself out loud, “My nose is clean. I'm busy doing hobbies/watching tv/brushing teeth/etc. and my nose is fine. This is a positive warning. Avoid negative warnings (“Don't pick your nose”) because the subconscious doesn't understand negative sentences and instead focuses on the prohibited activity. Instead, give your subconscious an alternative focus of whatever activity you are doing.

  • Consider what you do to your nose when you pick your nose. An infinite number of germs enter your nose when you pick your nose. Not to mention the particles or chemicals that come in (especially if you work in an industry like spray paint, hand and foot care, hair styling, printing, fueling, etc). If you have recently held money, think carefully before you pick your nose immediately after handling money.
  • Consider what people see when you pick your nose. They see someone who is out of control and misbehaved, not taught public etiquette, slovenly, and lazy. Picking your nose in front of people indicates that you are complacent, childish, and have no respect for yourself. If you're looking to date or get a job, reconsider your picking your nose.
Stop Picking Your Nose Step 6
Stop Picking Your Nose Step 6

Step 6. Ask others for help

Choose people you trust and are familiar with and ask for their help in preventing you from picking your nose by gently warning you every time they see you picking your nose. Create a password or signal like tapping their finger on their nose as a reminder, instead of a rude remark like, "Can you stop picking your nose, can you?"

Stop Picking Your Nose Step 7
Stop Picking Your Nose Step 7

Step 7. If you must pick your nose in public, try not to attract attention

If you really can't stand it, pick your nose where no one else can see it or discreetly. One way to do this is to blow your nose every time you go to the restroom. The more often you blow your nose when you're in an enclosed space, the less you'll have to do it in public.


  • Try to bring a bag of tissues with you, so, if you want to pick your nose, use the tissue!
  • Borrow habit-changing ideas from Ben Franklin. Bring a small notebook and put a black mark on the book every time you pick your nose. Count the numbers each night and make a determination to keep the book clean the next day. Use the notebook to spark your awareness and determination. Keep counting the signs for a few weeks diligently until you can keep your nose free for weeks or months.
  • Try having a reward chart, setting a goal for how long you don't want to pick your nose. When you reach that goal, give yourself a reward.
  • Tie a rubber band around your wrist. Every time you want to pick your nose, snap your wrist with the rubber band.
  • If you're used to eating with your hands, don't rub nail-biting liquid on your hands because you'll be able to feel it.
  • Try to make yourself aware of when you pick your nose and slap your hand so hard it hurts so much. It will remind you to stop picking your nose (but don't hurt yourself).
  • Ask someone to take a picture of you picking your nose. Install as your computer screen display. Place it where you will see it. If necessary, put it everywhere. It's a reminder of your facial expressions when picking your nose.
  • If you can't do it all in a day, start by reducing the intensity of your nose. Keep your fingers away from your nose throughout the day by following the guidelines above. Keep reducing the intensity until you stop picking your nose completely.
  • Use gloves to prevent you from picking your nose.
  • Whenever you feel the need to pick your nose, bite the inside of your cheek, flick your face, snap your wrist with a rubber band, or do something else.


  • Can picking your nose be bad for your health? Yes. For example, you may pick your nose so hard that your nose bleeds. You can get foreign particles into your nose. You can make the parasite enter the nose. You can also infect the hair follicles of your nose, causing painful, ugly-looking nose pimples. Most of these conditions depend on hand hygiene and the strength of the nose. However, the final impact cannot be underestimated if your picking your nose affects your health.
  • See a doctor if speaking out loud and considering the effects alone doesn't work. You may have compulsive nose picking (rhinotillexomania) and the condition may require medical and/or psychological intervention and treatment, especially if it stems from a traumatic event in your life.
  • Picking your nose can cause inflammation of the nose and cause acne in the nasal cavity.[citation needed]
