How to Measure Arm Length: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Measure Arm Length: 10 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Measure Arm Length: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

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If you need to measure arm length, for example for things related to fitness or when you want to sew clothes, the only tool you need is a measuring tape. Arm length can be measured yourself if you already know the tips. For more accurate results, have someone else measure your arm. Once the body is properly positioned, measurements can be taken in just a few minutes.


Method 1 of 2: Calculating Arm Length

Measure Arm Length Step 1
Measure Arm Length Step 1

Step 1. Stand up straight while relaxing your arms at your sides

While you can do it yourself, it's more accurate to have someone else measure your arm. Do not bend over or lean forward because posture affects the measurement results.

Bend your elbows a little and then put your fingers in your pants pockets or wear your hips

Measure Arm Length Step 2
Measure Arm Length Step 2

Step 2. Place the zero point of the measuring tape on the back side of the neck on the protruding vertebra of the neck

Make sure the end of the measuring tape is placed in the middle of the neck on the back side at shoulder level so that you get accurate data. Pulling the tape measure from shoulder to wrist helps you get the most accurate measurement results, especially when you want to sew a blouse or long-sleeved shirt.

Measure Arm Length Step 3
Measure Arm Length Step 3

Step 3. Measure the length of the arm from the shoulder to the wrist

To ensure accurate results, do not pull the measuring tape diagonally across the upper back. Instead, place the tape measure down your shoulder and then down your arm to your wrist. If you're still confused, imagine you're wearing a long-sleeved shirt and measure from the center of the back of the shirt collar to the bottom of the sleeves.

Measure Arm Length Step 4
Measure Arm Length Step 4

Step 4. Measure the length of the sleeves until they are slightly past the bony prominence of the wrist if you want to sew a long-sleeved shirt

Before measuring, determine the position of the lower end of the sleeve, for example right at the wrist or slightly below it. You are free to determine the length of the sleeves as you wish.

Measure Arm Length Step 5
Measure Arm Length Step 5

Step 5. Measure the arm to the fingertips if you need to measure the arm completely

When measuring your arm for fitness-related matters, you may need data on arm length including your palm. For that, straighten your fingers and measure your arm to your fingertips.

Method 2 of 2: Measuring Arm Length

Measure Arm Length Step 6
Measure Arm Length Step 6

Step 1. Have someone else measure the length of your arm span

The arm measurement in the first method can be done alone, but the length of the arm span cannot be measured alone. After stretching your arms out to the sides parallel to the floor, have someone else measure them with a measuring tape.

Measure Arm Length Step 7
Measure Arm Length Step 7

Step 2. Stand straight while leaning against a wall

For accurate results, you must stand straight when you are measuring because the length of the arm span decreases when you bend over. If you can't lean against a wall, try to straighten yourself up while pulling your shoulders back.

Measure Arm Length Step 8
Measure Arm Length Step 8

Step 3. Extend your arms out to the sides as straight as possible

Don't bend your elbows, wrists, and fingers. Make sure both arms are at the same height parallel to the floor because the length of the arm span increases or decreases as the arms are raised or lowered.

Measure Arm Length Step 9
Measure Arm Length Step 9

Step 4. Measure the arm span between the tips of the middle fingers

This measurement is done by pulling the measuring tape starting from the tip of the middle finger of one hand to the other hand. Ask a friend/partner to measure the span of your arm by pulling the tape measure from the tip of the middle finger of your left hand to the tip of the middle finger of your right hand.

Have him pull the tape measure as straight as possible to get an accurate result

Measure Arm Length Step 10
Measure Arm Length Step 10

Step 5. Compare the length of the arm span to the height

Usually, the height is almost the same as the length of the arm span because the difference is only a few centimeters. Find out your height by measuring it yourself or with the help of someone else and then compare the results with the length of your arm span.
