Saving paper at school is a good way to help preserve the environment. If you can cheer up your schoolmates and garner support from teachers and staff, you can make a real impact in reducing waste and saving natural resources. Here are some paper-saving ideas for environmentalists.
Method 1 of 3: Using Computers/Printers/Copiers

Step 1. Use a computer whenever possible
Collect your assignments and other homework via email. If you have a laptop, take it to class to take notes instead of using a notebook.

Step 2. Ask teachers to create a blog or website
Teachers can post all assignments, lecture notes and lessons online using blogs or websites that are accessible to all students. They can also create dropboxes or other collection tools so students can submit assignments and homework.

Step 3. Tell your school about free paper saving software
You can download software that will help save paper by removing unnecessary content when printing from websites and reformatting documents for more efficient printing. The software you can use includes FinePrint, PrintEco, and PrintFriendly.

Step 4. Make a double-sided copy
Set the copier settings so that the machine prints on both sides of the paper when you make copies of multi-page documents.

Step 5. Reuse the printer paper
Arrange the unused printer paper so that all blanks are facing one direction, punch holes in the 3-hole hole punch and put them back in the printer for a second use.
Method 2 of 3: Becoming Wiser About Paper

Step 1. Ask for donations
Local companies often have large quantities of unused paper that may include papers with out-of-date letterhead, envelopes that are the wrong size and that have signs of wear and tear. Ask companies in your city or your parents' place of business to donate the papers to your school. (In most cases, it can be deducted from taxes!)

Step 2. Ask your school to buy recycled paper or alternative paper
Besides being good for the environment, recycled paper is usually cheaper. You can also find papers made from non-tree sources such as hemp (variety of the cannabis plant), bamboo, banana, kenaf and crushed stone.

Step 3. Advise to use a catalog that can be viewed via a computer
Ask the administration to break the habit of using paper catalogs and buy supplies from companies that have websites or catalogs that are computer-viewed and ordered online. Advise your school to get rid of paper promotional items and put all newsletters and catalogs online.

Step 4. Use notebooks wisely
You can buy notebooks made from recycled paper. Once you've done that, take your paper-saving efforts further and use both sides of the paper. Write smaller (but still large enough for you to read what you have written) and avoid leaving a lot of white/blank space on the page.
Don't do silly things with paper like tearing up notes, making airplanes or paper balls or throwing them at your classmates' heads. This activity wastes paper and creates problems

Step 5. Ask for a whiteboard for each individual
Instead of doing math equations or listing learning ideas or doing other in-class activities on paper, students can use small whiteboards with very light smelling, erasable markers. Some brands of markers are even made from recycled materials and can also be refilled.

Step 6. Think of a place other than the classroom
Paper products are also used in kitchens, canteens and toilets in schools, so strategies to reduce paper waste should consider these places as well.
- Make sure your school buys tablecloths, paper towels and bathroom tissue paper made from recycled paper.
- Lobby for installation of hand dryers instead of paper towels.
- Place this reminder sticker It Comes from a Tree on the tissue and paper towel dispensers to help remind people to cut down on unnecessary use.
Method 3 of 3: Creating a Recycling Program

Step 1. Involve all parties
A successful recycling program depends on the support of students, teachers, staff, administration and school custodians. Form a committee made up of representatives from each of these populations to develop a program that takes into account the needs of all and addresses the concerns of all.
Designate one person as representative from each group so they can explain recycling needs to their colleagues and ask for their support. They can also help communicate program developments and changes and serve as "spokesmen" for questions that arise

Step 2. Set the paper fetch
In some cities, paper recycling is legal and collected paper will be picked up on scheduled waste collection days. Elsewhere, you'll need to find a paper drop-off or pick-up service to pick up your paper. The Earth911 website has a search feature that allows you to find recycling services in your area. You can also search online to find local recycling centers and recycling centers and see if they will accept your paper.
If you can't find a drop-off/storage center for your papers, you may have to pay for a pick-up service to transport the papers. Find out to determine if the costs associated with this will ultimately benefit your school

Step 3. Set guides for usable paper
Depending on how and where you will dispose of your recycled paper, you may have to limit or sort the paper you collect. Some collection locations will accept a "single stream," meaning different types of paper are mixed in one collection box, or they'll want to accept a "sorted stream," which means you have to sort the paper by class (there are five types of classes on paper.) certain papers may not be accepted at all. Find out what and how your collection agency will support your program.
- Used corrugated cardboard box. Also known as "corrugated cardboard," this type of paper is commonly found in product boxes and packaging.
- Mixed paper. This widely used type of paper includes products such as letters, catalogs, telephone books and magazines.
- Old newsprint. The name of this paper category is self-explanatory.
- High quality white paper. Your school should have most of these types of paper, which includes products such as envelopes, copy paper and letterhead.
- Pulp substitute. This paper is usually left over from the factory, so you won't have to worry about that, although there's always the chance that it could be part of the paper product your school buys.

Step 4. Close the collection boxes well
Find out if the recycling center in your city can provide you with collection boxes; if not, buy some plastic tubs to collect the papers. Make them all the same color and/or clearly mark the boxes as paper collection boxes so no one will accidentally put trash in them.
If you must sort paper, use labels or pictures of the type of paper that must be collected into each of the different boxes

Step 5. Provide counseling
Not only do you need everyone on board for your program to be a success, but everyone needs to be properly and clearly informed about how the program works. Consider asking an environmental science or social science teacher to provide classroom hours to discuss this recycling program guide. Or plan a time for an education meeting to explain the program, including information on the types (types) of paper accepted and the location of paper-collecting trash cans.
Make reference cards with information about the program to distribute to everyone in the school. Or, to save paper, create a website or page on your school's website so everyone can see the program guide

Step 6. Choose a central location for paper storage
You will need a place to store the recycled paper that has been collected between placing or picking up. A copier room might be a good choice or you could use a section of a large storage cabinet.
Take risk precautions in advance and don't allow large piles of paper to block exits or be stored near flammable chemicals. Check with the staff at the law enforcement office in your city to make sure you are safe from the risk of fire

Step 7. Keep your enthusiasm high
Once your recycling program has started, keep people excited about it by reporting on your program's progress and your recycling and savings goals.
- Make weekly or monthly announcements through your school's announcement system or through your school's closed television broadcast of the amount of paper that has been recycled to date. Remind everyone of the importance of continuing with this program and take the opportunity to clarify any confusion and answer any questions or concerns that have been raised.
- Plan a school visit to a local recycling center or invite guest speakers to come to the school to discuss the value of recycling programs and the positive financial and environmental impact.

Step 8. Overcome obstacles
If your school is reluctant to set up a recycling program, ask if you can do a simple waste paper check to see what is being thrown away and where. Once you can show your school the amount of waste paper it produces and disposes of, those responsible may be more motivated to implement recycling.
- Use the back of each paper. Try to reduce the use of paper because papermaking involves cutting down trees.
- If you need to purchase a notebook made from recycled paper - and sometimes recycled blank paper doesn't work - buy paper that has the highest percentage of recycled materials.
- Don't write on random sheets of paper to remember something. (After all, your notes will tend to get lost too easily). Write them down in your workbook or use the sticky notes program on your laptop. Or make a note of it in a text message on your phone. Or use visual cues - like placing your watch on the "wrong" hand.
- Don't use bound notebooks like those at school. Once you've filled more than half of the notebook, you can't tear the blanks off without tearing the ones you've written. Instead, consider using a 3-punch binder, or a spiral notebook.