Making money at the age of thirteen is difficult, but you can still do it. There are several ways that you can follow to earn extra money, for example by doing odd jobs, helping neighbors and even taking jobs that teenagers your age can do. Of course, this depends on the laws regarding children that apply in your city/country.
Method 1 of 5: Earn Money from the Internet

Step 1. Take the survey
You can get cash or voucher cards from websites like Other sites (eg Pinecone Research, SurveySpot, and Toluna) will also pay you when you take a given survey. After you get certain points, you can exchange points for some money.
- Join more than one survey site (perhaps five or more). When you are selected to take a survey, you will receive a confirmation email. Therefore, make sure you check your email account every day.
- The selection of users who can take the survey will depend on their age group, gender and (possibly) race/ethnicity. Therefore, by joining more than one site, you can increase your chances of taking surveys.
- Before joining a survey site, make sure it is not a fake site. Read the site policy rules to ensure that the site will not sell the information you provide to other companies.
- Some survey sites give away free products as prizes, instead of money. In addition, there are also several sites that provide free sweepstakes in exchange for money. If you just want money as a “reward” for surveys, make sure you sign up for sites that pay money.

Step 2. Sell your skills
You can earn money by selling services on the internet (eg making a logo in Photoshop, sending someone a letter, or shooting a video). Think about the things you enjoy and highlight your skills on appropriate sites.

Step 3. Get creative
If you have a talent for handicrafts, you can open a shop or “lapak” on a handicraft trading site (eg Etsy) and sell your work on the internet. You can make jewelry, cards, bags, and more. The thing you need to remember is the funds you need as capital, as well as the time needed to complete your craft project. Make sure you can also benefit from selling your products.

Step 4. Sell unwanted items
You can also sell unwanted/used items on online buying and selling sites (eg Bukalapak or Tokopedia). Maybe you can sell personal or parental items that you no longer use (eg a collection of finished books). You can also earn money by selling classic or antique items through the site. Usually, you can find cool antiques from yard sales or thrift stores (eg BABE or RANGKAS). Ask if your mom or dad has free time on Saturdays to help you look for (unused) antiques at home.
Method 2 of 5: Earning Money by Working in the Neighborhood

Step 1. Have a yard sale event
If you're not fit to sell on the internet, you can sell things you no longer want/use in your front yard! You need to take the time to prepare for the event from the start. Ask your parents if they have any items to sell at the yard sale, and make sure you get permission to host the event.
- Make sure you publish your event. You can put up posters around your neighborhood. Make sure you also put up posters on the main road to the area where you live. In addition, you can advertise your event on social media (eg Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) or upload the information on sites like Craiglist.
- You can also invite your friends or neighbors to join the event. The more product choices you have, the more visitors will be attracted to your event.
- Try inviting your neighbors to contribute to your event. You can give a share of the profits for each product they donate.

Step 2. Do odd jobs
Ask if your parents will pay you to do simple chores, such as washing dishes, vacuuming, or sweeping the house. You can set weekly “costs” for these tasks. Think of the homework your parents hate the most and offer to do them every week for an equivalent “service fee.”
- If you already have weekly or daily homework assignments, ask your parents about tasks that are different than usual. Explain to them that you want to start saving. Tasks like mowing the lawn, sweeping the leaves, or washing the car may become a monthly chore.
- Do more complex homework than usual. You can propose work that only needs to be done once, but can take several days. Ask your parents if they'll pay you to tidy up the garage or attic, clean the gutters or baseboards, or plant plants in the garden plot.
- You can also ask for an increase in your allowance if you successfully complete an additional assignment or project every week, fortnight, or month. For example, you could offer to mow the lawn every week (or every two weeks) so you can get an allowance increase.

Step 3. Do some work for your neighbors
Ask your neighbors about odd jobs you can do (eg mowing the lawn, sweeping the leaves, washing the car, sweeping the house, taking the dog for a walk, etc.). Try visiting each of your neighbors or distributing posters listing jobs you can do.
Be careful with people you don't know. It's a good idea to go to neighbors who are well known to you and your parents. If you want to visit in person, ask one of your parents to come with you so you feel safe. If you feel uncomfortable doing something for your neighbor for any reason, leave your neighbor's house immediately and talk to your parents
Method 3 of 5: Taking a Part Time Job

Step 1. Find a job related to farming activities
In the United States, you only have a limited choice of “real” jobs until you reach 14 years of age. Among the available job options, farming is one option that you can follow. If you live in a rural or suburban area, there may be several plantations or farms in your area that require part-time workers.

Step 2. Be a newspaper deliveryman
In many areas (including Indonesia), youths under the age of 14 can actually be employed to deliver newspapers. You can call or visit a newspaper publishing company in your city to find out if they need workers to deliver newspapers.
If the newspaper publisher in your city isn't currently hiring, check back regularly. This way, you show the publisher that you are serious about getting your job. You can also ask the publisher to save your application letter if at any time they open a job vacancy

Step 3. Work in a business run by your family
In the United States, although you must be (at least) 14 years of age to work part-time, you can still work in a business run by your family. If your parents run a business, ask if they would hire you to complete small tasks. By working a few hours a day or on weekends, you can get a good work experience. This experience is certainly useful when you are old enough to look for another job.
Method 4 of 5: Becoming an Entrepreneur

Step 1. Run your own business
Ask your parents for help. You can form a team with family members and friends as a parent business team. In addition, you can also create your own products and sell them. Try talking to your parents about starting a business.

Step 2. Be a teacher for children
Are you proficient in mathematics? Try teaching math material (eg multiplication) to children.

Step 3. Be a babysitter
Apart from being a babysitter, you can also start a small babysitting business. Invite some friends who both want to get money to get involved in your business. Distribute posters in your neighborhood, cafes, and community centers. You can also ask your parents to distribute the poster in their workplace.
- Before starting the business, it's a good idea for you (and friends who work in your business) to get a certificate of artificial respiration from a certain institution (eg Red Cross Army). Such a certificate can increase your “value” in the eyes of people who need babysitting services.
- After you take care of a client's child or baby, ask the client to provide a reference for the next client. You can also ask him to recommend you to his friends.
- Try setting up a website. You can open the website for free via or These sites provide many templates or designs that you can use to create your own website. Include a link to the website in the poster you distribute and ask previous clients to provide comments or testimonials. You can also list information about yourself and your company on the website, including hourly service charges.

Step 4. Be a dog walker
Many adults need someone's help to look after their pets when they are at work or on vacation. If you don't like taking care of children or babies, try starting a pet-sitting business. You can distribute posters to advertise your services and visit each of your neighbors to let them know about the business you run.

Step 5. Run a mobile car wash business
If you have a brother who can drive a car, ask him to run business with you or take you around running your business. After that, you can give him a share of the income. If you want to get all the benefits or don't own a vehicle, you can use a cart (or bicycle) to carry all your gear while you go around.
- You can improve the quality of service by offering more detailed services to customers. Instead of just washing the car, you can offer wax coating services on the car exterior or cleaning the car cabin. This service, of course, requires additional equipment, such as a vacuum cleaner and candles. However, you can earn more with additional services like this. There is a possibility that if someone wants to rent a car wash service that you offer, he or she will pay an additional fee (eg 100-200 thousand rupiah) to get a more thorough cleaning service.
- Talk to your customers about a bi-weekly or monthly car wash service. Make sure you are friendly to customers and clean their cars thoroughly. This way, customers are likely to want to use your services again and tell other neighbors about the car wash services you offer.

Step 6. Open the drink booth
While this idea may sound old-fashioned, if you are smart enough to pinpoint the time and location of the sale, you can earn some extra money with a business like this. Classic drinks like lemonade or soda can still be effective choices, especially if you also sell some additional products like cookies or other snacks. Try opening a booth in a park or other place where a lot of people visit, especially in hot weather.
Method 5 of 5: Saving

Step 1. Ask for cash in lieu of a gift
When your birthday comes, make sure your family members know you want to save and prefer cash as your birthday present.

Step 2. Open a bank account
Ask your parents to take you to the bank and open an account for you. You can earn interest on the money you save into your account. In addition, instead of saving money in a piggy bank, saving in the bank can keep you from using your savings for granted.
If you're worried that you'll be using your savings instead of saving it, try limiting the amount of money you can take out of your account each month. Although having a debit card can give you convenience, it's better if you don't have one because a credit card makes it easier to use money than to keep it

Step 3. Make a long term plan
The age of 13 is not too soon to make a financial budget. Maybe you want to save up to buy a computer or a special gift for someone. Therefore, determine how much money you need and how long it will take to collect that much money. Set a standard monthly savings so that you have enough money when you need it.
- Don't charge too high a price (or ask for too much money) so others don't feel like you're blackmailing them.
- Remember to be careful when you are hired by your neighbors. Make sure your parents allow you to work.
- Don't be too busy with your work. Remember that you also need time to study and do schoolwork.
- Make sure you always ask permission from your parents before doing or following the suggestions above.
- Be careful with strangers. You never know who they are and what they will do.
- Don't force your parents or family members to give you money. Such coercion will actually make them annoyed and reluctant to give you money.
- Don't be overwhelmed with your work. You also need to rest.
- Don't let your job interfere with your education. If you are too busy working and don't have time to do schoolwork, remember that you also have to show good performance in school so that in the future you can get a better paying job.