Nobody is perfect. Neither are you, me, or even the most successful people on the planet. Perfection is impossible to achieve. But what it really wants to achieve is to make people wonder if you are perfect. Here are a few steps to make people doubt whether it's possible that perfection isn't really that hard to grasp.
Method 1 of 3: On the Outside

Step 1. Get used to being hygienic
Staying fresh and clean gives the spirit to work towards a better self. Build a routine that makes you feel cleaner and smell good.
- Shower every day. Choose a bath soap that appeals to you and scrub your body! Don't feel obligated to wash your hair every day (and this actually makes your hair dry), but do wash it regularly, especially after a workout.
- Choose a shampoo and conditioner that suits your hair type. Use good hair care to increase the shine of your hair naturally.
Brush your teeth (and tongue) at least 2 times a day. Make this a habit when you wake up and before going to bed. Toothpaste with whitening will make your teeth sparkle better than ever.
When you brush your teeth, don't forget to use floss and mouthwash! This is not only a good habit, but also reduces the chances of gum disease and tartar
Use deodorant. The human body secretes oils and scents that don't always help us look our best. Regular use of deodorant will prevent unwanted odors from getting in between our bodies.
Don't go overboard with perfume. A light spray is a good idea, but being able to smell your perfume from across the street is less than ideal, even if you smell like a flower garden

Step 2. Get enough sleep
Sleeping 8 hours a day not only makes you feel energized and ready for tomorrow, but it also affects your appearance and quality of life.
- Circulation increases during sleep. This means that our skin absorbs nutrients best at night, preparing to look healthier and more radiant.
- Sleep and metabolism are controlled by the same area of the brain. Research shows that respondents who get more sleep lose more fat than those who lose more muscle.
- Sleep gives the brain time to combine memories. Sleep not only helps the process of retrieving information in the brain, but will also restructure memory which encourages the creative process. Our attention is sharpened, making it easier to focus (and get better grades!).
- Sleeping 8 hours a day fuels athletic power as well. Athletes who sleep about 10 hours a day are less tired during the day and run faster.

Step 3. Take care of your skin
This can mean various things, depending on the skin type. But whatever your skin type, develop that lifestyle.
- Know your skin type. If you have dry skin, use a face wash that is more moist and denser. If you have oily skin, use a mild, oil-free face wash. Wash your face at least once a day to remove dirt and air pollution.
- If you have acne, use a cleanser containing salicylic acid stsu benzoyl peroxide to fight blemishes on your face. If this doesn't work, then see a dermatologist. Don't pop your pimples--they will hurt your face and may even increase in number. Dress up right away to cover up pimples in an emergency, but this will clog your pores and encourage more breakouts later on.
- Protect your skin from the sun; 15 minutes outdoors can start the sun's impact. Use a facial and lip moisturizer with SPF 15. White and clean skin will always be more famous than dark, dirty, and wrinkled skin.
- Do not forget one part of the skin, namely the nails! The length or length is of course up to you, but make sure that you trim the sharp tips of your nails and keep them clean. So are your toenails!

Step 4. Style your hair
Everyone has a different ideal hairstyle. Experiment with different hairstyles or consult a hair stylist.
- If you find a hairstyle that suits you and you like, stick with it. Trim your hair every 6-8 weeks and comb with a rare comb. Too much combing can damage your scalp and hair.
- Stay away from treatments that use heat. Unnatural heat levels will dry out your hair and weaken it, and eventually become damaged. Air dry your hair naturally.
- Styling men's hair is also the same as the principles for women.

Step 5. Natural
Anyone who overdresses sends the message that you are not beautiful as you are. Staying natural means looking organically flawless.
- Use powder to cover up the shine of the oil.
- The blush and lip balm will give you a bright and radiant style.
Use a small amount of mascara to lengthen and accentuate your lashes.
If you have sensitive issues on your skin, get in the habit of using concealer and foundation. Using it right it looks good, but using it the wrong way can make it look too frenetic

Step 6. Dress up ideally
No look is perfect; in fact, the look that works best for you is the one you are most comfortable wearing.
- Whatever clothes you choose, make sure they are clean. Dirty is never cool.
- Don't worry about your style. Fashion trends come and go, and it's exhausting to keep up. Style yourself personally. Your money will last longer and you will be happier.
- Wear clothes that fit and are sufficient. Too tight means you're trying too hard, too loose and you're tired of lifting yourself up. When trying on clothes, consider all angles and try to walk or move while wearing them before buying.
Method 2 of 3: Inside

Step 1. Be confident
A person who lights up a room is someone who makes other people happy to be around him. Acting confident--whether you're confident or not--is the first step to representing the image you're aiming for.
- Hold your head! Body language speaks more than words. Keeping your back straight and holding your chin makes people aware of your presence and your confidence.
- Make eye contact. Let others know that you are paying attention. If you are shy from the look in his eyes, you will appear nervous and hidden. Confidence is not only sexy, it also gains people's trust faster.

Step 2. Smile
Happiness is contagious. If you are someone who is always funny and smiling, people will naturally like you.
Not only will the people around you feel a good mood, but you too! Your brain will take cues from the muscles: smile and you'll feel natural, even if you didn't before

Step 3. Healthy
When you feel bad, things become difficult to do. Being perfect is easier to achieve when you feel and look your best.
- A balanced and healthy diet. When we take care of our bodies, we take care of ourselves. Consumption of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables not only prevents weight gain, but also supports the formation of more energy, a lower risk of disease, and a longer life. Leave out processed items - often they are nutritionally devoid of nutrients and high in unnatural and unhealthy sugar.
- Stay active. Exercising is proven to make skin glow and lead to better sleep, as well as other benefits to your health. Walking a few times a week helps clear your mind, clear your skin tone, and makes you feel more relaxed.

Step 4. Love yourself
To be truly confident and beautiful, you have to love your skin. It may seem difficult, but the only thing holding you back is yourself.
- Write a list of all your good qualities. If you're having trouble, ask your friends what they think. Go through the list every morning and add more qualities when you notice them.
- Stay positive! If you find yourself thinking negatively, stop immediately. Negative thoughts are very possible to manage. If it keeps coming back, keep yourself busy with activity. If you need to get it out, write it in a journal. Keeping emotions in check only leads to stress and frustration.

Step 5. Open your mind
With closed minds, we cannot see perfection. The world out there is vast and you may not have all the information. As you shape your information, put yourself in someone else's shoes too.
- Keeping an open mind will lead to a positive attitude, empathy, and understanding -- attributes that attract people to you. You will become more open to your and other people's weaknesses, as well as other weak facts of this world. Other people will see you as someone who accepts them as they are so they will accept you too.
- Let bygones be bygones. Drowning over those who have hurt or betrayed you will only lower your spirits. Happiness, a positive attitude, and self-confidence -- the keys to perfection -- cannot be achieved if you are caught up in sentiments and desires for revenge.
Method 3 of 3: Taking It Outside

Step 1. Pursue your goal
Whatever it is, go after it. A person with ambition and unstoppable motivation.
- Your goals can be either concrete or abstract. Write down those goals. Also, write down how you got started. It could be appropriate from within, such as “I want to be more confident. In the next few weeks, I will 1) start a conversation with new people, 2) stand in front of a crowd, and 3) ask a man/woman for the phone number.” Or, it could be an external goal: “I want to save IDR 5,000,000/month. This can be achieved by limiting myself to eating out once a week, cycling to work, and 15 hours/month of overtime.”
- Commitment. As you begin to see your goals being fulfilled, your feelings of self-worth and pride will develop. In fact, much of the dilemma of being perfect is "believing" that you are perfect.

Step 2. Proficient at a skill
If you are an artist, then sing, paint, or dancer. If you're athletic, get on the court right away. If you're tech savvy, build a computer. Doing something well not only makes you interesting and multi-dimensional (and gives us a lot to talk about), but also leads to new and different opportunities.
Connect your skills to your goals. If you want to make more money, how can you do that with your skill set? Starting a side business? Selling your painting? If you want to lose weight, how do you fulfill it? Cooking low fat or vegetarian dishes? Strengthen your nature lover side by climbing mountains? Look within yourself for the answer -- usually it's easier

Step 3. Keep learning
There are many faces to your personality: you are not just a pretty face. Read up on current events and topics that interest you that can be a hot topic of conversation.
- In addition to being dynamic and avid reader, you will be a problem solver and quick to engage. "Uh oh, your potatoes grew early, didn't they? Should have put the apples in there!" "Yes, I read about it! What do you think will be the implications of China's new stance?"
- Do not forget about the benefits for yourself. You will be able to make better decisions and understand the bigger picture. What's more, having the mind to learn opens up job prospects and leads to more financial success.

Step 4. Be nice
If you are intelligent, confident, and skilled, it means nothing unless you put those qualities to good use. Take the opportunity to make other people's lives easier. Being smart and beautiful is great, but being smart, beautiful, sympathetic, and giving is close to perfection.
- Help others. When you see someone in trouble--bringing up a lot of household needs or math problems--offer for help. You will put a smile on his face, which will also put a smile on your face.
- Polite and respectful. If someone is different or feels different from you, take a step back before you judge. You may not fully understand where they are coming from and need clarification.
- Helping others doesn't end when you leave the room. Clean up yourself and make things easier for friends and family by being mean wise. If a family member is cooking dinner, it's a good idea to volunteer to clean the dishes. If a friend misses class, make notes for him or her. Take small opportunities to make the world around you brighter.
- In addition to being kind to the people around you, be kind to the planet too! It's the only one we have. Do not litter or use excessive electricity. Hitch someone else if you can and use recyclables if available.

Step 5. Be a good friend
Being perfect doesn't have to mean being selfish. In fact, being perfect often puts others first.
- Consider what other people want on what you want. What is good for you may not be good for everyone. Always thinking “me, me, me” will make you a shunned and unattractive person.
- Keep your promise. If you say you are going to do something, do it. If you have a lot to do, then don't make promises you can't keep. The last thing you want is to be called a liar.

Step 6. Commit to your values
Knowing yourself and what your values are will make it easier to make good decisions and become the person you want to be. Don't make excuses, lies, or hypocrisy. If you know something is true, it doesn't matter if it's popular or not.
Surround yourself with good people. It's easy to get caught up in a crowd that forgets respect, positivity, and development. Negative influences will get in the way of your being your best self
- What makes you happy pushes you closer to perfection. What makes other people happy pushes you closer to losing yourself.
- Perfection is a state of mind. If you work based on your perception, then it will happen. Shhakespeare reminds us when he writes “There is no good or bad, but thinking about it makes it seem that way.”
- Don't let other people's opinions determine your self-worth. One person may think you're perfect when another doesn't. You can't serve everyone, right?
- Never do anything that makes you uncomfortable or goes against your values in your pursuit of perfection.
- Perfection is not real. Pursuing something unattainable will make you very unhappy. Think of 'perfection' as your best and ideal side. This is only achievable.