Cleaning dog litter in the backyard is a must for the sake of maintaining the yard and pets. Clean dog droppings immediately in areas where people work, are and play to avoid stepping on them and spreading bacteria. Some bacterial parasites can be harmful to humans. For example, roundworm larvae can cause blindness in children. Choose the time and frequency of cleaning that suits you. Prepare all the necessary supplies, including a plastic bag, gloves, kitchen tissue, and a dirt shovel. Finally, determine how to dispose of the dirt in a safe and clean manner.
Part 1 of 3: Picking Up Poop

Step 1. Wrap the dirt
There are plastic bags specifically designed to hold dog litter and can be purchased at pet stores, but you can also use grocery plastic bags. Instead of recycling, set aside a number of used plastic grocery bags and store them in a place that is easy to remember and retrieve.
- You can pick up the dirt directly by wearing a plastic like a glove, then turning it over. Put your hands in a plastic bag, pick up the dirt, then make a bowl with your palms picking up the dirt, then pull the edges of the bag so that the outside of the plastic is now inside and enveloping the dirt. Tie the bag and dispose of it properly.
- You can also wear disposable gloves and use a tissue to pick up dog poop in the yard. Carefully scoop up the dirt with a paper towel and wrap it in, then put it in a plastic bag. Here's a great way to pick up some dog poop lying around in the backyard.
- Set aside lots of plastic bags as you will need to clean the dog's litter every day.
- Plastic dog litter bags can be purchased at pet stores and have a scented scent to mask the smell of the poop.
- Wash your hands thoroughly when you're done picking up all dog poop, even if you're wearing disposable gloves to prevent the spread of germs.

Step 2. Use a dirt shovel
A litter shovel is a tool that makes it easier for you to pick up dog poop. There are many variations, but the basic design is a small tongs or shovel at the end of the handle, which when pulled, closes around the dirt. Then you can transfer the dirt to the bag for disposal.
- Some models have a special bag that can be attached to the dirt shovel so that the dirt can go straight into the bag when it is picked up.
- Make sure the model obtained can be used on concrete and grass. That way, you can take it outside if you want.
- A poop shovel can be purchased at a pet store or hardware store.
- Store the shovel in the yard or garage and out of reach of children and pets. Flush or soak in disinfectant regularly to prevent the spread of bacteria.

Step 3. Get the freeze spray
There are commercial oxygen-based freezing sprays for dog litter that can be purchased at pet stores. This spray is useful when picking up loose or softened dog poop from the rain. Simply hold the nozzle 2.5 cm away from the dirt and spray for 2-3 seconds all over its surface. Dirt will solidify and easy to pick up.
- If you pick up the poop by hand, be sure to wait a few seconds after freezing the poop.
- Read the manufacturer's instructions for use when using the freezer spray.
Part 2 of 3: Choosing the Time to Pick Up Dog Poop

Step 1. Immediately pick up dog poop
If you catch your dog pooping, you can choose to either pick it up as soon as it's done, or wait for it to come in. This is the best option for those with small yards or lots of dogs.
- Supervise the dog when outdoors. This way, you can tell if your dog has pooped or not. Otherwise, you'll be forced to locate the dirt and collect it later.
- If you can't get the dog poop out right away, spray it with insect repellent. This spray will kill the flies all day long and the eggs will not hatch. Take the feces then according to his daily schedule. Do not spray insect repellent if the dog will return to the yard before you have time to clean up the sprayed dirt.
- If you have small children who will be using the backyard, it's a good idea to clean the dog poop as soon as possible, or at least once a day.

Step 2. Clean up the dog poop at the end of the day
Compared to keeping track of when your dog poops and picking it up after the dog has finished, having a regular schedule for cleaning your dog's poop saves a lot of time and effort. If you only have one dog, he won't poop more than once a day so you can clean up his litter at the beginning or end of the day.
- You need to know the location of the dirt to be able to apply this method. Divide your yard into strips 1-2 meters wide. Start at one corner and work your way through a row of pages while looking for dirt on the ground
- After checking one strip from end to end, move on to the strip next to it and check the soil.
- If you find dirt, put on gloves and remove the dirt with a paper towel, then put it in a plastic bag. Throw the bag in the trash.

Step 3. Take dog poop daily
If you clean the dog poop fast enough, the parasitic eggs and larvae hiding in it won't have time to enter the soil and grow and lay eggs. You must clean the dog's feces within 24 hours of the dog pooping.
Choose a time that suits you. Try to do this at the same time each day, such as after dinner or after a dog walk

Step 4. Establish a regular cleaning schedule
Whether you choose to clean your dog's litter every day or as soon as possible, apply it with commitment. Dog droppings can quickly accumulate if not cleaned regularly. The size of the backyard and the number of dogs using it determine how quickly and often you need to clean up dog litter. For large and small yards, dog litter needs to be cleaned every day.
- Always pick up dog poop during the day. Imagine the difficulty of finding dog poop in the dark of night. Even with the help of a flashlight, your chances of stepping on dog poop are still wide open. If you come home late or wake up too early, chances are the sun isn't shining. If so, clean up the dog poop in the yard next time.
- Don't make a schedule that you can't stick to.
Part 3 of 3: Throwing Dog Poop

Step 1. Consider having a separate trash can
If the garbage collector doesn't pick up the trash regularly, you could be worried about the smell of dog poo building up. Even though it's wrapped in plastic, the smell of dog poop can be quite strong, especially in the summer. You can deal with this by buying a smaller, covered trash can, specifically for holding dog poop. Install the liner like any other trash can, but leave it outside, and empty it into the large trash can when the garbage collector arrives.
- If the trash can tends to smell even without dog poop, it's useless to provide a special bin for dog poop.
- If you don't want to throw the dog litter bag in a separate trash can, put it in the main trash can (which the garbage collector will pick up later).

Step 2. Install the pet waste digester
Pet waste digester is a device that decomposes feces into safe and biodegradable liquids (biodegradable). The trick, just put the dirt in the opening, add warm water, and add a digester.
- The amount of water and digester that needs to be included depends on the digester model you have.
- This tool is fairly easy to install, but you will need to dig a shallow hole (usually about 0.03 cubic meters) in the yard. This way, liquid manure can be slowly released into the yard without flooding the grass.
- Always follow the manufacturer's guidelines when using a pet waste digester.

Step 3. Turn dog manure into fertilizer
In its natural state, dog poop is not a good fertilizer because it can contain harmful bacteria and parasites. However, new technology allows you to ferment dog feces using commercially available devices. The fermentation process will remove toxic elements and leave a highly nutritious soil.
- This conversion process is done by mixing the fermentative accelerator, dry mix, and a certain amount of water, then put the dog feces into a small bucket.
- Once the bucket is full, dig a small hole in the yard and pour the mixture. Cover with soil.
- After two weeks, the manure will completely turn into fertile soil.
- Animal manure fermentation systems can be purchased at hardware stores, but are easier to find online.
- Do not use dog manure on plants that are intended for human consumption.

Step 4. Be careful when flushing dog waste down the toilet
Many cities prohibit this because the sewage system does not process dog waste properly. So it's best to play it safe and throw the dog poop in the trash. You can also do research by contacting the Ministry of Health or the Directorate General of Waste, Waste and B3 Management to find out if dog feces can be disposed of in human toilets.
If your municipal sewerage system allows for flushing dog waste down the toilet, use a toilet-safe bag. This bag is specially designed so that it decomposes when it hits the water
- Keep a roll of plastic bag in your backyard so it's always ready to use.
- You can play some upbeat music as this can be quite a chore if dog poop is left in the backyard.
- If you ask your children to do this work, make sure they know how to clean dog poop and dispose of it safely. Also make sure they wash their hands well after cleaning the dog poop.
- If you don't like pooping your dog, find a professional to do it for you. Try asking the gardener if he wants to do it.
- If your neighbor's dog is pooping in your yard, ask him to lock the dog in his own area. Call the village head if the neighbors can't control the dog. In some areas, dog owners must ensure that their dog does not defecate anywhere
- If you don't want your dog to defecate in a certain area, fence off or cover the area.
- It's a good idea to wear gloves and use hot water to scrub the area clean. Use a disinfecting detergent to minimize the chance of spreading disease or parasites. If so, disinfect all tools used to clean the area.
- Don't splash dog droppings on sidewalks, patios, cement areas, etc. to prevent germs from spreading.
- If your dog's poop looks weird (like runny or soft), take your dog to the vet for a checkup.