People who live a life of obedience to God will have a romantic relationship based on the Word of God. To ensure that you and your loved one have a relationship that is directed toward God, choose a date who is obedient to God, be a channel of God's love when interacting with one another, and set aside time to pray together every day. Your relationship with God will get better and your relationship will be more harmonious if you always put God first in everything.
Method 1 of 2: Dating according to God's Word

Step 1. Find a lover who prioritizes a relationship with God
If you want to have a relationship that is directed towards God, make sure you choose someone who truly lives according to God's Word. Before asking someone out, pray that God will meet you with the right person. Don't choose a date just to get carried away or physically attracted. Make sure he has qualities that are pleasing to God, such as being patient, kind, and humble.
You can still serve God if you date someone who doesn't share your faith, but it may be difficult for you to have a relationship that is directed toward God

Step 2. Find a date with plans to get married
These days, many people date just for fun, but if you want to serve God, find a date who is obedient to God. Ask out people who meet the criteria to be your life partner. However, you don't have to marry the first person you date. When choosing a life partner, try to get to know him better and consider it carefully before making a decision.
For example, try to find out if the two of you are compatible in terms of your values, ways of worshiping, and your purpose in life

Step 3. Do not engage in physical intimacy before marriage
When you meet your lover, you may feel tempted to have sex or make out with him. Remember that people who have premarital sex are not pleasing in God's eyes. So that both of you are blameless before God, make an agreement to establish a relationship that is polite, respectful, and respectful of each other.
- For example, mutually agree that the two of you should only hold hands before marriage as a rule that shouldn't be broken.
- Don't engage in activities that seem innocent, but that may trigger lewd thoughts, such as sitting on your lap or massaging your shoulders.

Step 4. Understand the meaning of love according to God's Word in 1Corinthians 13:4-8
In the Bible, this well-known passage describes genuine love and explains exactly how to treat a partner in a relationship. People who are patient, believe in all things, expect all things, do not boast, and are not arrogant are people who have love. Apply these verses so that you are able to establish a healthy and directed relationship to God.
- The passage above states: "Love is patient; love is kind; it is not jealous. It does not boast and it is not arrogant. It does not act immodestly and does not seek its own advantage. It is not angry and does not hold the faults of others. He does not rejoice in injustice, but rejoices in the truth. He covers all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails."
- If you read the Bible from a different denomination, you may use this noble message to remind yourself how to treat your loved one and have a relationship that is directed toward God.

Step 5. Rely on God and your lover when you face difficulties
Many couples experience problems in a relationship, such as fighting because of different opinions or facing adversity. Whatever happens, don't blame each other. Trust that God will help you. Make sure you both stay in touch and support each other until God provides the best solution.
If you are both married, problems must be faced together for life. If the two of you can't work together right now, things will probably be the same after you get married

Step 6. Avoid situations that trigger the desire to sin
If you want to center yourself on God when you're dating, avoid people, places, and situations that will tempt you to do things that displease God. You may have implemented this step when you were single, but it will be more difficult if you are on a date and want to do activities together.
- For example, don't come to parties where alcohol is served and guests are taking drugs. Another example, don't join an event where participants dance erotically. It's a good idea for both of you to do something fun and rewarding, such as watching a badminton game or playing sports.
- Don't watch movies or TV shows that show scenes of sex, violence, or fighting. Choose media that broaden your horizons or knowledge.

Step 7. Spend time with a godly lover
Invite your lover to do activities with other partners or friends so that you are not tempted to make out. In addition, you can focus on God because you are in a community that is always focused on God. Do activities with a lover or friends of the same age on a regular basis.
- For example, join a prayer group once a week, do service with the church community, or just get together for fun, such as grilling fish on the beach, eating at a restaurant, or jogging.
- Relationships are more qualified if there is a spiritual guide who accompanies both of you. For example, meet a married couple who got married a few years ago. Ask them what problems they had while they were dating.
Method 2 of 2: Prioritizing Spiritual Life

Step 1. Develop a personal relationship with God continuously
So that you can establish a relationship that is directed to God, first make sure that your personal life is always directed to God. Set aside time to pray, read the Scriptures, and respond to His call. This step can motivate your lover to focus on developing his spiritual life so that both of you can benefit from it.
Take time each morning to pray. You will always be focused on God if you start the day with prayer

Step 2. Attend worship with your loved one
Even though he used to worship in different churches, invite him to worship together, at least once in a while. Hearing God's Word and praying together brings the two of you closer together so you can build a relationship that is directed toward God.
Invite him to participate in other activities at church, such as Bible studies, prayer meetings, or choir practice

Step 3. Study the Scriptures together so that both of you are closer and closer to God
By reading God's Word together, both of you can get guidance in life and strengthen your belief that God is the center of the relationship. The closeness that exists makes the two of you feel closer in a way that is beneficial to your spiritual life.
Read the daily devotional together or take turns from the Scriptures. Choose a passage that has special meaning for both of you

Step 4. Pray together as often as possible
Praying is a very important step in establishing a relationship with God and should be a priority when having a relationship. Praying together out loud may feel awkward at first, but if you practice regularly, you will get used to it and this activity will become an important part of dating.
- Pray together at every opportunity, such as before meals, every evening, or on the phone.
- Pray for your loved one as you pray privately.

Step 5. Support one another while serving God
Everyone feels called to serve God in various ways, such as being a mentor, helping people who are experiencing difficulties, or living life according to His calling. In addition to serving God the way you want, involve your loved one in the church community so he can use his abilities and talents to glorify God.
- For example, if he has a sweet voice, suggest that he join the church choir. Attend worship as he sings with the choir.
- Look for opportunities to serve God together, such as praying for patients in a hospital, cooking in soup kitchens for the homeless, or teaching children in a faith-building class.