Do you feel a longing to be able to communicate with someone who has passed away, or to learn more about the past from your ancestors? Perhaps you wished you could have a deliberation with a spirit that seems to be haunting your home. People have communicated with spirits for thousands of years in many different ways. Read on to learn how to communicate with this invisible spirit so you can do it yourself or with help from someone else.
Part 1 of 3: Communicating Directly with Spirits

Step 1. Increase your focus to sharpen your sixth sense
If you haven't been able to connect by focusing your mind on images of your deceased loved one, you should try other, more structured ways to raise your focus to the higher realms.
- Make it so that you can consciously recognize what it's like to be who you are in this moment. Record where you are, the time of day, and your feelings. Otherwise, you may have a hard time getting back into your senses again.
- Gradually, bring your senses into "subtle focus," or a state in which you become less able to recognize the physical surroundings around you in detail.
- Once your awareness is reduced, focus your attention on the energy that surrounds you in the room. Don't try to look for it, you just leave yourself open to the presence of forces in the room other than yourself. If you can sense someone is coming, try asking a question. The answers you receive may not appear in words, but can be in the form of certain images or feelings.

Step 2. Try to communicate through the power of your mind
Many skilled psychics believe that the ability to communicate with spirits is not only possessed by professional mediums, but that this ability resides within everyone who is able to increase their spiritual awareness. It does take some time and practice before you can connect with the spirits of your loved ones, but according to this theory, you can do it.
Calm down and clear your mind as if you were preparing to meditate. Sit in a quiet place free from things that can distract you. Close your eyes and free your mind from anxiety and other thoughts.
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Create a picture of your deceased loved one in your mind after you can clear your mind of other thoughts. Choose a picture of this person that represents your relationship with them. The more important this image is to you, the easier it will be for you to build a connection.
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Ask the ghost of a loved one a question after you can hold the image of this person in your mind for a few seconds. Keep your focus on this picture and wait. Don't say you believe this person will answer. Be patient until you receive an answer that you believe to be one that didn't come from your own mind.
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Step 3. Ask for answers to some easy questions
This technique doesn't always work to contact the spirits of your loved ones, but it is a common practice used by psychics who wish to conduct investigations by communicating with spirits in a location that is haunted or possibly inhabited by spirits. Go to a room where paranormal activity is most common. Ask questions with yes or no answers, and ask for answers in a certain way. The most common way to give an answer is by tapping and turning on the flashlight.
For knocking, ask the spirit in the room to give you one tap to answer yes or two to say no.
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If using light from a flashlight, use a flashlight that is easy to light, such as one with a button on the end. Place this flashlight on a flat surface in a position where it cannot roll over on its own. Try turning it on first by pressing the flashlight button to make sure that the light can turn on and off alternately. Ask the spirit in the room to press the flashlight button once to answer yes or twice to answer no.
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Part 2 of 3: Asking Others for Help

Step 1. Ask a medium for help
Mediums are usually experts in establishing connections with the spirits of the dead. You can usually contact a medium by searching online or in the phone book. If you want to communicate with a deceased loved one, mediums may meet you at home or ask you to come to their workplace.
- If you want this medium that communicates with the spirit you believe to be in your home, he must come to your house. Not every medium is willing to come to your house, usually they will ask you to come to their place.
- Be careful in choosing the medium you will contact. Even those who are skeptical about communicating with spirits will usually admit that not every medium can be trusted. Just like the others, there are fake artists who claim to be mediums. Do your research before you make an appointment with him to make sure you've picked the right medium. Before you meet them by appointment, take note of whether or not the medium you contact can direct you to ask questions and provide answers they say they can give you.
Step 2. Learn EVP and EMP technologies
EVP technology or Electronic Voice Phenomena (Electronic Voice Phenomena) occurs when a sound that normally cannot be heard by the human ear can be recorded by a digital recording device. EMP technology or Electromagnetic Pulse (Electromagnetic Waves) can only be recorded using an EMP measuring instrument. In order to use these tools, you must be in a room that is considered to have high spiritual energy and then ask a few questions there.
If you want to use EVP, you can ask any question. This method is usually used to find out the name of the spirit that is there or other things that are not yet known. Ask your question, giving it enough time before you ask the next question so that the spirit there has enough time to answer. Play the recording again and listen carefully for any mumbling or unusual sounds that could translate into an answer.
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EMP usually only gives a yes or no answer. The most commonly used EMP measuring instruments usually use a lamp that will turn on itself when the electromagnetic energy increases. Ask questions and ask the spirit in the room to turn on this light once which means yes, and twice which means no.
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Step 3. Have a meeting to communicate with the spirits
This meeting is done by gathering people who can communicate with spirits using their collective energy. To hold this meeting, you must gather at least three people who are ready to do this. This method can be used to communicate with spirits or spirits that wander. But be careful because this method has a risk where you may come into contact with evil spirits.
Create an atmosphere by dimming the lights and lighting candles. Place three candles, or several candles in groups of three. You can also burn frankincense.
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Ask those present to hold candles while making a circle around the table. Say the spell to summon a spirit.
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Alternatively, you can also summon spirits using the Ouija board which is commonly used in the jelangkung game.
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Wait for the answer, repeat the spell again if needed.
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Once you can connect, ask questions calmly.
Talk to the Dead Step 6Bullet5 - End the meeting by breaking the circle and turning off all the candles.
Part 3 of 3: Praying and Using Other Ways

Step 1. Pray
Not every faith has a way of praying to or for spirits, but there are beliefs that do this. These prayers are essentially supplications for others and are performed in two ways.
- The first way, this prayer is intended for your loved ones who have died so that they feel calm and happiness in the next life, and is not specifically addressed to them, but at the time of praying maybe you should be able to find out if the soul of your loved one is listening or not. understand your prayers.
- The second way, you pray to the spirits of your loved ones. You are not asking for salvation from this spirit, but you are asking your loved ones to be willing to intercede or pray for you from there. There are people who believe that once in the spiritual realm, the spirit of a person whose faith was strong during their lifetime can make more powerful requests or pray for you to God from there.

Step 2. Get answers by looking in the mirror
Looking in the mirror is a common way of trying to communicate with the spirits of your loved ones. Just as the way to establish a connection with spirits is using your mind, this way you will use a mirror to establish a clearer connection.
- Calm your mind. Step into a quiet room where you can be alone and stand in front of the mirror. Close your eyes and free yourself from worries, strong emotions, or unrelated thoughts.
- Focus your thoughts on the person you want to talk to. Create a picture of this person in your mind. Make this picture as clear as possible until you can see what they look like.
- Slowly open your eyes and look in the mirror. Imagine the image you have in mind will appear in the mirror. Even if this image is blurry or overlaps with your own, you should be able to see the image of your loved one's spirit in the mirror.
- Ask a question. Don't demand an answer, just wait. Be aware that the answer may come in the form of an emotion or image rather than in words.
Step 3. Communicate with the spirit through the objects it once possessed
Some say that objects that were once owned by a deceased person are still connected to this person's spirit. Possession can give you the power to summon this person's spirit to you and communicate with you. If you want to talk to the spirit of a loved one, look for clothes, books, or other personal items that he or she used to wear. Take this thing to the place where it usually lives or stays. Hold this thing and start a conversation with it.

Step 4. Speak without asking for an answer
If you have doubts or skepticism about communicating with the spirits of your loved ones through a psychic or supernatural agent, you can talk to the spirits without needing to get an answer. For those who believe in the existence of spirits, there is also the belief that these spirits can take care of the lives of their loved ones. You can communicate with the spirits of your loved ones anywhere, or you can choose a place that has a special meaning, such as a funeral or a place that can remind you of a beautiful experience. Tell the person what you think. You can ask questions, but since you don't expect answers, you shouldn't limit yourself to asking questions.
- You have to be very careful when trying to communicate with spirits, especially if you are feeling sad because you are in a vulnerable condition for evil spirits to enter. There are evil spirits or demons, even if you don't really believe in communicating with spirits, believe in this. They can overwhelm you, in my opinion, and you don't even realize this yourself. Trust me…be careful and for your safety, don't drive a vehicle or hold a gun right after you do this!
- Maintain a balance between skepticism and open-mindedness. For the methods presented to be useful, you must have an open mind about this experience. At the same time, it's easy to get influenced and pretend you've succeeded if you feel discouraged that you can't do it.
- Talk to spirits while you sleep. Ask the deceased person questions before you go to sleep. If you really want them to answer your question, they may come in your dream and give you the answer you are looking for. But this method also does not always work.
- Ask yourself why you want to communicate with spirits. If the reason is simply out of curiosity, you should reconsider what you want. This is not something to be taken lightly and should be carefully considered if you really want to have this communication.
- Ask yourself if your belief about communicating with spirits is true in the way your belief holds. There are certain religions that forbid communication with spirits, and there are reasons for that belief. Ask yourself if your beliefs, either personally or organizationally, allow you to make this contact.
- If you have an object that is usually owned by a spirit you wish to contact, or one that was given to you after a funeral, hold this object when you try to communicate with it.
- You may not be able to communicate directly with spirits clearly as stated in this article but that doesn't mean that they aren't paying attention to you. Mediums train for years; so don't be disappointed if you don't succeed the first time.