You may feel nervous about making out with a girl, but to do it right, you just need to be confident and know what to say to get a girl's attention. Once you get the girl to notice you, make her feel special, and start setting her mood, and all you need is a kiss to make out with her. If you want to know how to make out with a girl, just follow these steps.
Method 1 of 3: Get Him To Notice You

Step 1. Tease him
If you want to make out with a girl, you have to flirt with her first to show that you can relate well. To flirt with a girl in the right way, you have to let her know that you're interested in her but without revealing any further. Once you've made eye contact with her, don't be afraid to approach her and have a flirty chat. Here are some ways to tease her:
- Tease him with body language. Maintain eye contact when talking to him, keep your body towards him, and lean slightly so that you are closer to him.
- Tease him with words. Gently tease her about everything she owns, from her pet cat to her pink shoes, and do it all while letting her know that you think she's a very charming girl.
- Try to stay light. Keep the jokes light, fun and flirty when you're first trying to get to know the girl. If you get too serious right away, he'll think you're too tense.
- Don't forget to smile and laugh. Let him know how much you like chatting with him without having to say it in person.
- Touch him lightly. If all goes well, give him a light touch on the shoulder or arm.

Step 2. Make her feel special
Every girl wants to feel like she's the only girl in the world, so you have to make her feel like she's a completely unique person, even if you're just trying to make out with her. To make her feel special, you have to be a good listener, ask the right questions, and make her feel like everything she says is important.
- Ask him questions. Don't ask things too far. Just ask his siblings, his favorite band, and what he likes to do on the weekends.
- Listen earnestly. Don't look around the room when he's talking; better put away/turn off the cell phone, and break eye contact only when smiling and looking down if the atmosphere gets too tense.
- Let him know about what makes him different from other girls. You don't have to say, "I've never met anyone like you," but you can say, "I've never heard anything so funny." Let him know that he is a unique person.

Step 3. Attract him
Attractive people can walk into any room and talk to anyone without feeling uncomfortable. To attract a girl, you have to radiate confidence and show that you are completely comfortable with yourself and that you like talking to people and making them feel good.
- Always be positive. Attractive people do their best and always pay attention to the important things in life. That's why many people want to be around him.
- Show that you can talk to anyone. Even though you should focus on the girl, if her friends are nearby, you should attract them while still getting the girl's attention. This will show that you can talk to anyone.
- Impress him with your intelligence. Don't just laugh when he says something funny; please reply with a nice comment.

Step 4. Don't seem too "wanted"
While it's important to keep the girl interested, you still have to be "shy but willing" if you really want her to make out with you. No girl wants to hook up with an easy-to-get guy; You should seem interested, but not desperate to make out with him at all costs. There's a fine line between flirting and aggressive approaches, so make sure you don't shower the girl with too much affection.
- You should compliment her, but don't tell her that she's beautiful, impressive, and has a very sexy body. He'll start to feel like you're being complimented too much or think you're not really being sincere.
- Don't talk about why you've never had a boyfriend and be surprised that a nice girl like her wants to talk to you. You should make him feel like girls like talking to you all the time even if that's not true.
- Sometimes it's a good thing to make him feel a little jealous. If you mention other girls, briefly flirt with other girls, or just generally don't pay much attention to them, the girl will want you more. Now, if you try to lure another girl right in front of him, then he will soon lose interest in you.

Step 5. Know when to stop
If the girl is not interested, you will quickly find out. If you've tried everything you can, but he's showing signs of irritation or boredom, looking around the room, or signaling to a friend to help him out of the situation, then it's time to let him go. Don't chat with him any longer, or you'll just embarrass yourself. If he doesn't want you, that's okay. Switch and realize that you will find others who are not immune to your charisma.
If he clearly doesn't want you, be polite when you say goodbye. Don't make things worse by saying, "It can't be helped, it's obvious you don't like me." Better just tell him that you are happy to meet him and move on with your life
Method 2 of 3: Make Him Want You

Step 1. If things go well, ask him to go out with you
You can't make out with him if you don't ask him out, right? Tell the girl that you had a great time talking to her and ask her if she'd like to continue the conversation over eating and drinking sometime in the future. Or if you're brave and run into him at a nightclub or bar, ask him to come home with you, but remember that this can make you look like a player if the two of you are just getting to know each other. But if all you want is to make out, then ask him to come over.
If you really like the girl, then you should first date her a few times before trying to make out with her

Step 2. Set the mood
Once you're alone with him, whether that night or after a few dates, it's a good idea to set the mood before trying to do anything to make him feel more romantic. When he returns to your place of residence, make sure that everything is clean, the light is slightly dim, and that you have a supply of food: wine, cheese, chocolate, or some other delicious treat.
Be a gentleman when he comes. Take off and hang up his coat and ask if he wants something to drink or eat

Step 3. Praise him
You don't have to overdo it. Just say that she looked great that night, that you liked her earrings, or that you loved spending time with her. Make sure she feels special before you make an approach.
Don't be insincere. Say something nice that's true. He'll be able to tell if you're just complimenting him for trying to make out with him

Step 4. Try a light touch
If he seems receptive and you sit next to him, then you can try a light touch before you start kissing him. Put your arms around him, place your hands on his knees, or even squeeze his hands to let him know you're attracted to him. You can even gently stroke her hair or put your arms around her waist if you're feeling brave enough.
- See how it responds. If he's comfortable with your touch, he'll move closer to you, smile, and start putting his hands on you too.
- After a light touch is successful, you can try kissing him.
Method 3 of 3: Making Out With Him

Step 1. Kiss him
Kissing a girl for the first time is not something scary. Remember to feel confident, don't rush, and know what to do with the rest of your body. Don't put too much pressure on yourself to get the perfect first kiss with a girl, and just focus on enjoying kissing the girl for the first time. Here's how to do it:
- Look into her eyes and brush her hair to the side so it doesn't cover her face. Let him know that you want to kiss him without having to say so.
- Move closer to him with slightly parted lips. Kiss him and see how he responds. The two of you can kiss locking lips for a few seconds or longer.
- If he wants to continue kissing, then you can try French kissing after a few minutes; just don't put your tongue in his mouth or he'll be surprised.
- Gently move your arms around her waist or shoulders, but don't start to feel her body or she will feel uncomfortable.

Step 2. Touch him more intimately
Once he lets you know he's ready to move on to the next stage, you can start touching him more intimately while kissing him. If he moves into your lap, or if you are on top of him, then things get hotter. You can try placing your hands on more intimate parts of her body once she's comfortable. This will make him aroused and make him more excited.
- If you've been kissing for a while and he starts to touch you all over, put your hand to his chest, but be very careful to see how he responds. If he lets you know he likes him, then move on.
- Wipe the thighs and the back of the thighs. Keep going as long as he likes it.
- You can start kissing his neck or under his ears. You don't have to limit yourself to just kissing her lips.

Step 3. Undress (optional)
For some, making out means just kissing, and if you've reached that goal, then be happy that you've accomplished it. But, if you both want more, then it's time to go to the bedroom and start undressing. Help the girl to undress gently, and don't be in a hurry when doing it.
- Don't take off all your clothes at once. Once he starts undressing, it's a good idea to take off clothes in a relatively equal degree.
- Don't make her feel uncomfortable by taking off all of your clothes while she's still fully clothed, or removing all of her clothes while you're still dressed.
- Unbutton his shirt or slip it over his head. Then remove the bra by releasing the hook located on his back. Don't make awkward comments about having trouble letting go. Just relax and you'll be able to take it off.
- Don't rush to take off your clothes. Wait for him to pass your t-shirt over your head or start removing your belt.
- After she takes off all her clothes, tell her how beautiful she is.

Step 4. See if he's ready to go further
If you want to have sex with a girl, make sure that she wants it too. Both of you should not be drunk, wanting each other, and ready to have a good time. And being prepared to have a good time means having condoms or other things ready in advance that you might need for sex.
- Don't rush it. Make sure you get the girl's approval first, and that she's doing it because she really wants to, not because you're pushing her.
- Even if it's obvious that you both want to do it, you should take the time to warm up so that you're both passionate enough when the time comes.
- Don't be upset if a girl rejects your approach. Be respectful, apologize, and step aside.
- Be careful and prepare yourself.
- Don't use too much cologne – the smell will be overwhelming.
- Find out if you will be able to see the girl again or not, and if you do, what will you say.
- You have to know when to stop.